New Chapter for A Quintet of Drabbles
A Quintet of Drabbles
Pearle23 Reviews | 0 Likes, 2 Favorites
The bed is cold at three in morning when Severus wakes up alone.
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About Pearle
72 Stories | Favorited by 493 | 67 Reviews Written | 105 Review Responses
I am amazed and enthralled with the Harry Potter universe, with the emphasis on Snape. HG/SS is my favorite ship (you have been warned). I like sci-fi ? Star Wars, Quantum Leap, Star Trek, and Ray Bradbury to name a few. Horror also catches my interest as in Stephen King. I am a married, mother of two teenagers, multiple pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, turtle), and I work way too many hours. The rest is window dressing and subject to change without notice. I am also on staff on a wonderful new site called Playwitch. Visit when you get a minute:
Dances With Witches was a winner in the laughter category of the Multifaceted Awards (Round 2) - Thank you!
Here Be Pirates - Nominated for a Round Three Multifaceted Award in the categories: Endurance ~ The Challenge Response Award and Laughter ~ The Humour Award
Destiny is a featured story for September
*Squee - points to banner*

Reviews for A Quintet of Drabbles
Hahahaha, oh my goodness, Severus! How could he have forgotten to propse? Lol, silly man.
Fantastic job with all of these drabbles!
Oh my gosh, Severus is just so sweet. Quite jealous of Hermione here!
Love the banter between these two! :)
Oh... Severus... I just want to give him a big hug. I do enjoy stories where Severus is given "the talk" by Hermione's father. :)
hahaha, oh goodness, I loved this! What an awesome birthday surprise for Droxy!
Hee! No arguing with that :)
I only hope he faired better with his mother in law - they can be ferocious!
She does bare an uncanny resemblance, doesn't she? Most deserving of a cake!
Adorable! I loved this!
It was the last coherent thought either of them had for quite some time.
A happy ending if ever I saw one!
Awww ...
Yes, that sounds about right on all accounts. :)
HaHa! His double, indeed.
I loved every chapter, especially this last one. Very well done:-))
I Love It!
Have you got the time zones reversed, perhaps? I thought England was ahead of us.
Have you got the time zones reversed, perhaps? I thought England was ahead of us.
There is no known cure, for the effects of know and ...then on the memory. BEWARE we are none of us emmune.
I love a man that not only has good intenations, but follows through with them.
AS long as they both agree on that, they will be fine.
A very wise man.
So glad Severus has decided to wait, icing can be hell to clean of kitchen surfaces.