New Chapter for Caru Rhwymydd
Caru Rhwymydd
Meladara15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
In this one wild fall down the shifting staircases of Hogwarts, with the eyes of the student body watching, something sparks to life, and it will leave every understanding the world has ever had of him and of the girl who is Hermione Granger completely and utterly invalid.
Start ReadingChapters (3)
About Meladara
Member Since 2011 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 33 | 60 Reviews Written | 242 Review Responses
I'm a 30-something mother of three girls and keep chickens, frogs, and cats.
I love to read, write and play the piano. I've also been known to occassionally sketch, paint, crochet, and sew. I hate laundry (but honestly, who doesn't!?)
I hope you enjoy my little stories as much as I have enjoyed so many others.
Thanks for reading!
Reviews for Caru Rhwymydd
I really enjoyed this story so far, sad to see it stop here just when things are getting exciting! Hope you someday come back to it and save us from the cliffhanger!
Do you have plans to continue this story? I'm completely invested and dying to know what happens next. Please come back!
Response from Meladara (Author of Caru Rhwymydd)
Sorry! Life took over. It is finished. I'll try and get it into the queue to be posted soon! Thanks for reading! I'm so pleased you enjoyed my story. :)
Response from snivellivellus (Reviewer)
YES! Thanks so much! Life always comes first ;)
Rather sad and poignant. Looking forward to the next chapter.
You have a very nice rhythm and cadence to your style of writing. Well done.
Hermione is still Hermione, in spite of th hex, and { I'm guessing here } somewhere inside love for a certain Potions Master is growing. The full story of the bracelet will no doubt be revealed in due course.
Without missing another beat, the room is filled with a quiet but emphatic, "Yes!"
The hurt she must feel at finally knowing that her protectors– friends and professors alike– have all given up on finding a way to help her in even the smallest way... it breaks my heart. But now Severus has apprised her of her circumstances and offered to try to help her, and that must feel like an offer of cool water to someone lost in a desert.
If Severus can find even the smallest smidgen of a memory of that moment in the battle when she was hexed, maybe he can find a way to ameliorate the curse and give her back her life and her freedom. In her place I would be furious to know that I was made a ward of the state and then forgotten about. And to deny Severus– the only person willing to continue the search for a cure– is unconscionable at best and criminal at its worst.
I can't wait to find out what the next chapter holds. This is such a well written story, filled with enough twists and turns to please any reader who loves a good detective story... and I hope Severus will be able to provide a solution to this mystery.
I cannot begin to imagine what it must be like for Hermione to unable to remember things from one day to the next. And my heart breaks for her and Severus– clearly there is some strong attachment that binds them to each other– the only difference between them seems to be that Hermione cannot remember and Severus can't forget. I hope with all my heart that he can find a way to break the curse that holds her.
Ron can't seem to leave her alone, and Severus can't keep from seeking her out either. It just seems that Ron's interest stems from a selfish need to keep her, and Severus wants more than anything to protect and free her.
The lodestone bracelet seems to have some sort of magical power to link Hermione and the Potions master. She must have known about its connection to him prior to her being hexed, otherwise how would she have remembered that it belonged to him?
Thanks for another wonderful chapter! And now I'm off to the next one.
A beautiful beginning! Looking forward to more and soon, please.
Well written. I like the perspective it is done in. Looking forward to reading the whole thing.
Reading this first chapter kind of reminded me of the movie "50 First Dates". I feel bad for Severus. He obviously has deep feelings for Hermione, but there's no way he can act on them now, since she won't remember a thing the next day. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Great first chapter. I do hope there is more soon.
Hermione hexed, and now Severus has been affected in some way by the fall. Shall look forward with anticipation to learn of the story behind both the hexing and the bracelet.
Thanks you for writing and sharing.
I have not read any of your work before,but this a beautiful start!!
Response from Meladara (Author of Caru Rhwymydd)
Thank you very much! I do so hope you enjoy the story as it progresses! Happy reading! ~Mel
An interesting start, looking forward to reading more. That, and the fact that you put the title in Welsh is awesome...
Response from Meladara (Author of Caru Rhwymydd)
Thank you! Heee! I fretted over that Welsh endlessly. I still have no idea if it is correct, but I did my best! Glad you like it! :D
I am completely enraptured with this first chapter, and I cannot wait to see where the story goes. Thank you.Beth
Response from Meladara (Author of Caru Rhwymydd)
Oh! Thank you, Beth. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! ;)
An interesting begining, looking forward to more.