New Chapter for Hallelujah
Minerva12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Severus Snape watches a sombre gathering from afar.
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Reviews for Hallelujah
Poignant and bittersweet, thank you.
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
Thank you for reviewing!
Poignant and bittersweet, thank you.
I think Hagrid might have said something, too - and Kingsley.Any chance of a follow-up in which Lucius and Hermione figure things out - secretly and separately from ach other?Thank you for writing this!
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
You are right. From canon I cannot deduce whether Hagrid would be a true friend on his own for Severus or whether he only defends him because Dumbledore trusts him. I like to think that - with all his empathy for injured animals - Hagrid instinctivly knows that Severus is not truly bad.As to Kingsley I like to imagine that in him S has an intelligent and relieable, if not friend, then comrade in arms.These reviews have prompted me to consider a follow-up. I like the idea, but so far the story is very vague in my imagination. I haven't written anything with LM as a major character therefore I need time to familiarise myself with him. Plus there's quite a few stories sitting on my computer waiting for final adjustmenst and betaing!Thank you!
So, maybe as moved as he was by the service, and having touched so many lives, he will eventually decide to come back? That would be an interesting story to read- the follow up to thus where hermione or Lucius figures things out, discover him, and bring him back to the wizarding world..
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
I had it written as a one-shot and only recently, after reading some of the reviews, thought of continuing. But that might be a long while off, at the moment this plot-bunny has not bitten me yet, it only winked in passing.Thank you for your long review!
That sounds more like an opening chapter than a one shot.....hint hint....
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
I heard your hint loud and clear. After reading it at first I balked at the idea, but after it has simmered for a while it grows more and more plausible. I have read quite believable stories with Hermione - Lucius interaction, I am not sure I am up to it right now. But I might be later, after the seed you planted in my imagination has had time to grow. Thank you!
Excellent job. Obviously the words JKR or her editors accidently left out of the last book.
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
Must be those wicked editors who probably had a harsh chemistry teacher in school ...Thank you!
Sneaky Snape. Glad he heard and saw he was worth more than just being a spy. Thanks for sharing.
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
Thank you!
The song fits Severus to a tee.
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
I thought so as well, even if Severus has not much in common with Shrek;)Thank you!
Love that song and think you used it perfectly in this story. Thank you.
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
Thank you!
I had a lump in my throat when I finished reading this story. Cohen's Hallelujah has always been a favorite, and I've always thought it was the perfect theme for our Severus.Five stars are not nearly enough for me to tell you how much I love this. In less than a thousand words you almost brought me to my knees. Well done!!!Beth
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
I am honoured, thank you!
This writing stands alone as does the, perhaps, does the actor who gave the part so many layers. It recognizes: the effort put forth by so many humans for a joyous ending, when life doesn't and can't end that way; that mourners are mourning for themselves; that mourning isn't wrong, but necessary; that a mourner must go one step further and wish those departing a quick journey to another life, not of more pain, but more joy, more happiness. It's called hope...and should be called as frequently as possible. Thank you, JF
Response from Minerva (Author of Hallelujah)
Thank you for your long review.It hits close to home right now as on Wednesday a colleague's husband died, who was only two years older than my own husband. I hope to share your thoughts with her in a few weeks.