New Chapter for Professor Granger's Puzzle
Professor Granger's Puzzle
Meladara98 Reviews | 98 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
Hermione finds a certain amount of comfort that her deepest, darkest secret is securely hidden in the Arithmantic puzzle encircling her classroom. However, when our favorite dark wizard decides to break her code, she must face the fact that the tenuous balance on which she has built her life could come crashing down at any moment.
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About Meladara
Member Since 2011 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 33 | 60 Reviews Written | 242 Review Responses
I'm a 30-something mother of three girls and keep chickens, frogs, and cats.
I love to read, write and play the piano. I've also been known to occassionally sketch, paint, crochet, and sew. I hate laundry (but honestly, who doesn't!?)
I hope you enjoy my little stories as much as I have enjoyed so many others.
Thanks for reading!
Reviews for Professor Granger's Puzzle
It was a lovely story! I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing it!
Nicely ended. Thanks for sharing!
Aw! Lovely, lovely, lovely chapter!
Ooh. He's nearly there! Nice to see Severus determined to see this through (so far). Off to read more...
ooh, lovely chapter! Why do i have the feeling that once he breaks this puzzle he's going to feel that she had to have enchanted him or something? Off to read more....
Oh dear. She really didn't calculate for his interest, did she?
*drum roll* .... !!! :)
*drum roll* .... !!! :)
Loved the build up here! And she totally misunderstood his reasons, but you can't blame her.
I love that he is now interested because she is so brilliant, and lovely, he now sees.
What a cool story concept. Nice for Hermione to challenge her students in such a way. And Severus paying her such compliments... Now that's an accomplishment in itself.
Awwwww.... poor Hermione. So stressfull!
I started reading this over at Ashwinder, but found it updated here. Now I'm reading it here and can't wait for the next exciting episode. ^_^
Oh, this is awful. I mean, it is awful not seeing what happens next. You write the emotions so vividly that I found myself almost feeling as sick and stressed as poor Hermione when she realized who was about to solve her puzzle. Pleeeeassse don't keep us in suspense for too much longer!
rut oh! nasty cliffie and they getting on so well lol thanks.
Oh, Oh..Poor Hermione, This is just her worst nightmare, or her greatest hope...I can't help but wonder what Severus is going to do when at last he solves this puzzle...
I hope he will go to her and explain that he values her friendship and wants more than just that friendship..They are both so lonely..
WELL DONE!! I can't wait to see what happens next!! Whoohoo!!
You just made my day!
Excellent chapter! I've added this to my bookmarks so that I will get your updates. This is such a sweet, lovely story. I can't wait to see what direction you take it in. Well done!!! :)
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Oh! Thank you. I do so hope you enjoy the rest of the story as well.
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Oh! Thank you. I do so hope you enjoy the rest of the story as well.
Excellent beginning! Anything that would get Severus intrigued is alright in my book. On to the next chapter! :D
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
LOL! He is rather intrigued, isn't he. :) Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reviewing!
And Severus is hooked, awesome!
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Heee! Yes, he is! :P
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Heee! Yes, he is! :P
Such lovely writing. Without actually saying it in so many words, it conveys an impression of Severus and Hermione at opposite entrances of a maze, working their way toward the center and each other. I look forward to seeing how it develops.
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Wow! I love that image. Thank you,
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
! :D
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Wow! I love that image. Thank you,
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
! :D
Sounds like he will learn more tha he expected about her as he works on her equation. :)
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
HAHA! I expect so. But it is always so much fun to surprise Severus! :P
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
HAHA! I expect so. But it is always so much fun to surprise Severus! :P
Whoohoo!! So glad you updated this, I love it! Glad Severus has managed to figure out what he has on the puzzle, Boy is he gonna be surprised when he figures out the rest!!I hope he will begin to talk to Hermione..A small word here or there!! LOL!! I can't wait to see what happens next!WELL DONE!!
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
! I'm so thrilled that you are enjoying it! :D
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
! I'm so thrilled that you are enjoying it! :D
This is fun. The puzzle seems quite an appropriate metaphor for Hermione's attitude, here: wearing her heart on her sleeve, so to speak, but protecting it fiercely with her own brilliance. Come to think of it, Snape is much the same, hiding his passion and his emotions with superb Occlumency. As for the puzzle, it seems to me likely to be a case of the irresistible force and the immovable object. I do wonder whether Severus will solve it, or if he'll find out some other way, and the puzzle will solve itself when it is no longer a secret. Tiny bit of concrit (to a writer who obviously cares about writing): use "like" when comparing nouns, "as" to compare verbs: "much as he had."
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
So very, very true--on all points! :P *blushes at mistake* LOL! Thanks,
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
! :) (Also, I have to second Juni/Kar's request! Your fics are loved and missed!)
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
So very, very true--on all points! :P *blushes at mistake* LOL! Thanks,
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
! :) (Also, I have to second Juni/Kar's request! Your fics are loved and missed!)
Looking forward to reading more--hm88
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Yay! It makes me happy that others enjoy my bits of fluff! LOL! :D
Response from Meladara (Author of Professor Granger's Puzzle)
Yay! It makes me happy that others enjoy my bits of fluff! LOL! :D