New Chapter for Fiendfyre
TeddyRadiator17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About TeddyRadiator
Member Since 2010 | 32 Stories | Favorited by 519 | 63 Reviews Written | 2,566 Review Responses
Just a small town girl who loves HG/SS fanfiction. You can always find me at LiveJournal: where I 'live' on the net.
Reviews for Fiendfyre
Why is it difficult for me to imagine Severus and Min as a couple? Min seems the least likely to make the first move unless it is in the job of offering comfort to the boy she once knew but is now a man with a capital M. Maybe she offers him a sympathic hug and kiss his cheek. She tells him what a wonderful man he is and how she feels about him. It totally seems like it would be a one time thing as a way to provide him comfort during a dark time.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you for reading!
When I first encountered a SS/MM story, I totally turned up my nose at it. But then, curiosity got the best of me and I peeked. And loved it. I have never come across anyone who hasn't handled them with care, and because of that, I have become a big fan of the pairing. Won't ever replace SS/HG, not by a long shot, but she affords the relationship a different dynamic than Hermione, and I like to see explored.This was so sad, but I am glad that he had her, and that she understood that even if she was a substitute, she was helping him tremendously. And I don't believe for a minute that he would have let just anyone get that close, so while she may not be the girl of his dreams, she was carefully chosen for the role. Still ... *sniffles*
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you. This fic haunts me a little; I feel some sort of ancient echo with it. Who knows? Perhaps it is something similar that happened in a previous life. Whatever the case, it always leaves me with a dreadful longing only my sweet Muse can comfort.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you. This fic haunts me a little; I feel some sort of ancient echo with it. Who knows? Perhaps it is something similar that happened in a previous life. Whatever the case, it always leaves me with a dreadful longing only my sweet Muse can comfort.
Omg that was devastating! Beautiful but devastating.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you for reading!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you for reading!
Oh...Our hubby calls his younger brother that...never me or the girls...we're Treasures or Sweethearts....aye even from a Manc. This was lovely Teddy. Minerva was always one of my favourites...maybe because she was a Scot or maybe just Dame Maggie...I don't know. But you have captured them perfectly and it is so bittersweet. I think Minerva must have suspected Sev's true loyalties at some point. Mind you in canon she was quite scathing...accusing him as having "done a bunk". Great stuff. Best wishes, Love Ali xxxx.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Gosh, you know, I've heard 'Our kid' so much, I never thought it might be gender specific! Do you think I should change that? I'm serious!! But I'm also glad you liked it. Everyonce in awhile my melancholy comes out, and SS/MM is a good outlet for it.
Response from aliciana (Reviewer)
No Teddy as far as I am aware it doesn't relate to gender but is actually more passed onto a sibling. Ie I once heard Noel Gallagher say it in a cameo role in a play. There was a ruckus in a club and he said .....Sounds like Our Kid has arrived meaning Liam had come in. Mind you the Northern dialogue used to flummox me. A potential suitor called my young sister...your kid...and I said she's not my kid..she's my sister. Likewise I said yes I am rather FIT...I play badminton three times a week! Luckily at age fifteen I was incredibly fit both in health and in looks. Mother of god how times have changed LOL! Them were the days. Ali xxxxxx.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Gosh, you know, I've heard 'Our kid' so much, I never thought it might be gender specific! Do you think I should change that? I'm serious!! But I'm also glad you liked it. Everyonce in awhile my melancholy comes out, and SS/MM is a good outlet for it.
Response from aliciana (Reviewer)
No Teddy as far as I am aware it doesn't relate to gender but is actually more passed onto a sibling. Ie I once heard Noel Gallagher say it in a cameo role in a play. There was a ruckus in a club and he said .....Sounds like Our Kid has arrived meaning Liam had come in. Mind you the Northern dialogue used to flummox me. A potential suitor called my young sister...your kid...and I said she's not my kid..she's my sister. Likewise I said yes I am rather FIT...I play badminton three times a week! Luckily at age fifteen I was incredibly fit both in health and in looks. Mother of god how times have changed LOL! Them were the days. Ali xxxxxx.
Nice. I like the POV, especially since we only see Minerva through Harry's eyes in the books.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you!
That is very sad. Too sad. But I really really like the first bit. It is very sensual. I don't know why, but I just can't wrap my brain around a picture of these two as a couple. Minerva seems too physically fragile to me. I know she's a witch and witches age slower than muggles, but I keep thinking that with Severus Snape she'd break a hip or seriously pull a couple of muscles. Shame on me for age bias. If it's any consolation, when I offered to be on top if it would make my husband want to do it without hurting his back, he told me I weigh too much and he can't breath. He is so lucky I am old and so over him. He didn't even want it when we were in our 20's and I was young, elven, pretty and flexible. I only weighed 86 pounds on my wedding night. Around age 26 I promised myself not to ever cry over him again as long as I live. That was about 27 years ago. Otherwise, that comment would have found me straddling his chest, crushing the breath out of him and strangling him to death with my tiny fat hands around his pitiful old throat. If I take off my reading glasses I wouldn't even have to look at him in the eye as I squeezed the life out of him. His face would be a blur. Saturday he asked me if he looked like Kenny Rodgers. Someone at the store said he did. I told him "not even remotely. Kenny Rodgers is uglier." You see, we had this deal that who ever left would have to take the kids and one of the damn brats is 31 and still won't leave home.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
This isn't my favorite pairing but I am very glad that I went ahead and read it. I was beautiful in its heartbreaking tragedy. Just amazing!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you so much for giving it a go! I really appreciate your kind words.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you so much for giving it a go! I really appreciate your kind words.
Oh, there is so much here to love, starting with "his anguished, pleading tone almost spirals you down through the floor with pain." This one is also brilliant: "his anguished, pleading tone almost spirals you down through the floor with pain." Nobody can paint a picture of anguish quite the way you can. Thank you for sharing.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
LOL, Thank you sweetie - you must have really, really enjoyed that line! ;) Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm glad you liked it. This is an oldie, but one I was always proud of.
Response from stgulik (Reviewer)
Oops! Crazy copy + paste action! Second-fave should have been "You watch him stride away, knowing his heart is breaking because you can hear the sound of it, crying in harmony with your own crumbling heart."
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you sweetie. I have to say I was very inspired and melancholy when I wrote this, but I can so see it happenning.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
LOL, Thank you sweetie - you must have really, really enjoyed that line! ;) Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm glad you liked it. This is an oldie, but one I was always proud of.
Response from stgulik (Reviewer)
Oops! Crazy copy + paste action! Second-fave should have been "You watch him stride away, knowing his heart is breaking because you can hear the sound of it, crying in harmony with your own crumbling heart."
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you sweetie. I have to say I was very inspired and melancholy when I wrote this, but I can so see it happenning.
Beautiful and Heartbreaking, teddy. Perfect.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you!
Beautiful. There just are no other words for this; you have used all the best ones already.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Gorgeous and dark - like something to be read aloud by firelight, in the company of a lover soon to leave you. Oh my, see what you've done? Brava !!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
What an evocative picture you've created. Thank you for your beautiful comment.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
What an evocative picture you've created. Thank you for your beautiful comment.
Lovely, Teddy, but so sad. I'd like to see more of this pairing. :)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
While my flagship is always going to be SSHG, I do enjoy this pairing a lot. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
While my flagship is always going to be SSHG, I do enjoy this pairing a lot. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Beautiful, as always. Thank you.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you!
Wow. A person feels all the loss and passion as you tell the story. So sad that it was so easy for him to keep the secret frim her.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you so much! I am so happy you enjoyed it.
I wasn't squicked,and your last line is beautiful!! I have now read all and reviewed all of your work here.Do you have anything on sychophant or any where else I might have missed? thanks Teddy for your generosity with your talent!!Hugs ~ dee
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Dee, bless you a thousand times for reading all my work here. I am so thankful for friends like yourself who not only take the time to read, but also make the time to write encouragement and support. It means so much to me.I write a lot of shorter works for LiveJournal - you really ought to be on there if you are not already. Right now, we are in the middle of our SSHG Promptfest - loads of new fic and art are there, and all sorts of great stuff is written there.If you join LJ (it's free) and friend me, I can show you around all the great communities there where you will find all sorts of fic, and some of the stuff I've written isn't anywhere else but there.XX
Response from deedeebug95 (Reviewer)
Thanks Darlin' I will!!And thanks for the title "friend" it means so much too me! hugs~dee
Beautiful and bittersweet. This is one of the stories that might well stay with me. Well done!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you!
O.M.G.You have broken me, and it's too early in the morning for tears. I cried for Severus reading this:You will see each other one last time before the end. He is weary, sick with the strain, and he stumbles into your arms one night, weeping and frightened.I'm guessing that was after Charity?And I cried for Minerva reading this: his heart already with that little ginger Muggle girl he fancied all those years ago; you know you’ve always only been a substitute.The cruelest thing JKR did to Severus was to let him die alone and unappreciated. Oh, sure, he got the credit posthumously, but lived his entire adult life unloved and unliked. My heart always breaks for Severus because of that horrible year, and so I am always glad to read a story where he is given some bit of support, too little, too brief though it must be, just so he can know that at least one person knows the truth, and believes in him. Thank you.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you for your lovely comments! I have always said that I keep writing fanfiction to give him some sort of a happy ending. This was one of those stories that came to me and had to be written down, and it upset me to write it! lol But I wanted to write about how hard it would be to learn to live without him, especially on nights when the cold reminds you how alone you are. I would think having him, then losing him so cruelly would leave her feeling so desolate. Of course, this is only in short fics. IN my head canon, he survived! ;) Thank you so much!!
Response from christev (Reviewer)
Well, of course he survived!!! (lol)But there is something so good about reading a canon compliant tear-jerker fic that does what yours does so well: show him as a human being, with feelings and struggles, and give him at least the tiniest drop of freaking companionship, for crying out loud!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Fiendfyre)
Thank you for your lovely comments! I have always said that I keep writing fanfiction to give him some sort of a happy ending. This was one of those stories that came to me and had to be written down, and it upset me to write it! lol But I wanted to write about how hard it would be to learn to live without him, especially on nights when the cold reminds you how alone you are. I would think having him, then losing him so cruelly would leave her feeling so desolate. Of course, this is only in short fics. IN my head canon, he survived! ;) Thank you so much!!
Response from christev (Reviewer)
Well, of course he survived!!! (lol)But there is something so good about reading a canon compliant tear-jerker fic that does what yours does so well: show him as a human being, with feelings and struggles, and give him at least the tiniest drop of freaking companionship, for crying out loud!