New Chapter for Bucket of Barbed Wire
Bucket of Barbed Wire
peskipiksi18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Chapters (1)
About peskipiksi
Member Since 2011 | 46 Stories | Favorited by 37 | 61 Reviews Written | 680 Review Responses
Actor, singer, hypnotist from Cornwall, UK.
Reviews for Bucket of Barbed Wire
Don't know Keeping Up With Appearances, but you did a great job painting a picture of horror to one like Severus Snape. Very well done. I loved it.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it even if it's not familiar to you. :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it even if it's not familiar to you. :)
oh Lord, yes,, I can see Snape hastily retreating to spinners end after meeting her! and I don't recall her ever singing on the show, but I can just imagine it! yikes!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Oh yes, she sang! Often and badly! Glad you liked the story though. J
that was funny! at least he didn't move next door to Onslow and Daisy! I vaguely remember 'Bouquet of barbed wire'.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Very true. They would offend his sensibilities, but at least not scare him to death!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Very true. They would offend his sensibilities, but at least not scare him to death!
Poor Severus I would have run too LOL
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I did feel mean!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I did feel mean!
That's absolutely hilarious! Poor Severus - I'm sure Spinner's End has suddenly become very appealing.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Thanks! It must be bad for him to want his father's house back!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Thanks! It must be bad for him to want his father's house back!
Severus meets Hyacinth - so funny. Thank you for the giggle
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I think he's finally met his match :) Thanks for the review.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I think he's finally met his match :) Thanks for the review.
Lamo! this is too funny! I have watched that bbc programe, and she really is overwhelming isn't she?
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
She is so awful, after a few episodes I have to switch her off!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
She is so awful, after a few episodes I have to switch her off!
Poor Richard, the husband of Hyacinth. A famous wizard next door and a not a silicing charm. I think Richard would be forever greatfull, the postman, the neighbours and the vicar too.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
They'd even be grateful for Muffiato, I should think :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
They'd even be grateful for Muffiato, I should think :)
OMG!!! It's the Bucket woman!!! After all Snape has gone thru, that's just too cruel.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I was very mean. He deserves a quiet summer holiday!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I was very mean. He deserves a quiet summer holiday!
Oh mercy, poor Severus, he is so out of his depth,all he has had to deal with is voldemort and assorted Death eaters. How could he be expected to handle '' my Royal Doulton(sic) with the hand painted periwinkles''
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
He thought he'd seen the worst with Umbridge! Even the Dark Lord himself would be no match for Hyacinth.There are so many quotes I should have put in :)
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Hyacinth would have Umbride under control in no time. I wonder what would happen if Rose were to meet Severus? would she forget the "Dishie Vicar'' do you think?
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
He thought he'd seen the worst with Umbridge! Even the Dark Lord himself would be no match for Hyacinth.There are so many quotes I should have put in :)
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Hyacinth would have Umbride under control in no time. I wonder what would happen if Rose were to meet Severus? would she forget the "Dishie Vicar'' do you think?
Now if only Onslo (sp) and Rose had shown up !!! You had me howling !!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Ohhh, I should've had Rose lusting after Severus, shouldn't I? LOL!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Wish I'd put in the line "I can't live without Mr Snaaaape!"
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Ohhh, I should've had Rose lusting after Severus, shouldn't I? LOL!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Wish I'd put in the line "I can't live without Mr Snaaaape!"
I love Keeping Up Appearances. And as soon as you described her dress I knew who she was. :) Lovely story.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Thanks - cool that you recognised her so early :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Thanks - cool that you recognised her so early :)
ROFL. I couldn't think of a better neighbour for old Snapey. :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
They do rather deserve each other, don't they. :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
They do rather deserve each other, don't they. :)
I used to watch Appearances all the time with my mom who passed away in 2005. Thanks to her love of all things PBS, I became a dedicated Anglophile by the time I was three. Appearances was one of our regular joys and we used to laugh at how much Hyacinth looked (and acted) just like my mother's sister which would have made my mom and dad Hyacinth's sister - the one with the messy house that's always walking around with the beer! LOL! My favorite episode was the church wedding. Mind you, it's been years since I saw any, but you've brought back fond memories for me. This story was a hoot to read!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Thanks! I'm glad it brought back good memories.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Thanks! I'm glad it brought back good memories.
Funny.There are things more terrifying than Bellatrix.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I wonder how she and Hyacinth would get on?
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I wonder how she and Hyacinth would get on?
Oh, my! Poor, awkward Severus, trying to negotiate contact of any kind, and being faced with that sort of neighbor!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I did feel very sorry for him!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I did feel very sorry for him!
I love seeing Severus so wrong-footed by someone harmless. Well, define harmless, I suppose, lol.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Quite. If he's contemplating moving back to Spinner's End he must be desperate!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
Quite. If he's contemplating moving back to Spinner's End he must be desperate!
Lol! I think even Severus would meet his match i'm that Bucket woman!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I reckon she's the only one who can curb his sarcasm! Thanks :)
Response from anoesis (Reviewer)
Gah! Can you tell I wrote this review on my phone?! Apologies for that - his match IN the Bucket woman. I would never claim such dizzy heights as Hyacinth!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Bucket of Barbed Wire)
I reckon she's the only one who can curb his sarcasm! Thanks :)
Response from anoesis (Reviewer)
Gah! Can you tell I wrote this review on my phone?! Apologies for that - his match IN the Bucket woman. I would never claim such dizzy heights as Hyacinth!