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Talents and Rewards
Meladara13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
We all have talents and deserve rewards, even Hermione and Severus.
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About Meladara
Member Since 2011 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 33 | 60 Reviews Written | 242 Review Responses
I'm a 30-something mother of three girls and keep chickens, frogs, and cats.
I love to read, write and play the piano. I've also been known to occassionally sketch, paint, crochet, and sew. I hate laundry (but honestly, who doesn't!?)
I hope you enjoy my little stories as much as I have enjoyed so many others.
Thanks for reading!
Reviews for Talents and Rewards
Oh Severus,good thing she can't stay mad at you for too long
Did you *kill* him? Because I think I'd have killed him. Quite possibly at the dinner table. With my bare hands.
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
LOL! I didn't, I was laughing too hysterically. Though, thinking back on it, it wouldn't have been unwarranted. :P
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
LOL! I didn't, I was laughing too hysterically. Though, thinking back on it, it wouldn't have been unwarranted. :P
"Out of the mouths of babes" they say! It makes me feel a little sad that my own two sons are way too old for such 'innocent' misunderstandings to occur these days, but I well remember when they did! Aren't young kids just so entertaining (if embarrassing) at times; never a dull moment it seems :-) Guess I will have to wait for grandchildren now to get a reoccurrence! However, this was a great fun read & nicely executed. It was so nice to read of Severus' fun side (I've always felt sure he had one) for a change. Very amusing. Well done :-)
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Thank you! I don't know what I'll do when my babies grow up! :) I love fun Severus too!
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Thank you! I don't know what I'll do when my babies grow up! :) I love fun Severus too!
Wow, I know children really do say the most embaressing things at times. We can only be lucky that they do so in the privacy of our own homes. Most of the time.
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Hahaha! Most of the time is right!
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Hahaha! Most of the time is right!
While this is funny, I would hate it if my partner annoys my friends to the extent that they refuse to see me if my partner is anywhere near especially if the partner sort of knows what the consequences are (in this case, Hermione having to go out of the castle where she would have to face Molly or the press). Seems very inconsiderate and selfish of Severus that because of a few hours of enjoyment, Hermione is the one who would have to suffer more.That said, the question at the dinner table was funny.
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
You make a very good point. I would feel the same way if my partner behaved in that way. I suppose, as this is a one shot, it was something that I simply accepted as part of their relationship. However, if this were a longer story it would certainly be something that Hermione would have to address! That said, I don't think that what Snape did was meant maliciously. It was just misguided and slightly over-the-top antagonization. Sure he is better than that but mischievous Snape is so fun! I'm glad you thought it was funny, though. :)
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
You make a very good point. I would feel the same way if my partner behaved in that way. I suppose, as this is a one shot, it was something that I simply accepted as part of their relationship. However, if this were a longer story it would certainly be something that Hermione would have to address! That said, I don't think that what Snape did was meant maliciously. It was just misguided and slightly over-the-top antagonization. Sure he is better than that but mischievous Snape is so fun! I'm glad you thought it was funny, though. :)
Hahhahahaha OMG, that is hysterical.
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
:D Thank you!
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
:D Thank you!
No explanation needed. THAT was hilarious!!I love the idea of Severus playfully annoying Hermione's friends to such an extent.
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Glad you enjoyed it! ;) I love a mischievous Severus!
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Glad you enjoyed it! ;) I love a mischievous Severus!
Gosh I love having kids, and I can see you do as well. Great fic! Lovely indeed.Thank you for sharing~
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
I do enjoy them very much! Thanks for the review!
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
I do enjoy them very much! Thanks for the review!
Reminds me of our family last year when my 21 year old son and his girlfriend were living with us. When conversations at the dinner table got out of hand (frequently) the 10 year old would put her hands over her ears and loudly declaim, "For goodness sakes, there's a CHILD present!" :D
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Haha! We are very lucky that our children are young enough that they really didn't understand any of my husband's innuendos! They sure were interested in why Mommy was laughing and beet red though! I excused myself from the table soon after. :)
Response from Meladara (Author of Talents and Rewards)
Haha! We are very lucky that our children are young enough that they really didn't understand any of my husband's innuendos! They sure were interested in why Mommy was laughing and beet red though! I excused myself from the table soon after. :)
Lol, I love the part about not explaining the joke if you don't understand it, and this story was made all the better upon learning that it really happened lol. awesome!
The story was funny, but it was the anecdote at the end that creased me up! Although I am very tempted to ask for an explanation, just to see if I get one...
I do hope Hermione finds a suitable punishment for him. That said, man-boy Harry was pretty darn funny, especially at dinner. I'm still laughing.
Aren't kids wonderful? they drive you crazy, but when they grow up, you wish they were little again. Severus is like a kid himself in this, seeing how far he can go with Hermione, but they love each other so much , it's lovely to see.