New Chapter for The Librarian's Assistant
The Librarian's Assistant
magalena38 Reviews | 38 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
In order to be released from custody, Lucius is required to obtain meaningful employment. What better job could he find than working in a research library as the librarian's assistant? Now all he has to do is convince the librarian that he's the man for the job.
This was originally written and posted at the 2011 Lucius Big Bang fest on LJ. Note: rating and warnings are for later chapters.
Start ReadingChapters (7)
About magalena
Member Since 2007 | 18 Stories | Favorited by 123 | 166 Reviews Written | 544 Review Responses
I am a Harry Potter fanfic fanatic, I only discovered it after the release of DH. Disapointed that the series was ending, I read some blurb about fan fiction (which I had never heard of before) clicked a link and 'voila' I was hooked. I started out reading mostly Dramione, but evolved and although I still like DM/HG, my OTP is SS/HG. I also enjoy reading LM/HG and 3-somes with SS/HG/LM or DM/HG/BZ. As you can see I love seeing Hermione paired with those lovely Slytherin men.
After reading for nearly 2 years, I started writing a bit of my own, mostly shorter drabbles or ficlets. I've written seveal stories for fests, such as the SS/HG exchange, the LM/HG exchange, and the LuciusBigBang, fest among others.
I am magalena at here and at AFF, and; magdalena at GE, OWL and IATQO; and madeleone at live journal, AO3, Ashwinder and the Maple Bookshelf.Reviews for The Librarian's Assistant
noooooooooooo!!! it can't end yet! i want it to continue!
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks. I consider that a lovely compliment.
Love this just as much now as the first time I read it.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Awww... Thanks sweetie, I have to admit I did enjoy this one myself very much. :)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Awww... Thanks sweetie, I have to admit I did enjoy this one myself very much. :)
Wha a finish. Lucius finally free and Hermione with both her wizards
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Ta da! Hope you enjoyed the fic. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Ta da! Hope you enjoyed the fic. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Well that was unexpected. At least they now know who. Of course now they need to figure out where. Wonder if its the manor?
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
It could be anywhere! Hope they get there in time! ;)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
It could be anywhere! Hope they get there in time! ;)
Wow! What an action packed ending. Not surprised now that the Ministry flunky knows he's flouting the restrictions illegally put in place. Hopefully Mordy and hopefully Snape can keep Lucius safe
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
glad you're enjoying the story so far! :)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
glad you're enjoying the story so far! :)
The plot gets thicker and thicker. I wonder who at the Ministry has it out for Lucius. Something tells me Harry will be getting involved, too
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Harry's a good bet. :D
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Harry's a good bet. :D
LOL. I love the bit about the forgotten silencing spell also I love how she's trying so hard to find a way around the Ministry. I'm not sure I would want to be the person behind trying to keep Lucius down now that Hermione's on the prowl
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
*grins* Hermione was not amused by the forgotten privacy spell. And whoever has crossed Lucius had best beware because Hermione is on the warpath now!
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
*grins* Hermione was not amused by the forgotten privacy spell. And whoever has crossed Lucius had best beware because Hermione is on the warpath now!
Well that was an interesting series of developments. Poor Lucius stuck in that he'll hole and dealing with the Ministry. I wonder what happened at his meeting?
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
The Ministry's a bunch of bastards, Hermione is not too fond of them either.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
The Ministry's a bunch of bastards, Hermione is not too fond of them either.
I think Lucius nailed it in the end, the Ministry likely did set him up to fail. Good on Hermione being open minded enough to give him a chance.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Perhaps not the entire Ministry, but someone specifically. :) I've always thought Hermione the type to think everyone deserves a second chance.
Response from phoenix (Reviewer)
Oh, I definitely agree she's a second chance type of person. I use that all the time in stories I write where she is willing to consider Lucius or Severus has repented/had no choice. She's also keen on championing the underdog, so that helps, too. :)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Perhaps not the entire Ministry, but someone specifically. :) I've always thought Hermione the type to think everyone deserves a second chance.
Response from phoenix (Reviewer)
Oh, I definitely agree she's a second chance type of person. I use that all the time in stories I write where she is willing to consider Lucius or Severus has repented/had no choice. She's also keen on championing the underdog, so that helps, too. :)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thank you very much!
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thank you very much!
Mmmmmm that whole story was yummy!!!! Loved the entire ride. Mordy was a hoot! And the triple dip of goodness at the end was a wonderful capper! Thanks so much for sharing!
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks much! I'm glad you enjoyed the ride. I did love Mordy, too. Somehow I end up just loving my OC's. THanks again for reading and commenting. :)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks much! I'm glad you enjoyed the ride. I did love Mordy, too. Somehow I end up just loving my OC's. THanks again for reading and commenting. :)
Loved the story...loved the characters...loved the lurve-fest at the end. Glad I stripped off my inhibitions...! Now then did I tell you about how my daughter used to serve coffee to Lucius...oh yes of course I did. Just having a senior moment. Looking forward to your next tale. Best wishes, Love Ali xxxx.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks so much for sticking with the story to the end. If I'd been your daughter I wouldn't have been able to speak. LOL.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks so much for sticking with the story to the end. If I'd been your daughter I wouldn't have been able to speak. LOL.
Oh wow....I really got it wrong..didn't I? I mean Andromeda....well done. That's why you write and I read. Very clever twist. Hopefully though all the guys will be able to save her and you've promised me some three way smut pretty soon. Just so you know I've thrown off the modesty curse so give me your best shot. I mean what lass wouldn't want to be the lemon curd filling in a Sev 'n' Lucius butty? Best wishes, Love...a thoroughly depraved and back to normal Ali xxxxxx.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
So I fooled you with the villlianess? Cool! And yes I do promise some three way smut, just be patient. I think it will be worth the wait. ;)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
So I fooled you with the villlianess? Cool! And yes I do promise some three way smut, just be patient. I think it will be worth the wait. ;)
I'm thoroughly enjoying this story; I like straying into Malfoy territory from time to time. But if it came to a choice between Severus and Lucius, I don't know what I'd do.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Don't feel bad, honestly SS/HG is still my OT3, but I really have formed an affection for the lovely Luci-Lu in the last year or so, (a redeemed but still Slytherinish Lucius to be sure). And I do believe that SS/HG/LM is my OT3.Thanks very much for commenting.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Don't feel bad, honestly SS/HG is still my OT3, but I really have formed an affection for the lovely Luci-Lu in the last year or so, (a redeemed but still Slytherinish Lucius to be sure). And I do believe that SS/HG/LM is my OT3.Thanks very much for commenting.
I'm loving this story. I find the relationship between Hermione and Lucius quite amusing. I am anxiously awaiting to see our dear Professor Snape Master of Potions come on to the scene.. I wonder how close of a relationship Severus and Lucius had before He Who Must Not be Named came back. For some odd reason I do love a Harry and Draco relationship. So to sum it up, I am really enjoying this story and look forward to more chapters.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks so very much,
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
, for such a lovely review. I'm very glad that you are enjoying the story. I don't really read Drarry, but I do like to pair them up as side characters occasionally. The next couple to chapters are in queue so Ch 5 should be up soon. ;)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks so very much,
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
, for such a lovely review. I'm very glad that you are enjoying the story. I don't really read Drarry, but I do like to pair them up as side characters occasionally. The next couple to chapters are in queue so Ch 5 should be up soon. ;)
Oh.... happy dance.... happy dance !! Can't wait for more !!
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
*grabs you and twirls you around* So glad you are enjoying. Next chapter up soon. :)
Hi...I'm really enjoying this story and am hoping that the sexy Severus will be making an appearance soon. I feel that you have captured Lucius' voice and dialogue absolutlely perfectly. Well done. daughter used to serve the gorgeous Lucius (aka Jason Isaacs) coffee many mornings in Edinburgh whilst he was filming there a couple of years ago. His eyes were amazing. Best wishes, Love Ali xxxx.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
I'm so glad that you are enjoying and feel I have portrayed Lucius well. I do love a redeemed Lucius, but he still is an ultimate Slytherin after all. ;)
Love this chapter! It's a perfect mix of hotness with sweetness in the way their relationship is developing on different levels. Looking forward to more!
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
*grins* So glad you are liking the balance. Thanks for commenting. ;)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
*grins* So glad you are liking the balance. Thanks for commenting. ;)
Well, now - this promises to be fun. I wonder about the relationship between Hermione and Severus and I do hope to see father and son reconcile, since it appears both will soon enough have their lives in far better order.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. More info later about both Severus and Draco. The story is complete and I promise to post regularly.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. More info later about both Severus and Draco. The story is complete and I promise to post regularly.
Nice start, and intriguing story so far! I look forward to more.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks, I hope you like the rest. The story is completed in seven chapters and I'll post as quickly as it can move through the queue.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks, I hope you like the rest. The story is completed in seven chapters and I'll post as quickly as it can move through the queue.
awesome story :)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks. ;)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Thanks. ;)
Oh my word. Things seem truly horrid for her. I began to wonder if she were in a lock up where Remus placed himself when he changed? Just a thought.Thank you for sharing. Lovely cliffy by the way~
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Just remember that old saying about things being darkest before the dawn. ;) You know that would have been a very good guess as to her location, I really hadn't considered that possiblilty.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Just remember that old saying about things being darkest before the dawn. ;) You know that would have been a very good guess as to her location, I really hadn't considered that possiblilty.
I didnt suspect that this story would take such a dramatic, suspenseful turn. Poor Hermoine. I hope that Severus and crew are able to rescue her soon. Great update and I'm eager to read more.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Yeah, I know, it kind of took on a life of it's own. ;)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Yeah, I know, it kind of took on a life of it's own. ;)
This is such a fun story! I'm enjoying the mystery, the romance, and the spiffy dialogue. But if Snape offs Mordy I shall be quite distressed indeed. ;)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Oh, I would be too. I found that I had a real soft spot for Mordy. :) So glad to hear your are enjoying the story. Thanks very much.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Oh, I would be too. I found that I had a real soft spot for Mordy. :) So glad to hear your are enjoying the story. Thanks very much.
Oh and how wonderful now that the Snapemeister has made an appearance....and what an appearance. Hermione certainly has a lot more willpower than me if she can resist him. But who is behind poor Lucius's torture? Maybe one of the Weasleys? Ginny owes him for the Chamber of Secrets and Draco taking Harry off her. Hmmm. But you do realise that my modesty and innocence means I couldn't possibly read about a menage a trois involving the three of them....Heh Heh...the devil on my left shoulder says I could. Oh well then....on with the debauchery. I tried being good. Best wishes, Love Ali xxx.
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Ummm... alciciana, if you're really worried about that modesty and innocence you should probably close your eyes during the last chapter. ;)
Response from magalena (Author of The Librarian's Assistant)
Ummm... alciciana, if you're really worried about that modesty and innocence you should probably close your eyes during the last chapter. ;)