New Chapter for Her Clever Husband
Her Clever Husband
Meladara21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
After a long week, Hermione must face what she already knew but didn't want to admit.
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About Meladara
Member Since 2011 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 33 | 60 Reviews Written | 242 Review Responses
I'm a 30-something mother of three girls and keep chickens, frogs, and cats.
I love to read, write and play the piano. I've also been known to occassionally sketch, paint, crochet, and sew. I hate laundry (but honestly, who doesn't!?)
I hope you enjoy my little stories as much as I have enjoyed so many others.
Thanks for reading!
Reviews for Her Clever Husband
Minerva's response was just perfect. And poor Severus! I will admit that I do not envy him his situation.
Oh poor Severus. I really feel for him this time. That would be a shock to just about anyone
Except for the punch line, this sounds autobiographical.
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
LOL! Though I do have 3 daughters, they are not twins! Thankfully! :)
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
LOL! Though I do have 3 daughters, they are not twins! Thankfully! :)
It would not be that often, Hermione could truly surpise Severus.
Hi! Just discovered your story and enjoyed it immensely... perhaps also because I have three triplett sisters who were born just a year after me. This happened 51 years ago, and at the time such a successfully-ended event was so rare that the newspapers published our photo with the headline "Four daughters in a year!" So, I can understand and sympathise with your Severus... because it was a shock for my father too ;)Good story nicely done and highly enjoyable! Best regards from Italy.
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Wow! How exciting and terrifying that would be! :D Thank you for the review. I'm very pleased that you enjoyed the story!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Wow! How exciting and terrifying that would be! :D Thank you for the review. I'm very pleased that you enjoyed the story!
Cute! Really enjoyed Snape fainting in front of everyone!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Thanks! :D
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Thanks! :D
Hilarious twist at the end! I love it when Hermione pulls one over on Severus lol. Great job!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Thanks! Me too! He can't win all the time, right?!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Thanks! Me too! He can't win all the time, right?!
this happened to me once. i found triplets at 2 AM on a sonogram, I thought the father was going to faint. the the mother's hysterical laughter was funnier....liked this ny the way. good job!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Awesome! It always seems like it'd be cool to have mulitples, but then again, when you're in the midst of feedings and diapers and no sleep, the reality hits that you are very glad it was only ONE baby and not more!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Awesome! It always seems like it'd be cool to have mulitples, but then again, when you're in the midst of feedings and diapers and no sleep, the reality hits that you are very glad it was only ONE baby and not more!
LOL. Nicely played, Hermione!Thanks for sharing!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
No, thank you!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
No, thank you!
Lovely. Hope there is a sequel! *crising fingers*
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Perhaps... I wouldn't mind writing the birth story. :)
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Perhaps... I wouldn't mind writing the birth story. :)
LOL Poor Sev. :)
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
He's a big boy. I'm sure he'll be fine. Thanks for the review!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
He's a big boy. I'm sure he'll be fine. Thanks for the review!
*snicker* ^_^
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
I imagine that snickering at Severus would be a lot of fun (as long as he didn't find out!).
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
I imagine that snickering at Severus would be a lot of fun (as long as he didn't find out!).
LOL! This was too cute :) Great job
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed it. :)
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed it. :)
It's always good to get one over a Slytherin. This is really cute.
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
I like to think that after awhile they'd rub off on eachother. Obviously, that wasn't her original intent, but I imagine that in a marriage between those two, you'd take ever opportunity to get one over on the other! Playfully, of course! :D Thanks!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
I like to think that after awhile they'd rub off on eachother. Obviously, that wasn't her original intent, but I imagine that in a marriage between those two, you'd take ever opportunity to get one over on the other! Playfully, of course! :D Thanks!
Ha! At first I was ticked at Hermione for being so chicken to tell Severus, but then I read three and realized I wouldn't have wanted to believe it either!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
No kidding! ;)
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
No kidding! ;)
Oh, that was cute!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Thank you!
Response from Meladara (Author of Her Clever Husband)
Thank you!
Hahaha! I couldn't understand why it was such a secret from the reader when it seemed so obvious but now I know!
I am sure I have read this before but none the less it made me laugh again. I had forgot about Severus faint lol. And three - shakes head truely a Slytherin doing nothing by halves.
Thanks for writing and Sharing.
Oh dear, not very dignified of poor Snape - although, honestly, three babies? You can't really blame him!
Funny and sweet!
Oh, I didn't see that coming. Poor guy,lol!
hahaha, love it! triplets ought to keep him on his toes! ;)