New Chapter for Bystander
BulletTimeScully17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
The trials and tribulations of two people, as told by a third party.
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About BulletTimeScully
Member Since 2009 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 61 | 109 Reviews Written | 284 Review Responses
There's not much to say, really. I'm a thirty year-old mother of three, married for seven years, I live in the Southeastern US, I'm a newly graduated Registered Nurse, and I'm absolutely enthralled with Severus Snape. It was my love for Alan Rickman that inititally brought me to love the character of Snape so much, and I adore everything he (Alan Rickman) has ever done, stage or screen. I've been in the fandom for around three years now, and have loved every minute of it.
Reviews for Bystander
Very lovely. I did not guess that it was Remus, even with it obviously being AU, his survival never came to mind, but a wonderful look from the outside at a love story unfolding.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thanks! I'm glad you didn't figure it out. I thought I was being way obvious. :) I've found that writing from a third person POV is very fulfilling... and challenging. I love Remus to death, and I hate that he died in canon, so I let him be alive in my little universe.
Response from phoenix (Reviewer)
I definitely love it when authors decide to say 'screw canon' when it comes to some of my favorite characters' deaths. I was gutted when she offed both Remus and Severus. After everything both had been through, they deserved to survive and find some peace and acceptance. And think what having Remus survive could have done for werewolf rights. *sigh* Big opportunity missed. Like you, I've let him be alive in my little universe and he's been part of the engine for change for how werewolves were treated.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thanks! I'm glad you didn't figure it out. I thought I was being way obvious. :) I've found that writing from a third person POV is very fulfilling... and challenging. I love Remus to death, and I hate that he died in canon, so I let him be alive in my little universe.
Response from phoenix (Reviewer)
I definitely love it when authors decide to say 'screw canon' when it comes to some of my favorite characters' deaths. I was gutted when she offed both Remus and Severus. After everything both had been through, they deserved to survive and find some peace and acceptance. And think what having Remus survive could have done for werewolf rights. *sigh* Big opportunity missed. Like you, I've let him be alive in my little universe and he's been part of the engine for change for how werewolves were treated.
Remus makes a wonderfully observant interferer narrator. I'm glad this had such a sweetly happy ending!
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thanks! I'm a true sucker for a HEA, even though I write some not so happy endings now and then. I love Remus, and I think if Severus could have found a friend in life, Remus would have been it.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thanks! I'm a true sucker for a HEA, even though I write some not so happy endings now and then. I love Remus, and I think if Severus could have found a friend in life, Remus would have been it.
What a great story! I'm all for them falling madly and mutually in love, and for jumping into bed at the slightest hint of a spark, but sometimes, I really enjoy a tale where they have to work for it. Her persistence amazes me as , I suppose, does his ability to resist her for so long. This was just lovely; I really enjoyed it.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thank you! I think this little story is one of my favorites that I've written. I like a good, strong foundation for the characters... and I think this one came out that way. :)
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thank you! I think this little story is one of my favorites that I've written. I like a good, strong foundation for the characters... and I think this one came out that way. :)
Yay! They're alive! Beautiful story and nice surprise character.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Yup... very alive. :) Thanks so much for the R&R!
I love that you brought Remus and Dora back. I so hate that JKR killed off so many wonderful characters, even Hedwig was a horrible loss. Why couldn't she kill off Ron instead, was he really that important?? Your story was wonderful.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
After Severus, Remus and Dora were the ones I was most sad about. I always thought that if Severus could have had a friend besides Lily, it would have been Remus (sans Marauders, of course). Thank you so much for reading!
beautiful! thanks for sharing!
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thanks so much! And you're welcome. :)
clapclapclapthis is lovely!
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thank you! I love Remus (second to Severus, of course), so I coudn't resist. :)
Very aww-worthy.. Really conveyed the sense of their relationship.. Thanks for posting.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
This one was definitely fluffy. :) Thanks very much, and you're welcome. :)
I very much like that you didn't have her throwing herself at him in some wild seductive abandon (though I'm sure there was plenty of that later on) but quietly loving him. The vignette of the cloak and the bench was both gentle and touching. And I had the oddest thought - that Remus and Dora are now a pair of ghosts - loving one another always, and watching over Hogwarts and those who dwell there. That wouldn't explain the monthly visit but the idea just struck me.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thank you! I couldn't see Severus ever opening up to someone who would simply throw herself at him. He's too untrusting, too flighty... almost like a wild animal. She had to build his trust in her... and I saw the moment on the bench (which I think is my favorite part) as the moment where she finally broke through his defenses; akin to the moment one finally lays a gentle hand on a skittish beast. :) You know, you're not the first one the think of Remus and Dora as ghosts... it's a very interesting take on things, and aside from the monthly visits, could very well be true. :) Thanks so much for the R&R!
awww, that was beautiful! I loved that the story was told from a different point of view as well. Thank you!
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thanks! This was my first try at the outside POV, and I find that I really enjoyed writing it. I'll definitely do it again.
What a lovely piece of joy to start my day with. Loved your portrayal of their relationship. And Remus was presented beautifully. Love it! Thanks for sharing.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
I'm glad I was able to brighten your day. :) Thank you so much for reading!
Brilliant as for the AR referance with was the one about her wanting to marry him and have lots of sex and babies. From Love Actually :)
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thank you! And right you are... Love, Actually it is.
An adorable story. I couldn't figure out who the mystery person was because it didn't occure to me that you would let Remus live. But the dead giveaway was his once a month visit.As for an AR movie reference... “No, it is not Like That… And it never will be…”sounds very familiar, but I'm not sure which movie it is from. Perhaps "Love, Actually"? I don't recall that line from Sense and Sensibility, but I don't have it memorized. Will you tell us eventually?
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thank you! I'm glad I was able to keep you guessing... at least for a bit. :) The reference is from Love, Actually... when Remus talks about Hermione wanting to marry Severus and have lots of sex and babies. :)
That was very good. I like Remus as the storyteller as well
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thank you! I had such a great time writing from his POV. I'm pretty sure I'll try it again. :)
I like that you went AU with Remus and Tonks. I really hate how JKR killed off a lot of the sympathetic characters during the final battle. ^_^
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thanks! Next to Severus, Remus and Tonks were the characters I missed the most.
Response from MsTree (Reviewer)
Yeah, me too, with Colin Creevey a close third. But then, I've always like the lunar-impaired, even before I started reading JKR. ^_^
You've captured a gentle, beautiful, growing relationship, perfectly.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Thank you so much! I tried to show Severus' reluctance as well as Hermione's determination... so I'm glad it came across well. I'm so glad you liked it. :)
This has become one of my favorites. I admire the way you infused such personality into each of the characters, even without much dialogue to help things along. I was also so glad for a cameo appearance by my dear Remus. Hermione really stuck to the plan, didn't she? I don't know if I'd have had patience to wait eight years for Severus, though of course he would be worth it.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of Bystander)
Oh yes, he would be worth it. My patience would certianly be tested though. :) I do love Remus... he's my second favorite male character, and I love a good tale where he and Severus have some sort of friendship (however reluctant). I'm even up for a good Snupin every now and then. ;)Thanks for the R&R babe!