New Chapter for Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater
Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater
quaffswinegaily13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Hermione has an encounter with a Death Eater in a graveyard. Written for the againstwall community on Live Journal.
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About quaffswinegaily
Member Since 2009 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 80 | 567 Reviews Written | 835 Review Responses
quaffswinegaily? Aye! quaffs-wine-gaily, slobs-on couch-daily, writes-when-encouraged.
Reviews for Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater
Very hot and I love how you leave the name of the Death Eater ambiguous so we can fill in the blanks how we see fit. Poor Harry had no idea what was going on when his back was turned.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
I think a bit of mystery adds to the delicious appeal.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
I think a bit of mystery adds to the delicious appeal.
That holds a definite 10 on the yum factor. My guess is Draco.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
You can have whichever Death Eater you desire. Enjoy!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
You can have whichever Death Eater you desire. Enjoy!
that was good....who was the death eater?! was it Luscious Lucius or sexy sev.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
The Death Eater was.... whoever you choose for a bit of winter warming.
Mmm... love it - the humour mixed in with the heat! The detailed description and atmosphere... and lemony action: More, more, and more!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
Sorry, there's no more at the moment, even though sunny tried twisting my arm for a New Year's reprise.
Unff! That was hot! Loved this line: “This isn’t a romantic novel. Hermione Granger, I am going to take you against a graveyard wall in the depths of winter: half-clothed, half-frozen and completely fucking hot.” HE WAS RIGHT!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
Indeed, he was right. It wasn't a romantic novel, just a bit of hot stuff in the depths of winter.
I love the ambiguity of the DE's identity! Nicely handled, thanks for sharing!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
You're very welcome. I'm pleased you liked it.
Assuming it is Crabbe Jr. and not Crabbe Sr. at the story's start...I'm guessing ... Draco. Too thin to be Goyle, Too fair to be Zabini, and probably only Draco would say something about a ruined glove.I'm thinking it must be a peer because only a peer would consider Hermione to be chronically "unapproachable." A non-peer would not be thinking about approaching. And a peer would have known her from day 1. The way she acts toward Draco in canon, I can see him thinking of her as "icy."
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
I leave the choice of Death Eater to the reader. Though, when someone else suggested Pucey, I had to draw the line!
This is full of all kinds of good sexy tension. And one line made me laugh out loud: “I’m sure your coming early, Crabbe, will be the climax of the Dark Lord’s evening.”Well done!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
I have to slip the innuendos in where I can.Thanks.
Yep. It still sizzles. :)
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
Cheers, chook! I could do with some of that snow in my room just now.
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
You're welcome to my aircon unit. One minute I'm cooking, the next I'm freezing! There's no halfway measures.
Loved it... It may have been a quick read but very well written, Hot, funny, hot, exciting, oh and did I mention hot?!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
Thank you. Yes, you did mention it was hot... a couple of times.
wow, that is hot. I totally love wall!sex. ~races off to join comm~
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
I'm glad you liked it, and I'm sure you'll find some better ones on LJ.
I officially give you the "holds up very well on a second read" award. I don't just hand those out to anyone, you know :)
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
Yay! Can I put that award on my CV?
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
Sure, but what kind of job does steamy, smutty fanfic writer help you get? Wait, don't answer that.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
I could always get a job working alongside sunny33. No... wait... I do that already...
Ooh, do I get to chose who this was? I think I'm going with... Snape.*nods*Lots of fun, thanks!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
I'm glad you enjoyed this wee tale. In my own head, the Death Eater changes with my mood.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Hermione Granger Against a Wall with... a Death Eater)
I'm glad you enjoyed this wee tale. In my own head, the Death Eater changes with my mood.