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The Polyjuice Effect
HBAR12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Every decision has consequences. Even the fun ones.
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Member Since 2007 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 7 | 3,193 Reviews Written | 502 Review Responses
Reviews for The Polyjuice Effect
Haha, I loved that they think SnapeRon gathered the baby, instead of Ron as himself. Funny twisty at the end!
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
Yes, that would have been difficult to explain, woudn't it? :) Thanks for reading and letting me know you enjoyed it!
I'm not judging you. This is your night to have whatever you want.” He shuddered. “Even if it's really weird,” he said under his breath.Greatest line ever.
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
Sorry I'm so belated in responding. Life has been nuts. Thank you for such a nice review. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I had not read this before so very happy it appeared today and had to review. Loved it although I am not fond of the HG RW pairing but the Snape interloper was fun. So she has a little of Snape after all. Or perhaps not so little snort!
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
Sorry I am so belated in my response. Thanks for giving this a chance, even though you aren't a huge HG/RW fan. I happen to favor the SS/HG pairing, but there is something about Ron and Hermione that I still enjoy exploring from time to time. I thought perhaps giving Snape his dues might keep me from being thrown off stage by an angry mob. :)Wildcard's response: No worries i know RL can get in the way.
So funny, from the maids uniform to the Robinsons in room 412. Bless Ron's heart he went to a lot of trouble to make Hermione happy, big words and everything.
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
I am first and foremost a SS/HG shipper, but I do have a soft spot for Ron and Hermione as well. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
I am first and foremost a SS/HG shipper, but I do have a soft spot for Ron and Hermione as well. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
How did I miss this? HBAR, I'm so glad to see that you're writing longer short stories! No, don't apologise at all for writing Ron/Hermione, not if this is how you go about it. This is the kind of Ron I think JKR hoped for (and didn't quite manage): he means well, he clearly trusts her and wants her to fully trust him, and his goofiness and laid-back attitude makes him good for Hermione.'Oh God, he's using big words. She was dually turned on by her husband and his current persona.' Love it. I also love how few words they need and how easily he reads her when they're discussing their little black-haired baby.The only remaining question... How does Hermione know... enough about Ron and Severus to still demand checking in on a Polyjuice effect? Perchance another story is lurking in the wings? Well done!
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
Thank you for your kind words. I happen to really like Ron a lot. Now don't misunderstand, I totally think that SS/HG belong together in fanfic, but I still have a soft spot for him. And despite what lots of people think, he and Hermione could feasibly be a couple.As for knowing enough ... I'd like to think that many more experiments were had. Just none of them dripping from my brain at the moment. But never say never ;)Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review!
poor Severus always on the outs and now his look a like baby is too. Well written. Thank you!!
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
That guy just can't catch a break, can he? Thanks for the read and review.
Oh God, I'm leaving the country.
*nearly spits Pepsi all over the keyboard at that*
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
So Mrs. Robinson was having it off with Snape? Naughty people!
Ahh well ... a very interesting, twisting little yarn ... I enjoyed this very much, and I have to hand it to Ron and Hermione. If my sno was swapped in the hospital for even one moment, I would have been all over those nurses like a lion. But, then again, my son was placed on my belly and I memorized his little face before they ever took him off for his bath, so I guess I would have known right away if they gave me the wrong child.
Even so ... the idea that someone might have given my son to someone else would terrify me .... perhaps that is why they put so many matching bracelets/necklaces on mom and baby right at birth ... to avoid such things.
Great story, madam! I'm so glad I dropped by to take a peek!
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
Now that's what I call a review, lol. I'm sure mixups at the hospital don't happen much these days, but unlike you, I didn't want a thing to do with my babies until they were cleaned up. I'm sure my husband would have known, but sadly, I wouldn't have had a clue.Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
I remember my first child, my daughter, who was very early - I worried she would be all gooey and nasty just arriving, but actually, both of my kids were quite clean, despite the journey. Still ... a clean little baby all wrapped up in a blanket is surely, preferred.
Happy to oblige with a 'proper' review!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
As he entered her, she grabbed a quill, marking essays faster than she'd ever thought possible.
*le gasp*
How .... on ... earth .... could .... anyone .... grade .... *thinks for a moment at some dull past experiences* well I suppose it would be quite easy should the encounter be dull .... but this, of course, does not at all seem dull ... still .... they are mages ... perhaps mages have exemplary talents for concentration, perhaps?
Well done! I loved this so much!!!!!! And no, you should not apologise for writing RW/HG. Especially if you're going to do it this well.
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
What a nice thing to say! Thank you. I know a lot of people don't care for Ron and Hermione together. I am an avid SS/HG fan, but I happen to think that Ron and Hermione can work as a couple, too. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
*applauds*Bravo! That was great!
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
ha ha haaaaa Very entertaining!! Thank you!
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
I'm so glad you found this entertaining! Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Yay! A story from HBAR! Now I really want to see the conversation between Ron and Snape! :)
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
Yay! A review from Sunny! :) About that conversation ..."Oi, Snape. Give me some Polyjuice potion," Ron said."Manners, Weasley.""Give me Polyjuice Potion, please.""And why would I do that?" Snape asked."Well, see," he stammered, "my wife sort of ...""Problems in the bedroom?""No!" Ron said, affronted. "It's called spicing things up.""So, problems in the bedroom?" Snape asked."Whatever, just give me the potion."Snape glared."Please.""Very well." He handed Ron the vial. "By the way, I know who's hair you need," Snape said. He leaned over so he was within Ron's reach."How would you know?" Ron said."Fanfiction.""What?""Never mind."Snape smirked as Ron pretended to trip and caught himself on Snape's shoulders, grabbing what he needed."Make me proud," Snape muttered as the boy ran out the door.I don't know where that came from. I guess you have to watch what you ask for ;)
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
I'm sure you could make that into a 100 word drabble. :)
~giggle~ You really had me going there for a while. I guess St. Mungos doesn't put little wristbands on the second a baby is born. But, what was Sev doing fooling around with Mrs. Robinson? ;-)
Response from HBAR (Author of The Polyjuice Effect)
Thanks for reading and reviewing. As for Sev and Mrs. Robinson ... following the rules in spy handbook, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. It's best to leave you wondering. ;)