New Chapter for Mollywobbles
Aurette22 Reviews | 22 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Aurette
Member Since 2007 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 491 | 126 Reviews Written | 1,161 Review Responses
Forty-something, married, Professional Colorist seeks intelligent, scrawny man with misunderstood past. Tattoos a plus, snarkiness a must.
My interests include: Eating, breathing, napping, swearing and chocolate; as well as long, romantic walks from the refrigerator to my computer.
Needed skills must include: Foot massage, adoration, feeding my kids for me and ironing my husband's work clothes, along with sneering, looming, staring at me with desire, and reading whatever I hand you into my ear in a sultry tone.
Reviews for Mollywobbles
Awwww, if only every girl had an ''Arthur'' to love her ,just as she is.
Now I'm going to have to read the reviews to find out what the hell wobbles are... Thanks for the laughs!
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
lol! All teh curves that Twiggy never had are wobbles in my book. Arthur's pet name for his wife, in the books, was Mollywobbles.
I absolutely adored this. And I wanted to punch Freddie and Jim on the nose, myself. My sister and I were Twiggys in a family of beautiful Mollys, so perhaps I had an early foundation in what has turned out to be a against-the-norm view of what's attractive. (My family still hold to that standard of beauty. However, these days I'm a firm believer that body-size/shape has little to do with actual attractiveness.) I'm so glad to see Arthur not only didn't reduce Molly to her wobbles, but also thought "his angel's" wobbles were gorgeous in and of themselves.Great job! It was as close to perfection as I've ever seen in the genre. Voices, sentiment, plot - I loved everything.
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
I am so glad you enjoyed it! It took me far too long to get my own wobbles. I was also a Twiggy. I am rather find of them now...
he felt his throat closing over, so he forced the words out as fast as he could before he lost his nerve ...A bit of Neville-esque Gryffindor bravery there! You just know there's so much more to Arthur than an obsession with spark plugs - a lovely little fic!
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Thank you!
That was an unusual declaration of his affections, but it certainly worked and was a cute way to explain Molly's nickname. :)
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Thank you!
Hee hee That was great. I could totally see a young Arthur making that 'move' on his lady. :)
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
lol! Smooth operator, he is.
The terrifying aspect of this story is its firm foundation in everyday reality. Young girls get hurt because their beaus browse photoshop enhancements of anorexia (not all, but often). Very sad. On the other hand, Arthur was there for Molly at a critical moment and he reacted like a knight. It was amazing to watch him stumble, but manage.
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
I suspect Twiggy might have been the start of the epidemic...
Response from nata (Reviewer)
Epidemic. *shudders* Unfortunately, you might be right.
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Awwwwwwwwwwwww! That is SO adorable - and Jim and Freddie should be hung from the center goalposts on the Quidditch Pitch - what pigs!Really, really love how Arthur came to Molly's rescue here, so adorable! And awesome how Molly reacted to Arthur - at least trying not to allow the two idiots to thwart her good spirits.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
I forgot to rate this - duh - and say - what an absolutely fitting and adorable explanation of her nick name! YAY!
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Really sweet! That made me smile!
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Then my job here is done!
Clearly, Arthur appreciates a woman with curves. :)
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
And who wouldn't?
yeah, Arthur, go get your Ginverer - or Molly.The wobbly girls are much much better than the skinny bony ones. Feels much better to hug for example, softer, hurts less.This is what I call a true hero.Interesting, that he announces to hit the insulting persons, but first goes wooing for his lady. Bet, he didn't harm the guys.
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Clearly, he considered his priorities. lol!
I winced, then I laughed. That was very Arthur, wasn't it?
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
I'm hoping so... lol!
Aw... of course her wobbles are perfect!
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
I suspect they are!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Seriously, that is some of the best fluff I've ever seen. BRAVO!
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Thank you! Arthur seems to beg for fluff.
So that's how she got that nickname! I loved this sweet look into their early days. Although I don't know about baby steps. I think he came at her with guns blazing, LOL. Good for him!
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Gryffindor baby steps = gallumphing. lol.
Thank you for introducing me to pegged trousers! (I'm probably showing my youth here, but I definitely had to Google them. Why, oh why?) This is fabulous! I love the crossover into the Muggle world from Arthur and Molly's perspectives. And his defence of her wobbles is darling. I can easily see how the becardiganed Miss Prewett was swept off her feet.
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Pegged trousers gave way to tight skinny, which quickly lost ground to bell-bottoms. Or so sayeth the mighty Wiki. lol.
Response from ofankoma (Reviewer)
It's funny how easy it is for me to think of the Potter years of the 1990s alongside the Muggle 1990s, but how I resist lining up earlier generations with their Muggle counterparts. The image of poor Molly being compared to Twiggy's look is such an endearing reminder of how charmingly anachronistic JKR designed her world to be. (Honestly, the monetary system also does that for me... Avoid metric at all costs!) Thanks again for a delightful read.
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
I agree! I love that anachronistic world, and lthough it's easy to see Ron running around in jeans, seeing his parents generation running around in miniskirts and go go boots is a bit of a stretch!
What a pick up line! :)
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
Truly! But he got the girl, so it's full of win!
This is hilarious and perfect! Really one of the sweetest reasons for her silly nickname.
I still want Arthur to punch the guy. Molly and Arthur are so adorable even in the realms of fanon. You've given them a beautiful backstory!
Response from Aurette (Author of Mollywobbles)
*blush* Shucks...