New Chapter for Dishonourable
Hechicera21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
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Member Since 2009 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 67 | 49 Reviews Written | 355 Review Responses
Reviews for Dishonourable
Don't like dark fics, but this was well done, and has a hopeful ending, thank you.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Thank you! I don't usually write dark fics either.
Oh, wow. You wrote to my obsession, didn't you? Good one.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
And which obsession would that be? Redeemed!Draco or teh kinky? :-)
Response from kyriaofdelphi (Reviewer)
Actually, the thought that Viktor is trying to save her. But I thought the story was strong and an honest Draco was a pleasant surprise.
I do hope that Hermione chooses to seize the proffered opportunity to save herself. Remaining where she is doesn't honor the memory of her best friends, it's only a way of punishing herself for surviving. Very dark, but exceedingly well-written.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
"Punishing herself for surviving"--love that! Thank you!
This is so disturbingly well done. "Well, get on with it, then." Ah... the resignation. And yet... "the pain in her eyes makes him stop"? You wouldn't want to, say, expand this into a nice long story for us, would you?
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Gotta finish my current WIPS first :-) Thanks so much!
Response from ofankoma (Reviewer)
Drat! Well, you can't blame a girl for trying...
Wow. I'm amazed you managed to fit an entire dystopian angst-fest AND the promise of hope into so few words! And a very original take on the prompt too! Genius!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Thank you! Tryin' to bring my A game...
I have three words to say to this story: Princess of Gryffindor.This is as devastating as that longer story, yet I will thank you for leaving an open end. I'm going to fill it with wishes for a new beginning.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
~rushes off to read~
Interesting scene indicating a possibility and the dire consequences of memoirs.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Thank you--one scene is about as long as I'm willing to spend in this particular AU.
Bravo, mystery writer, for such a provocative, rich dark interpretation - so Viktor lied for Hermione to save her... beautiful!Love, love, love Draco's pov- love it that he has to leave before he changes his 'mind'!!! The dark side of royally ticking off Voldy and company - powerful!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Thank you especially for the comment on Draco's POV. That was the most interesting aspect of the writing, for me.
Response from nagandsev (Reviewer)
I dumbstruck, awed &love every second of his observation of her & himself, his struggling and his trying to control himself, and still, Merlin bless him, help Hermione from this torturous hell... As another reader wrote - would love to see another, longer version of this - the before, present and after! It's dynamite!!!
oof! Wow, this was dark. Excellent take on the prompt!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Coming from you, high praise indeed. Thanks!
I have no idea what is going on, but :(
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
It's like this.
Voldemort has won.
Hermione, as punishment for her part in the opposition, is held captive for the pleasure of the Death Eaters.
Viktor has written a memoir in which he falsely states that Hermione was working for the Death Eaters all along. He’s done this in the hopes that Voldemort will release her in light of this new “evidence.”
Draco visits her to convey this information, and hopefully to work out a plan with her. At the same time, he himself is struggling to do the honorable thing, which is to not take advantage of the opportunity to satisfy a long-held lust for her.
Better? The 500-word limit is hell on clarification J
Wow, she certainly has something to think about. Interesting, the way who wins affects how things are portrayed.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Yeah, it's like the HP version of Bizarro World.
It’s always a thrill to get reviews from authors whose work I admire.
Oh, wow. Good dystopia. And good plan on Viktor's part.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
People dismiss poor Viktor as just another pretty face.Thanks!
So the Dark Twit's won, and Hermione's reduced to prostitution. That's dark and twisted and sad!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
You say that like it's a bad thing
Frightening scenario, poor Herms. Compelling imagery in the room and bed.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Thank you! It's a very interesting challenge to write to the 500-word limit: it really forces me to pare down descriptions and think hard about what's essential and what can go.
Definitely disturbing. Haunting imagery in the opening lines there.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Thank you! Disturbing is pretty much what I was going for
Ooo, dark, but good. :)
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Thank you! I was in the mood for some Dark.
I really don't like dark, Voldemort wins sort of stuff, but this was so well written that I can't help but like it. I love your Draco, and I do hope Hermione takes him up on his offer because it will do noone any good for her to sit there in her current state. Well done!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Thank you so much!
Oh, very well done! This is so dark and sad, and yet there is hope and compassion that overall makes it really moving.
For this one I wish the word limit was higher. :) The writing was fantastic, but I don't exactly know 'the whole story'. I'd like to know how Hermione got caught, how Harry and Ron were killed. I get that Voldy won the war and I'm thinking I'm on track with the idea that Victor wrote his memiors in a way that made Hermione out to be helpful to Voldy's cause so that instead of killing her he is just 'keeping' her - though I really don't know which would have been worse. It's wonderful to see one of these drabbles go 'dark'. I love Dark!fic but it's so hard to do in a drabble. You set the mood excellently with this little diddy though.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Thing is, drabble is really as long as I want to spend in the dark, you know?My idea was actually that Voldemort was keeping her (and who knows how many others) as playthings for his loyal followers, and Viktor's just-published memoirs might be enough to get her out. But yeah, I went right up to the edge of the word limit as it was.
scary sad.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
Mission accomplished...but there should be hope there, too, no?
I think you've got an idea here worth expanding on after the challenge. You portray Draco (?) well. Good luck!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Dishonourable)
What a lovely review--thanks!
Writing longer darkfic is difficult for me, because spending that much mental time in the darkness tends to put me in a bad place. Especially since my MO for writing is that I almost always do the imaginative part at night when I’m lying in bed in that transitional state between waking and sleeping—I sort of wind up the characters and watch them go about their business as I drift off into unconsciousness. For me, dystopia’s not a good place to be then.