New Chapter for Sex Sells
Sex Sells
Aurette31 Reviews | 31 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Aurette
Member Since 2007 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 491 | 126 Reviews Written | 1,161 Review Responses
Forty-something, married, Professional Colorist seeks intelligent, scrawny man with misunderstood past. Tattoos a plus, snarkiness a must.
My interests include: Eating, breathing, napping, swearing and chocolate; as well as long, romantic walks from the refrigerator to my computer.
Needed skills must include: Foot massage, adoration, feeding my kids for me and ironing my husband's work clothes, along with sneering, looming, staring at me with desire, and reading whatever I hand you into my ear in a sultry tone.
Reviews for Sex Sells
Ron Weasly, Karmas BITCH! at last.
Well, doggone - you left out part three, the Daily Prophet article in which Rita Skeeter reported that, acting upon an anonymous tip, she discovered Harry dead of asphixiation in his own bed. Her lavish description of the solo fetish gear that had apparently caused his untimely end was eclipsed only by her report that his nude state revealed that he had never actually developed adult... parts, as such - apparently owing to injury during Voldemort's attack upon him as an infant. Though commonly understood to contain the sad fantasies of an irretrievably damaged young man, his "Memoirs" continued to sell briskly. His two surviving friends, who were also his heirs, and Severus Snape, the third object of Harry Potter's fevered imagination, consistently refused ever to comment....
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
LOL!!! Works for me!
Just marvelous. Harry slept with both of them? ROFL.
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
She? He? Harry took the rule of 'sex sells' seriously. I loved the twist that were HPHG was a hoax, HPRW was not.
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Thank you!!!
Poor positive that Harry would've made a damn fine Slytherin. What a fitting punishment for Ron. 'Sex sells', indeed!
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Wait - so is it Ron or Harry that Hermione confronts in the first section? (This is fabulously funny either way, but... either it's Harry, and he's taking them both out for the count, or it's Ron, and Harry's defending Hermione's honour in the most public way possible.
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
It is whichever made you giggle the most. I did intend for it to be Harry both times, but it really works either way.
Response from ofankoma (Reviewer)
So Ron gave it up, eh? Hermione held out, only to be turned out publicly as a tigress in bed?!? Very naughty, Harry. Very naughty, indeed! (In the meanwhile, 'Make me a woman' will have me giggling for days...)
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Can you just see her so *not* saying that, ever?
Response from ofankoma (Reviewer)
Oh my gosh, NEVER. I mean... not even if... no, NOPE, most emphatically not ever!
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Who ever you are this is tooooooo funny. Great job.
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Brilliant twist! I'm just glad you didn't provide us with the Ron/Harry bedroom scene!
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Me too!
And I thought Harry was noble... lol.
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
And I thought I would have learned not to hit submit before I actually typed a message. I'm glad you got a chuckle!
Hahaha! At first, I thought 'Ron, how could you? You swine!' But the ending has me grinning, very contented - fun that Harry gave Ron a dose of his own and, truthfully, more!
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
LOL, though I can`t be sure whether the person Hermione was confronting was Ron or Harry. Ron/Harry will surely sell well. Thank you.
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Whichever made you laugh, that's the one is was.
Harry, you bad boy! Do not approve!
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
He was very naughty
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Okay, it helps to write something before you hit send...Thank you!
Bah ha ha... we always knew he was a little too good to be true...
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
There had to be another flaw besides "Leaping to wrong concusions in a single bound"
Day thirty-two: no food, no Horcrux, no clue. -- He has a point, that would have been dull. Wait, it was ;-)
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)
Laughing out loud here. Ron gets his just commeuppance. :-)
Response from Aurette (Author of Sex Sells)