New Chapter for Incubus
Hechicera22 Reviews | 22 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Hechicera
Member Since 2009 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 67 | 49 Reviews Written | 355 Review Responses
Reviews for Incubus
<snort> George is going to get into sooo much trouble. I so could see this story continuing.
And Snape in Bermuda shorts--scarier than a scowl and detention with Filch.
Brilliant! I wonder what george will do with that hair. LOL
No need for the cloak now, is there? Snape must have mellowed if he's being so careless.
Why do I know that this is going to become and ongoing scuffle between these two? Thanks for a good laugh.
So funny. George is so smooth under pressure, but let's hope he's more careful this time... for Molly's sake! hehehe
Brilliant! Love the description of the irate Severus - bermuda shorts -HA! The image won't leave my mind! Poor Millicent (but maybe what she doesn't know won't hurt her- hehe! She's a Slytherin - she'll rebound for the better;-) Love the strand of black hair on the glass - I wonder what our dear George will do with that?
Oh, dear. Snape's reputation is never going to be the same again! :)
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
So the question is, will it help it or hurt it?
Oh, this is just too funny!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Thank you! George thinks so, too...
ha ha ha. I loved Snape's threat, but the end was the killer. Nicely done.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Thank you! George is a devious one for sure.
That actually wasn't supposed to make me want to smack George was it? Poor Snape.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Hee. Smack away.
Oh nooooo. George, don't do it! Lol at Severus in Samoa.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
You don't reeeallly think George is going to be able to resist, do you?
Love this! And the line about telling Molly? I just about keeled over at the thought of Snape showing up on the Burrow's step with such a bit of information in hand ... well done!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Thank you! Yes, Snape on the doorstep, knobbly knees showing beneath his Bermudas...
Devious. Voldemort could have won if he had drafted the Weasley twins. They have guts and imagination and with them, anything is possible. Even when only one remains.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Yep. You go, George.
Irate Snape in shorts, gigglesnort! Oh the possibilities with that hair, and Rita .... Oh she is in trouble. Heeheehee. Very well done.
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Thank you! I may have to write a sequel...
Hahaha, oh, George! Fun stuff!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Yeah, Snape may have met his match, don't you think?
"I will tell. Your. Mother."This is so funny! But honestly - Snape in bermudas? Never! ;-)
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Word count prevented me from going into more detail :-)
HILARIOUS! Oh, poor Millicent! Good on Severus and his Samoan masseuse! As for George taking the hair... well, it's only fair, isn't it, after the ear incident?
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Thanks! You know, I actually had written a line about George grinning "from ear to ear" and had to go back and change it. Oops!
“I will tell. Your. Mother.” Bwuahaha!! Awesome! And yet, does George stop? No. Great!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Of course he doesn't. When has he ever?Thanks for the review!
Bah ha ha ha ha... and with a little polyjuice, Georgie is right back in business. Fantastic!
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Yes, there's a sequel brewing in my mind already...
This is fun. The twist at the end was brilliant :)
Response from Hechicera (Author of Incubus)
Thank you!