New Chapter for Of Course
Of Course
Anastasia8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
For the last ten years, they've met at the same conference; this year, all that will change.
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About Anastasia
Member Since 2006 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 96 | 7 Reviews Written | 208 Review Responses
Reviews for Of Course
Well, it took them awhile to get there, but perhaps the buildup was just what they needed to fuel the fire. I wish them many more decades!
Response from Anastasia (Author of Of Course)
Happy that you liked it. :)
Response from Anastasia (Author of Of Course)
Happy that you liked it. :)
Wonderful, I love it when UST is left to be "resolved " in the imagination of the reader.
Response from Anastasia (Author of Of Course)
Unresolved is sometimes better, I agree. :) Thanks!
Response from Anastasia (Author of Of Course)
Unresolved is sometimes better, I agree. :) Thanks!
The cure, as well as the book's publication, weren't the only results of that unlikely partnership so long ago, just the only ones tangible.
I adore your subtlety and the humor througout this piece. One of the rare cases where the UST is exactly what it should be - unresolved. Brava!
Very nice. Thanks for sharing!
They could carry this on for years, with a whole year of anticipation to sweeten each meeting. :)
Response from Anastasia (Author of Of Course)
Indeed it seems it had, and could be. :) Thanks ~Ana
bravo!the ideas you played with here, brilliant!!your timing for comedy - just grand!!These two on the absolutely wrong event. Deliberately.Like their way of celebrating an aniversary.Did I read correctly: his books had re-packed themselves and made noises ? The very very best part was the one when they have to handle the pot plants. Hey, you are just delightful. "you just have to ask the plant politely" the whole fight and fire scene, wonderful, could stand up against any cloak - and - sword -movie. plus it is many times funnier.And then the ending.hey, don't lie so shamelessly to each other (what did I read, he was married to her?) you can not go on like this. This is not all. There finally they got it.Always cheating and backing out. tut tut.But not this time.Thank you for sharing!
Response from Anastasia (Author of Of Course)
Thank you so much for the lovely review. Yes, his books most definitely wanted to leave and packed themselves. :) I didn't imagine them married, just using this yearly encounter to continue what they started long ago. Glad you liked the plants, too. :)~Ana
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
>>He had then turned on his heel and descended the stairs, leaving her to watch their brave test case hold out his arms to his wife who was running toward him, overcome with joy.<<It was this sentences I was referring to, when I thought if they were married. But I think I misunderstood. the "test case" was married, wasn't he? all clear now.
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
oh, and I liked the fact, that they were in a classroom situation together, where they both had to act "student" - like. And what becomes of it. even sillier behaviour than first years would never have dared in his lessons, or he would have rosted them alive, wouldn't he?.... always the same about teachers and their ability to do as told and be quiet and listen. *gg*
Loved the ending here. Their dance goes on, but oh, so well coreographed.
Response from Anastasia (Author of Of Course)
Thank you so much. :)
I enjoyed this. It was realistic, sweet and hit just the right tone.
Response from Anastasia (Author of Of Course)
Aw thanks. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it.