New Chapter for Six Months, by Severus Snape
Six Months, by Severus Snape
lady_of_the_refrigerator19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
"Up until now, I have held my tongue and let the reports run roughshod over my reputation because I simply do not care what people think of me. There is, however, one topic I would like to address, for it affects people’s perception of more than just my character. This topic has gained undue attention in recent months and, since the attention has taken a derogatory turn, I find myself driven to break my public silence at last."
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About lady_of_the_refrigerator
Member Since 2010 | 1 Story | Favorited by 2 | 0 Reviews Written | 0 Review Responses
Reviews for Six Months, by Severus Snape
This is a lovely oneshot - I really enjoyed reading it!! Thanks so much for sharing.
Very sweet, entertaining fix. I particularly enjoyed Snape's voice and characterization. Very nice, indeed!
Charming, truly...
Cute, cute, cute!
Really nice!
This was refreshingly original. I don't know if it was the POV, or the tone of the piece, or what, but it worked well. I will say that while I do like Ron, I would truly loved to have seen his face when Hermione's patronus showed up. And a happy ending ... a definite requirement for me. Absolutely lovely piece of work!
I say, very well done!! I was pessimistic at first, having fallen out with the SS/HG ship, but you did a marvelous job of telling a story. Well organised, well written... I found myself lost in visualization, almost suprised and a little sad to come to the end. Bravo
I think you captured both Severus and Hermione admirably in this well-written piece.
I enjoyed the bit about Ron waking to find Hermione's new tarantula Patronus on his chest. I can imagine hearing Ron's horrified screams echoing from one continent to another. LOL
Lastly, I loved the tiny nod to 'Jane Eyre' at the end. :)
Absolutely lovely story, and terrific writing! Thank you so much :)
Response from maria (Reviewer)
Forgot to add - as a serious foody and cook myself, I smiled so many times while reading this!
Perfection. In so many ways, simply perfect.
Severus's voice.
His insight.
His humour(!).
His insecurities and his unapologetic admission of his limitations.
The quiet progression of his relationship with Hermione.
Hermione's pathos and the way you emphasised it by describing it in so few words.
The way she moved beyond it.
Harry's understanding.
The evidence of his growing maturity.
" The world would have been a lot less interesting without you"
C'est exactement ce que je pensais depuis longtemps !
It is exactly what I thought for a long time !
Fantastic story, loved it.
This is absolutely lovely! Thanks for a wonderful read.
Insecure to the end. But he finally figured out that his thoughts are not always right.
Awww! The voice/tone was interesting and not what I expected but consistent and well done and I think it worked. Kind of bizarre to read such a tell-all narrative from the protagonist ostensibly to a tabloid reading public he denigrates in the introduction, but oh well. I really liked the story once it got going: the bit about it starting with a (literal) bang -- nice touch, that.
This was one of my favourites from last year's exchange. Thanks for uploading it here as well! It was good to re-read it. :)
Oh I enjoyed this very much. Lovely little story to begin my day on a high note. (no bangs, just smiles! lol)
Wonderful, fun, cute, and very honest story about healing, humor and finding the quiet voice inside, one's heart- Huzzah for Sev and Hermy, H.and R. More!