New Chapter for The Four-House Tournament
The Four-House Tournament
The Snapettes17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Four unsuccessful Triwizard entrants arrange their own tournament. The prize: Snape.
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About The Snapettes
The Snapettes
Member Since 2010 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 11 | 0 Reviews Written | 36 Review Responses
The Snapettes are a group of fanfiction writers and readers who met on the SS/OC Facebook group “Muffliato!” and decided it might be fun to write stories together.
“A Valentine’s Quartet” was written by star_girl, morgaine_dulac, Agnus Castus and hexgirl, and beta-read by sevvy.
“The Four-House Tournament” was written by Agnus Castus, bluerain1984, nagandsev, rosewood, snapesgirl21, star_girl and WhiteGray, with input from the following collaborators: JeneaCapp, Neko Mata and Wendy Waddles.
Reviews for The Four-House Tournament
I almost died of laughing! You are going straightaway to my favs!
Oh, that nasty rotten vile evil man! I would absolutely love to see all four of them go to Dumbledore and him tell Snape to lighten up and be done with it.
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
, thank you so much for following this tale and for your enthusiastic support and feedback - really appreciate it! N&S
Not the ending I was expecting - trimming the hedge with nail scissors is evil! Snape held true to form all the way to the end. No softening once he realized the foursome actually liked him. Speaking of evil, Myrtle needs to go back to her toilet. I enjoyed this story and loved that you had a student from each of the houses as the main characters. Great writing. Thank you.
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
, thank you so much for following this tale and for all the lovely support & feedback! No softening Snape this time around, athough he did get some malignant pleasure from it, I daresay. Regarding Myrtle - absolutely agree! Again, thank you for reading! N&S
You know, from the moment in the story when the task was set to get detention I KNEW what I would do. Kiss Snape. If I survived, it would have been worth it.
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Oooh, that's a good idea! But you may have loss of limb as well as detention for that I think :) ~S_G
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
I think you'd have to be very brave to attempt such a thing, and I can imagine this would result inWorth it? Hell yeah! ~AC
Ooh, that was rotten! So our dear Potions Master knows something's up with the bracelets - so it's only a matter of time before he makes someone spill the beans about HIM being first prize. I see it coming, and it doesn't look good.
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
We hope you'll keep reading to see if your hunch is correct :) ~S_G
I like Luca, maybe after this story an follow up
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
We love Luca too, he was a joy to write :) ~S_G
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
The Snapettes had lots of fun developing these original characters (and embellishing the canon characters) but Luca's actualisation was the most rewarding. Every author who wrote for Luca became very fond of him, including me ~AC
Georgina's Slytherin side is definitely showing. Very clever of Luca and Alicia to win the contest together. However they must remember that Snape is the cleverest of them all and will probably get to the bottom of why they are all wearing matching bracelets. Perhaps he'll give the winner a "special" prize :-) . Really enjoying this story. Thank you.
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
We're thrilled you're enjoying it and hope you'll continue to do so :) ~S-G
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Hell hath no fury like a ticked off Slytherin, especially those of the female persuasion. Meow! As for our favorite snarky professor, well, very little ever gets past his nose unnoticed. :) -- RW (and no, that's not a Weasley!)
Snape is far too canny for them. He's going to figure it out, and then there'll be hell to pay! :)
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Keep reading, is all we can say for now :) ~S-G
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Yes, our dearest brooding professor is a master spy after all. ;) -- RW (...and, no, that does not stand for a certain ginger dunderhead!)
That's a tough task! :)
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
What was Luca thinking when he set this task? Thanks for reviewing! ~AC
Still no smile from Snape. Sigh! But the good thing is, the four friends have at least broadened their views on finding potential mates in others - even if it turned out wrong in the end.
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Yes, they've gained some life-experience in the process, that's for certain! Many thanks for your reviews ~AC
Great chapter! I'm sure Alicia thinks that what Brent did to her was worth it in the end but I hope Snape let's him have it. Good riddance to Percy but what horrible timing for Penelope and what a wimp Pierre was. Sorry Luca, Snape is not gay. Looking forward to more.
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Yes, poor Penelope, she had such a lovely dress... But at least she got rid of Percy!Thank you!WG
Ooh, that was interwoven with Canon so well! Good job! Cicca almost got a smile from him. And she's darn lucky that Georgina fixed the bracelet and got to her in time, or it might not have counted at all!
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Thank you, we were always very careful the be in-Canon with such scenes (and took the liberty elsewhere of course...)
Getting a detention should be easy. Making use of it might be the tricky bit! :)
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Hehe, yes indeed! But even Snape is reluctant to give a member of his own House detention. Thanks for reading :) ~S-G
Maybe Georgina shouldn't celebrate so soon. After all Luca and Penelope still have time. I hope Georgina considers cutting the apron strings for real. Alicia was very impressive in Potions. Looking forward to seeing what Penelope and Luca do to get a smile.
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Thank you for the lovely, detailed review! Absolutely agree, Luca and Penelope have still to try the second task, but that Slytherin smugness goes a long way... it would be nice to see what Georgina could do if she ever would cut the apron strings! Alicia was finally able to display some of her true attributes for her Potions Master;-D Thank you again for the lovely review! N&S
Poor Luca. Hope he gets the real prize... ;)
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
We all have a soft spot for Luca, we have to admit :) Thanks for reading and reviewing. ~S_G
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Thank you for the review! Don't worry, Luca's tougher and, um, very creative - more than anyone knows, including himself! He's full of surprises:-D Thanks again for the support! N&S
Yea for the girls! Although I really do feel sorry for Luca, he is almost too smitten to be able to take this seriously. I hope that Georgina and Alicia's friendship will be able to withstand whatever comes their way - jealousy can sneak up between even the tightest of friends. I wonder what the next task is???
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Thank you for your review! Yes, this Tournament is going to test their friendships, that's for sure. Next chapter is in the queue so we hope we won't be keeping you waiting too long :) ~S_G
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Thank you for the lovely, detailed review! Glad the girls are hitting their marks as well. Yes, poor Luca is a dear, smitten thing, isn't he? We'll see how he'll raise the stakes for himself soon. Yes, the Slytherin definitely doesn't like to be outshown by a Gryffindor *hehe*. Again, thank you for your lovely support! N&S
Karkaroff's attitude and prejudices are mind-boggling. I'm counting on Snape setting things straight somehow. I like how you fit in dialogue from the books. It provides an authentic feel. Great chapter.
Response from The Snapettes (Author of The Four-House Tournament)
Snape's relationship with Karkaroff has complicated dynamics, and it's very frustrating that Snape is powerless, despite all that has gone before. I'm glad that you've enjoyed the cameo appearances from Harry and Ron; The Snapettes strived to keep this story as canon-compliant as possible, using canon scenes to embellish our story. Thanks for your review! ~AC