New Chapter for The Fairy Lantern
The Fairy Lantern
magalena2 Reviews | 2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Hermione finds herself in a difficult situation. Severus to the rescue.
This fic was 2011 birthday fic for talesofsnape, her only prompt was fairy.
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About magalena
Member Since 2007 | 18 Stories | Favorited by 123 | 166 Reviews Written | 544 Review Responses
I am a Harry Potter fanfic fanatic, I only discovered it after the release of DH. Disapointed that the series was ending, I read some blurb about fan fiction (which I had never heard of before) clicked a link and 'voila' I was hooked. I started out reading mostly Dramione, but evolved and although I still like DM/HG, my OTP is SS/HG. I also enjoy reading LM/HG and 3-somes with SS/HG/LM or DM/HG/BZ. As you can see I love seeing Hermione paired with those lovely Slytherin men.
After reading for nearly 2 years, I started writing a bit of my own, mostly shorter drabbles or ficlets. I've written seveal stories for fests, such as the SS/HG exchange, the LM/HG exchange, and the LuciusBigBang, fest among others.
I am magalena at here and at AFF, and; magdalena at GE, OWL and IATQO; and madeleone at live journal, AO3, Ashwinder and the Maple Bookshelf.Reviews for The Fairy Lantern
What a fantastic birthday gift, how pleased your friend must be.
I loved Fairy/Hermione with attitude, how could she be any other way. Severus was so gentle with her , after he figured out it was
her, he was very sweet male , in his dread of women's tears.
Poor Draco, he really was sorry for being so foolish, I could just see him warped around Hermione's legs, like the Giant Squid.
There doesn't seem to be any doubt, that Friday is going to be a very special night indeed.
Response from magalena (Author of The Fairy Lantern)
Thanks so much for the lovely comments. This really is one of my faves of all my stories. The prompt was simply, "fairy" and after thinking for a moment the first thing that popped into my mind was a tinkerbell sized version of Hermione. So then I had to figure out how she got that way... this is the result. :)
This is lovely and fun. I love Hermione as an angry fairy.
Response from magalena (Author of The Fairy Lantern)
Aww, thanks so much, Dreamy. I'm glad you liked it.:)