New Chapter for Tickled
richardgloucester13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )
A few years after the end of the war, Severus comes back to Hogwarts to teach - but he's in for a nasty surprise.
Huge thanks to my beta-readers, Annie Talbot, Subversa, and Machshefa, who hold my hand and tell me nice things.)
Start ReadingChapters (4)
About richardgloucester
19 Stories | Favorited by 337 | 22 Reviews Written | 585 Review Responses
RichardGloucester is now also a published author, under the name Jae Eynon, with stories in a new anthology, "IMMANENCE" (Story Spring Publishing, 2016) and "Thoroughly Modern Monsters" (Story Spring Publishing, 2013). She still loves the world of Harry Potter and sails the SSHG ship!
Reviews for Tickled
I quite like this story so far, and am very interested to see where it goes from here. How will Snape do with his creatures? What about Hermiones runes? Please update!
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Tickled)
Thank you for commenting! I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I do intend to update at some point, but unfortunately I am very busy with other things at the moment, which means that updates will be slow in coming. I'm sorry about that.
Response from TheCopperDragon2004 (Reviewer)
Just glad to hear that it isn't completely abandoned! :)
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Tickled)
Definitely not abandoned, no. I like this story too much. Just as a warning, though, if you see me take this down completely, don't worry - it'll be because I've decided to devote some hard work to it, and don't want to post as a WIP. Once it reappears, it'll be complete. Thank you for your patience with me.
I love your writing style! More please?
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Tickled)
Thank you so much! I promise there will be more, but life has got ahead of me a bit lately, so I'm not sure when. Please bear with me and have faith!
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Tickled)
Thank you so much! I promise there will be more, but life has got ahead of me a bit lately, so I'm not sure when. Please bear with me and have faith!
This is such a fun story. I like the relaxed Severus -- driven to do a good job, but not over-achieving. I also like the idea of the castle talking to the rune teacher and I am wondering if this is why Prof. Babbling went crazy (or at least seemed too). It is also reminiscent of the basilisk talking so that Harry could hear in book 2. Hopefully this will turn out to be more benign than a monstrous snake. She hasn't said yet what the castle is saying. More dirty limiricks?
Wonderful story. I love reading about a Snape who's good with animals.
How did I miss this chapter until now? Wonderful, as always, the downside being that now I crave for more.
Adored the interactions with Tenebrus.
I'm sure Neville would consider toad husbandry as a subtle art.
I love it. 'nuff said.
so glad to see you've updated this. A real treat as always
Love love love! That last bit had me laughing out loud. I do wonder why exactly Hermione needs a vacation, though!
This is so much fun!! You should definitely make a speech for Severus' first class!! Lol. Will be waiting for an update!
I laughed through the whole chapter! You have a gift for humor which pours onto the screen unfettered.
Love your writing and hope you are going to finish this adventure. I do like Snape in Hagrids post and seeing him in a different light. What is the meaning of the wax rubbing of runes? Why is the castle speaking to Hermione? So many questions left unanswered.
Hope you will be writing more soon. Thanks for sharing.
I love the way this is taking.
It has been almost a year since anyone has nagged you about this very fine story. I am waiting for Hermione and Severus to discover the meaning of the vined code. Consider yourself nagged. >:-)
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Tickled)
*adores* Thank you. Actually, it's only yesterday that I was talking to a writing buddy about this story, so maybe there'll be some more forthcoming. I hope so - life has been very pressured for the last six months, and I'm hoping to turn things around in 2015. Thank you again for nagging!
Response from sighingsealey (Reviewer)
The reason I nag is that, being an English-teaching grandma, I know good writing when I read it. Your plot develpment is excellent, and I love the way you twine the mystery of the vines with the romance in my favorite romantic pairing.