New Chapter for Dancing in Minefields
Dancing in Minefields
lady_rhian15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
"We danced in minefields."
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About lady_rhian
Member Since 2006 | 37 Stories | Favorited by 238 | 216 Reviews Written | 1,498 Review Responses
The Tenant of Lyonesse Hall is on a temporary hiatus. Look for an update in winter 2012!
Reviews for Dancing in Minefields
I realy enjoyed this lovely story, with it's snap-shots of life from different points of view. Beautifully done.
I love this. I think this is just beautiful. I like the rambling flow, it really works so well in the context. I was so disappointed to get to the end because it was, well, the end. :( But then I read your responses to the reviews and I am so SO happy to see that you intend to add more to this later. I have it bookmarked and am looking forward to it - really, honestly, I can't wait to read more. While I have some ideas as to what form the Boggart took, I don't feel like I really need to know now... I'm okay with not knowing.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
Thank you! This piece already has a very special place in my heart, and I look forward to adding more to it. And in case you were interested, I just started posting a new WIP, The Tenant of Lyonesse Hall, here on TPP. :)
what a lovely multi-faceted picture of a strong loving relationship.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
Thank you! I quite enjoyed the desultory format and intend to add to the piece in the future.
I really enjoyed this! I love the format and the selection of "memories." It somehow manages to convey the sense of a really long story, with all the character/plot development involved, but it's fairly short. I know it says "complete," however, I cannot help holding out hope for more.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
Thank you! I intend to allow the birthday and hpcon_envy prompts pile up over the next few months, and then construct another segment - I fell in love with the piece a bit and am eager to add more. :-) So be on the lookout for another installment this year!
This is really sweet! Thanks for writing it, very enjoyable.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it. :-)
Beautiful, thank you!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
And thank you for taking the time to read and review! So pleased that you enjoyed it.
That was really sweet. I loved how you weaved all the prompts into a believable memoir.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
Thank you! I enjoy combining various prompts into a cohesive whole - it's a fun challenge. So glad this piece "worked"!
Can I just say that waking up to find this lovely story is probably one of the most delightful ways to welcome in a new day! It's such a personal glimps into the quiet (and sometimes not so quiet) life of my favorite fictional married couple. Even now I'm not always sure how fictional these two people are... a testiment to your writing skills.One of my favorite bits is when Hermione and Severus are telling Rose about how they met: S: I can use a toolkit and follow directions, which is more than Hermione can say.H: What’s that saying – if you don’t find me handsome, at least you find me handy? Oh, don’t pout. You know I find you handsome, if not entirely agreeable –S: I assembled the entertainment center single-handedly. Your mother tried to help. It was very amusing. H: I did help!S: You bent over. It was a motivating factor.I think our lovely author enjoys the wisdom of Red Green as much as I do. This entire piece taken as a whole embodies other bits of Red Green's wisdom for living well:"Keep your stick on the ice" and "We're all in this together." Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this! And very well done!!!*hugs*Beffey
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
I just responded to this review on LJ, but I'm reveling in your wonderful words once again... thank you for the lovely compliment, dear.
I am all sorts of impressed that you were able to wrangle that into a story that made sense. Now of course demanding readers want to know how the gift was received?? Do tell.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
Thank you, dear! So glad you enjoyed it. And I do believe you may have prompted me to write something else now, darn you... though I do plan to write a follow-up to this one as other birthday and hpcon_envy prompts roll in. Speaking of which. I offered drabbles on my birthday post for the December babies - would you like to prompt me? :-)
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
hummm I would like a drabble in Luna's POV. The Luna that is brilliant and uses crumpled horned whatevers as a disguise for her smarts. Luna reflecting on how the SS/HG prodigny turned out. Too specific?
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
I don't write Luna very well... I could try for you, but not sure how she would turn out. Any other ideas? Can I have options? ;)
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
Options are good!1. HG collects abanonded kneezles like most women collect shoes. Does being the "scary cat lady" translate in the magical world?2. Severus ponders adopting a war orphan. 3. Severus has a fairy god father named Bob. Bob has been a bit distracted for the last 20 years/AWOL. What does Severus have to say about that? 4. Disgusted by cockroach clusters HG sets out to modernize magical candy and makes her fortune.5. Tell me all about wizarding ebay. Who sells what?
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
Oh my gosh, the possibilities. #3 in particular seems just too good to resist... I shall brainstorm and write something Purdy for you. :-) xo
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
Oh YIPPEEEE that was my favorite tooo! Feel free to take time if it morphs into something longer than a drabble. LOL
A bit disjointed as you mentioned, but enjoyable none-the-less. Thank you for sharing!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Fabulous story. I could almost see it as a multi-chapter story as Rose & Hugo's finished project. BTW, I once read a story where Hermione uses the nickname "IKIA"--Insufferable Know-It-All. It has stuck w/ me ever since.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
First, LOL to that nickname! How fantastic. Second, thank you for stopping by to read and review. I'm really enjoying the fluid structure of the piece, and I may well add to it as other birthday/hpcon_envy prompts roll in over the next few months.
What a lovely story -- I like the glimpses into their lives together from the perspectives of the various people. Nice! :)
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
Thank you! I'm pleased as punch that the format is "working" for so many readers.
Beautiful - and fierce - and vulnerable - and really, quite wonderful.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
Mm, what lovely words! ~stores them up~ I'm so glad that you enjoyed it.
What a lovely story. I'm turning 52 in a month, but I already drink decaf.I assume that the truffle at the bottopm of the cup is of the chocolate variety, not the kind that pigs dig up. LOL. I've never tried that. Sounds delightful. And I make my own truffles (chocolate) with Kahlua. Yum!I would have hoped Ron would be a decent father, but he never was responsible growing up, so why change now?
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dancing in Minefields)
My mother has taken to drinking her coffee with cream. ~sigh~ I'm still in my caffeinated, black coffee years, but I know I'll get there eventually! Thank you for taking the time to read and review.