New Chapter for The Secret of Hydra
The Secret of Hydra
RedHH44 Reviews | 44 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Severus and Bellatrix had a single night together. The consequences would last much longer. Slight SS/BL, OFC, AU.
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About RedHH
Member Since 2009 | 1 Story | Favorited by 2 | 1 Review Written | 39 Review Responses
I'm a Canadian university student who reads fanfics when she should be studying instead. I'm always looking for good Snape or Draco stories, so let me know if you come across any awesome (or lesser known) fics! My favourite pairings are HG/SS and HG/DM, although I also enjoy Severitus fics.
I'm currently writing a SS/BL fic called 'The Secret of Hydra,' in which Snape unwittingly searches for the daughter he doesn't know he has. It's being posted both here and at Currently on hiatus, but may be picked up again shortly (Aug/Sept 2012-ish).
Reviews for The Secret of Hydra
Aaargh, I'm aching for an update here! Great job so far!
Oh I hope Severus has a plan and wasn't just being impulsive when he took Hydra. I don't think Voldy or Bella are going to just let this go. Loved the "Daddy".
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Maybe not a fully-fledged plan, but he can think on his feet. Usually.-Red
YAY SNAPE! \O/Although with Bellatrix as a mother, groomed to be docile or not, she's not going to take his constant insults for very long...
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Rest assured that things will not stay calm for long...-Red
"Daddy?"Lovely! This is so well done. I am enthralled he went for the gusto and snatched her. What a fate, Voldy...EW. *shiver* More please.Thank you again for sharing~
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Glad you're liking it! Yeah, I can't imagine being raised with the intent to go be Voldy's right-hand girl. Gross.-Red
omg! that is SO cute! hehe i wonder what Severus' reaction to "Daddy" will be? hehe thank you so much for the update, it was wonderful
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Oh, God knows it's all going to go to hell after that!-Red
Poor kid, she's so anxious to have someone in her life that's not totally crazy.
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Well, wouldn't YOU grab onto the first non-crazy person who stepped into your world, even if he kidnapped you from your own house?-Red
That went well! I was surprised that Severus decided so quickly to fetch his daughter, and I'm not certain he would have seized the opportunity if Dobby hadn't told him he would be "honored" to take him to visit Miss Hydra whenever he wanted to go. Then "Bob's you uncle," and he was sitting in his quarters having tea with his own child. I'm delighted that Severus chose to bring Hydra to his home before Bellatrix could "present" her to the Dark Lord, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how they get on, if she will begin study at Hogwarts, and if Voldemort will want to hex him every way but loose.Nifty update! Thanks.Beth
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Well, the sailing surely will not be smooth, I can say that much. As always, glad for your review!-Red
I really thought it was going to be Draco. Other than the whole cousin thing (and the purebloods aren't particularly averse to inbreeding), he at least seems a logical match for her....I like the pragmatic Lestrange. He's still a jackass I'm sure, but he's coming across as more human than I've seen him played before.And Snape is a force to be reckoned with. I don't think Bellatrix is fully aware of that. Voldemort probably underestimates him also, but not as much. Intriguing story, and I look forward to read more. Very original premise, and a nice pace and mix of the darker elements without being too dark.
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Thanks very much for your review! I'm glad to hear that my characterizations are coming across well. Glad you're liking the story!Red
I shudder every time I think about Bellatrix's plans for Hydra. Being married to the Dark Lord is a fate worse than anything. I dearly hope Severus will be able to think of a way to interrupt these plans. Perhaps even Rodolphus will agree to help him, but how they could pull it off is beyond me. It's going to be interesting to see where you take this story! Well done!Beth
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Thanks again for your review! I've got a plan for them in mind, but you'll just have to wait and see!Red
ooooh! Snape is dangerous! scary and exciting at the same time. great chapter!
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Snape's that subtle sort of scary that I think is more terrifying than the macho, thuggish type. Thanks for your review!Red
Wow! Amazing chapter! Very exciting and a bit scary. I can't wait to read more.
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Glad to hear you enjoyed it!Red
holy smoking cows! what exactly just happened?!? *Brain catches up with me* oh, well, he's Severus Snape so i won't worry about him. now bella bella hmm lets hope she doesn't end up killing someone when she finds that her secret is out great chapter and thank you very much for the update. :D
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Chapter 8 just got approved and posted, if you want to keep reading!Red
....And then Snape is hurt very badly by either Rodolphus or Bellatrix....
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
But he'll live, because that's what he does, and continue on to do marvellous and snarky things, because he does that also.Red
Interesting development.. I think Snape knows Lestrange well enough to know what works and what not in telling him things.. Obviously he thought being honest was the best way to deliver the message. I do hope they will become allies in preventing that Hydra will become Voldemorts bride. Lestrange is powerful otherwise he wouldn't stand a chance in any interaction with his wife. So as long as he can be convinced that it's quite a perverse idea to let his stepdaughter marry the dark lord, there is a chance Snape can convince him to help him preventing it.
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Thanks for your review and your interpretation! That's rather what I was going for, that Snape knows that sometimes the best policy is honesty if one would like to keep his head attached to his shoulders. Hydra will definitely be an issue for Snape and Rodolphus to work out between them. But then Bellatrix will have to shove her nose into it and then who knows what will happen...Red
Response from orlando switch (Reviewer)
I think Snape reasons that if he is honest about the fact that it's his child, Rodolphus is easier to convince that he only spend one night with Bella and that it wasn't a long lasting affair behind Rodolphus back.And of course Bella has to come into the picture at some moment.. and then we will see who is better in playing the dark lord. Will Bella be able to enchant him with this gift of a virgin girl raised in the best pureblood customs? Or will Snape be able to convince him that she is not good enough for him, being a halfblood bastard. After all we all know Tom is a bit sensitive about his own parentag eas halfblood bastard..
Wow Severus really let everything out of the bag. That's not like him so I imagine there is some sort of plan. Can't wait to find out what it is. I appreciated the information on the name Hydra also. Thanks.
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Thanks for your review! I hope you didn't think Severus was too out of character; be sure to let me know if he isn't quite Snapey enough!Red
Well, Rodolphus hasn't killed him yet, but there's always the next chapter. At least Lestrange knows it happened before he and Bella married. I hope Rodolphus will hear Severus out and decide to help save Hydra from the fate her mother has in mind for her.Beth
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
I'm more concerned for when Bellatrix finds out they've discovered her secret, to be honest. Rodolophus can be reasoned with, but Bellatrix... well, she's not the most stable woman in the world. Thanks for your review!Red
Finement joué Séverus !
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
I will be totally honest, I had to run that through an online translator to be certain of what you said. But that aside, let's hope Rodolphus thinks so too. Thanks for your review!Red
Oooooh crap! Well, if he's going to survive this I expect honesty with Lestrange may end up being a good thing. AGGG! Wow, excellent chapter. I can't WAIT to see what happens next.
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Thanks for the review! You'll just have to keep reading and see where it goes from here... :)Red
*chokes on drink*
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
The perfect response, I love it!Red
“And your father?” he asked, trying a different tack. “What does he say to all this?”“I've never met him, either,” Hydra said. “Mother calls him the 'Potions master', but she's never said a name. I think she thinks I'll try to find him, if I know who he is, and she doesn't want that.”OMG! Now he knows that she is his daughter, and that Bellatrix is getting her ready to marry... "Mother says that he's very important, and is going to be even more so shortly, and that I will have to be prepared to become an essential part of his life and legacy,” Great Lord! That crazy bitch is about to marry off Snape's daughter to Voldemort! Holy shite!How can Severus go for another week before he see's his child again. How can he prevent her being "gifted" to the most evil wizard in Britain? What will Dobby say when he finds all this out?This is a very clever tale, RedHH. Well done!Beth
Response from RedHH (Author of The Secret of Hydra)
Hi Beth,You've left quite the string of reviews for me! Trust me, they are much appreciated! I can't quite remember where I got the idea of Severus/Bellatrix, but it got stuck in my head and wouldn't go away, so I figured I might as well write it down. Yes, things will definitely become a bit more dark and twisted down the road as things all come together... I haven't quite decided where it's going to go, but that's half the fun! I'm glad you both laughed and were left on tenterhooks; it means I'm doing my job as an author. I hope to have a new chapter written in a few days and posted as soon as Petulant can get me through! Thanks again and happy reading,Red
Arrrggghhhh! Well, he still doesn't know how old she is, but he knows she is Bella's daughter. That's good. I think.
Will he tell Rodolphus what he has discovered? Or will he play his cards close to his vest for a while longer? Questions, questions, and more questions!
Yay! for Dobby! The only thing Severus didn't think to do was find out how old Hydra is.... and I hope he does that in the next chapter. But what on earth will he do when he realizes that she might be his own child?
Great chapter! The were two times that I laughed out loud. Once when Severus told Rodolphus that his wife had left something behind and the "worried" husband replied, “Well, we can't have her going without...” He trailed off as Snape opened his fist. “Her button?” And the second was when Severus was Apparating on Brouny's coattails and found himself "slamming against a brick wall. Snape bounced backwards, finding himself sprawled across a stretch of pavement..."
Lucius seems to have his own set of problems to worry about if Draco can't get that Vanishing Cabinet repaired in short order.
I wonder if the Dark Lord knows that Bellatrix gave birth to Severus' child. Hummmmm. That would put an entirely new spanner in the works. At least Severus has found that there is a secret kept house where Bella goes and that there is a young witch lives who lives there. Very interesting, indeed.