New Chapter for Henry
Jinxie7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
When her crumbs and the monsters get the upper hand over him, she gives him Henry.
AU, drabble in 200 words.
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About Jinxie
8 Stories | Favorited by 18 | 1,194 Reviews Written | 212 Review Responses
I'm an AmeriBrit living in the UK.
My favourite pairing is SS-HG.
Reviews for Henry
It gives a whole new meaning to " Snape sucks ".
Response from Jinxie (Author of Henry)
Lol. Very true!
I work as a charwitch,have got a green henry.loved the story-can just see sev doing the housework! lol
Hehehe ... very amusing. That Henry is pretty cute, too!
Response from Jinxie (Author of Henry)
Thank you! (And comes in all house colours.) ;)
Poor Sev...It coulda been been worse, There's a green one named Harry!
Response from Jinxie (Author of Henry)
Ha ha, too true. :)
That is the cutest vacuum cleaner I have EVER seen. Loved the drabble too! :)
Response from Jinxie (Author of Henry)
He he, he is cute - isn't he? Coinsidentally he comes in all house colours (and pink). Accident?I'm glad you've enjoyed it. Thank you for readinga nd reviewing! :)
lol! the image of Snape Vacuuming is too funny!
Response from Jinxie (Author of Henry)
Yes, vacuuming Snape is a funny thought isn't it? Now, doing it in the buff would be a better image, wouldn't it?