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Rented Memories
Jinxie8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
After reading a good review of a Memory, Ron decides to rent it, not realising just who stars in it. AU, story told mostly through HP & RW POV.
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About Jinxie
8 Stories | Favorited by 18 | 1,194 Reviews Written | 212 Review Responses
I'm an AmeriBrit living in the UK.
My favourite pairing is SS-HG.
Reviews for Rented Memories
*grin* That is the fairest punishment Severus gave ever. Wonderful story!
Response from Jinxie (Author of Rented Memories)
It is isn't it? I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and reviewing! :)
loved it!! thanks
Response from Jinxie (Author of Rented Memories)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and reviewing! :)
Spending time in Azkaban definitely pales in comparison to the horror of being forced to watch nekkid Scrimgeour and Umbridge. Let alone in the midst of carnal acts.*Shudders*
Response from Jinxie (Author of Rented Memories)
Yes, I don't know if he was regretting that or not. ;)
This is about the most clever plot involving memories I think I've ever read. And the widescreen Pensieve Viewer is truly inspired!Kudos and all kinds of awards to you for originality!Beth
Response from Jinxie (Author of Rented Memories)
Thank you! I didn't think anything like it had been done before, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
Now this is an interesting concept. "Renting" a memory. But once you watch it don't you now have your memory of it? And if so, how can the "rental" be truly returned? The original memory strand can be returned, but not the memory itself.It would be really cool if when you returned the rental, your memory of what it showed was erased. Then you would have to re-rent it. Now that would be a moneymaker. Otherwise, it is like everyone who rents it dubs their own copy. Pretty soon, you are out of business.
Response from Jinxie (Author of Rented Memories)
From my understanding, you would retain a memory of the memory you're watching. It would be the "original" memory being returned, as per cannon, as copies or altered memories would be hazy and inherently obvious that they were tampered with. ;)That would be a money-maker, and I'm sure WB & Disney would enjoyy getting their hands on it for their own movies. Thank you for reading and reviewing! :)
Now that IS a Cruel and Unusual Punishment! :)
Response from Jinxie (Author of Rented Memories)
Indeed, but fun to watch. ;)
*cackles like a loon*
Revenge FTW!
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it! :)
hahahahaha! serves you right, Luc! hahaha *sudders at the thought of Umbitch nude*
Response from Jinxie (Author of Rented Memories)
Nude Umbridge is enough to put anyone off their lunch, but being forced to watch it... ;)Thanks for reading and reviewing!