New Chapter for Getting Back at Umbridge
Getting Back at Umbridge
Ravenscara4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
The Weasley Twins have done it again, only this time Umbridge is the victim.
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About Ravenscara
7 Stories | Favorited by 0 | 193 Reviews Written | 4 Review Responses
I'm currently a writter of DM/HG and SS/HG. I'm 20 with a little sister that agrees with me that Draco Malfoy is hot. My mom is an avid Severus fan and can be found as Sevibaby here. I have been writing DM/HG stories for the past 3 years and a oneshot for HG/DM/BZ with BZ as a different character then portrayed in the newest movie.
Recently, I have found out that I will be having a baby girl who will be called Bella-Rose.
Reviews for Getting Back at Umbridge
Why Snape? I rather like him. Why not Dumbledore? He needs to learn some lessons on how to manage people properly. *grin* This was a good story, btw. ^_^
Very imaginative and clever.
Trust Gred and Forge to leave such magical memories that dear Dolores will find it impossible to forget them.
My contribution:
Snarky Seat: I placed a charm on Umbridge herself that would activate anywhere she sat down, causing her chair to keep up a snarky commentary to her every word and action. I'm particularly proud of the modification that caused Umbridge to hear mewing kittens in place of not only the snarky commentary but the resultant snickers and giggles as well. Score!
You are one strange and unusual child. I do not claim you. Good premise and execution of all of those wonderful idea's that Fred and George had.