New Chapter for Crooked
richardgloucester21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
A short account of post-war healing and rapprochement. Inspired by an old English nursery rhyme.
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About richardgloucester
19 Stories | Favorited by 337 | 22 Reviews Written | 585 Review Responses
RichardGloucester is now also a published author, under the name Jae Eynon, with stories in a new anthology, "IMMANENCE" (Story Spring Publishing, 2016) and "Thoroughly Modern Monsters" (Story Spring Publishing, 2013). She still loves the world of Harry Potter and sails the SSHG ship!
Reviews for Crooked
What a lovely piece of work. The rhyme is perfect to the most wonderful story. It makes me happy.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Crooked)
Thank you so much!
Love what you "show" instead of "tell"!
They had a party the day Eileen's boy cut the cat-flap in the door.
It was Filch who caught her carrying her cat out of Snape's quarters at six in the morning.
I like it. I'd forgotten the rhyme. Thanks for writing and sharing.
This is one of my favorite nursery rhymes. I love the way you added HG and SS to it. Eileen's boy indeed!
Oh, this was just lovely, really lovely! I hope I'll be seeing you at Infinitus.
SO CUUTE!! I love the use of the rhyme in the story! It's just so adorably Cute! the way he bribes Crookshanks to reel in Hermione... The Cat flap is the perfect closing line.
Loved this...the nursey rhymes worked their majic through you...well done
This is cute. And a lovely story of two broken people who help each other rebuild their life.
Love it, dicky. Fabulous drabbles about healing souls tied perfectly to a nursery rhyme. Quite insprired.
What a fantastic little story. It is short and sweet, but gets the point across and is heartwarming. I loved the last line... such nosy old neighbors :)
They had a party the day Eileen's boy cut the cat-flap in the door.
That is one of the best last lines I've ever read! Well done.
Very cute! :)
What a nicely worked piece, from broken individuals to comfortable domesticity.
Lovely, absolutely lovely!!!
*sniff* this one brought tears to my eyes. it's a blessing in this world that there may be people rejoicing for you that you're not even aware of. thanks and mucho smoochies
Nice, heartfelt drabble series. No lemons needed.
This is thoughtful, well-written, spare and elegant-and charming.
That was lovely, haunting, and that last line made me laugh.
WONDERFUL, I absolutely love it! Well done! What a great way to use a nursery rhyme...
I would throw a party too, to see ''Eileen's boy'' happy.
Just found this. Love the old lady's at the end!