New Chapter for To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes
To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes
laurielove13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
When Hermione goes to Malfoy Manor with her lover, she encounters a vivid reminder of the past. Part of 'To Relieve Boredom', but it needs to stand apart as well, if that makes sense!
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About laurielove
Member Since 2010 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 394 | 8 Reviews Written | 642 Review Responses
Welcome to my world of (largely) erotic exploration of the human condition. (Well, that's one way of putting it anyway ...)
My writing is largely rated NC-17 and, as you will see, contains a lot of explicit detail. But I cannot write without developing believable characters, largely in canon (at least as a starting point), whose behaviour is established through dialogue and tangible situations. I adore these characters and tend to write from the inside out, getting inside their heads and simply letting them talk (and act ...). Yes, there is a lot of sex, but I hope my characters' sexuality enables them, and us, to discover deeper aspects of their personalities.
My favourite pairings are Hermione/Lucius and Hermione/Severus, but I have written for various other couples and situations.
I have recently started writing original works which have, fortunately, been picked up by publishers. If you are interested in my original work, my penname is Demelza Hart.
I love establishing a dialogue with my readers. Please feel free to contact me with comments, suggestions, criticism, anything. I look forward to hearing from you!
In the meantime ... enjoy!
Reviews for To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes
will keep this one short and sweet: that was hot :)
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Thank you! I forget about this one sometimes. I reread it the other day and ... yeah ... I think I agree with you! (Is that allowed for one of your own stories!!??)
That was hot loved it
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Thank you so much. x
would sure want to be the lucky girl dealing with those delicious Malfoy's. well done again!!!!!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Me too! Thank you for your continuing support! x
wow. I don't know how I could have missed this!!!amazing, just... wow.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Thank you! Your review slipped in without me noticing too! x
Hot, hot, hot... Feeling all tingly now! It's your fault for writing such naughty stories!I quite like the idea of them together in his study. It is a bit creepy though - just one more prove that I am a bit on the kinky side of things, I suppose.I wonder how there wasn't jealousy involved - but then I guess that Abraxas' reasoning must be along the lines of "If I can't have her, at least my son can profite from her skills." Naughty man... But then again, it fits the Malfoys!Good work!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Everyone thinks it's creepy!! Yeah, it is I guess. Not creepy enough not to be erotic though, I hope. These are the Malfoys - they were, once at least, evil personified. They're allowed to be a bit creepy now and again. Still bloody hot, though!!Thanks as ever for your support and lovely, lovely words! xxI always wanted to use that emoticon. It doesn't really go with the story or review, but what the heck!! xxx
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Reviewer)
No, not creepy enough not to be erotic, definitely! And the Malfoys have to be a bit twisted, if they weren't they'd not be the Malfoys!It's always a pleasure to review your stories, because there is always something nice that is worth saying. With other stories I often find myself at loss what to say, either because they are badly written and I don't want to bother, but sometimes even if they are nice... Don't you agree that there are many nicely written stories that just lack imagination?
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Oh yes.
I am enjoying these stories. I find Lucius to be more than I imagined. Tantalizing and beautiful....makes me want more!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Thank you so much! If you stick with my stories, I can make you find Lucius much MUCH more than you imagined!!! There's plenty more where that came from, believe me! LL x
I must confess: I couldn't wait for your third post so I went to and read the Draco story. I didn't like it much, but after reading THIS story, I think the Draco story would have made more sense to me if I'd read it as the fourth installment instead of the third. Any chance of a fifth in the series, to resolve how Hermione ends up? I'm old-fashioned enough to want her to have the right to be escorted in public by the Malfoy of her choice, instead of always hiding, coming to the house when Cissa is gone, etc. I lean toward Hermione ending up with Lucius; he and Cissa are both unhappy in their marriage, so perhaps Cissa should initiate a divorce, free them both. Well, that is all IMHO, of course. Thank you for this installment of the story!!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Oops - I know - I wondered if I shouldn't have posted the Draco one without this one on ff. I had never intended this one at all, it was suggested to me by a couple of people and, it just - happened. You're right, I think it does help us understand Lucius' motives with regard to Draco. I think to go straight from Luceat Eis to that one is perhaps a bit much. Hope you enjoy both more now!! Thanks for your thoughtful words. xxx LL
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Just realised I didn't address any of your queries! Duh! I may well write some more at some point, although I confess that I had never intended her to end up with them. Their relationship evolved so much through the writing of this that it got to a place which was rather unexpected for me too. Oh well. Maybe one day - you are not the only one to ask! x
Response from June W (Reviewer)
(wait for author to fall asleep.... whisper in her ear: Luuucius....., Luuuuuucius.,.,..,,. Hermiione needs Luuuuucius.,,..)
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
*sigh* We all need Lucius ... if only ...I have many many, lovely Lumione tales to share ... as you may have discovered from your forays to In good time, I will bring them over here. Lucius will always be my wonderful darling favourite character to write for, for so many reasons ... LL xxx
You know, for all the "mudblood" calling that goes on in these stories, both Abraxas and Lucius haven't felt particularly dark. Until this one. This one has a slightly depraved atmosphere that wasn't in the previous two. Actually, the Lucius tale is actually rather sweet. But in this one we get to be reminded of his dark roots, so to speak. Outrageously sexy. So well written. Thanks for sharing it. :)
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Yup - depraved - we like a bit of depravity occasionally! And I know you like your Lucius dark ... mwa ha ha ... happy to oblige! xxx
You know, I understand it but it is a tad ... creepy. There is an odd competition between father and son. I hadn't expected Lucius to be so interested in humoring his father in such a way where he would be compared with him by the one woman who had had them both. I guess it helps that his father is dead and is therefore no real competition.Interesting premise played out in an unexpected way. Bravo.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
Yeah, it's a bit creepy - sometimes that can be quite erotic too!! I guess that's how I wanted it. Lucius has this odd dichotomous relationship with his father which is exemplified here. Anyway - a story, like a painting, doesn't have to have a clear message or meaning, as long as it makes you think or react. Hope I did that! LL x
Whew! This is just lovely! Even after this an the tryptich, I feel like there's more story to be told- a resolution, perhaps, or a more concrete status to be reached between Hermione and her men. Even if it weren't filled with unbelievably hot sex, I'd want to read that. If it were, well, who's complaining?
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
I had never expected this series to be as long as it was, but I know that there is the possibility of more, some sore of resolution does indeed beckon. I have no plans for it at the moment, but the seeds have been sown, shall we say ... x
(bows down deep and applauses)Searched for the fourth part, re-read all parts in a row and must say:Brain-frying good!Drop dead gorgeous... (Drop dead because of the aneurysm that exploded due to the high blood pressure)What a quadruplet !And after re-reading "TRB" and re-discovering "...At one point she had emerged weeks into the future and had been tempted to stay for a while and investigate, but sense got the better of her..."biting my cheek and thinking: Darn ! Why didn't get her sensual need the best of her instead ?But nevertheless: Bravo, Bravissimo !May your muse shower you with lots and lots of copious plotbunnies...Though I still wish Hermione would get her hands on a timeturner again after an especially boring/stressfull week - to do some work/research of course.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
What can I say!? Thank you so much for your very kind words. I have to say, when I wrote the first one, with Abraxas, I had no intention to develop it any further. But, come on, Hermione! You were hardly going to meet Lucius and think ... oh well, can't be bothered really! Duh!!! And then, there was Draco .. but before Draco, the portrait thing was ... suggested to me ... so Hermione just became the luckiest girl in the universe!! But - I didn't want to keep the option of her going back to Abraxas open. I did want that to be it as far as he was concerned. It would have changed the dynamics of that story otherwise. But now, I must admit ... it would be rather fun, would it not ...? A little trip back, perhaps with someone in tow ... oh dear, now my mind is doing very interesting things ...And I have to thank you twice, as you reviewed twice, however inadvertently!!! Feel free to delete one of them - not sure if you can, or if I can ... I'll see.I have lots of plot bunnies, by the way. Many of them have already been committed to cyber-paper, but you may have to wait for them to appear on this site! LL xxx
(bows down deep and applauses)Searched for the fourth part, re-read all parts in a row and must say:Brain-frying good!Drop dead gorgeous... (Drop dead because of the aneurysm that exploded due to the high blood pressure)What a quadruplet !And after re-reading "TRB" and re-discovering "...At one point she had emerged weeks into the future and had been tempted to stay for a while and investigate, but sense got the better of her..."biting my cheek and thinking: Darn ! Why didn't get her sensual need the best of her instead ?But nevertheless: Bravo, Bravissimo !May your muse shower you with lots and lots of copious plotbunnies...Though I still wish Hermione would get her hands on a timeturner again after an especially boring/stressfull week - to do some work/research of course.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
I know I've already responded to the other one, but I'll respond to this too as it keeps coming up on unanswered reviews. By the way - plot bunnies are hopping about madly!! x
Is she really going o be twith Draco? Mmmm Three generations of Malfoy at once! Lucky girl...
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom: Under Watchful Eyes)
We shall see ... depends what you mean by 'at once' - that may be a step too far even for Hermione (at least at the moment!!) x