New Chapter for The Escort
The Escort
HermioneMalfoyFan20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )
If your child fell ill, how far would you go to save its life? Would you do anything to secure the help of the one person who could make a difference?
Start ReadingChapters (4)
About HermioneMalfoyFan
Member Since 2009 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 5 | 13 Reviews Written | 26 Review Responses
Sooo... Some basic information for those of you that are interested:
I am a 27 year old phd student/research assistant/lecturer. I am not a native speaker (nope, I am German) and I only write fanfiction from time to time.
Dramione Awards
My fic The Escort was nominated for the Dramione Awards (Best of 2009) in the category "Best Mid-Length"! It win a price in the end, but made it in the final round - and that's quite the archievement also.
For those of you who are not Dramione-Shipper, for a Dramione-Author this nomination is probably like an Oscar nomination. And I only exaggerate slightly!
Ships I sail: My pen name says it all, I love HG/DM as well as HG/LM stories. I am a bit flexible, though, as long as the story is nicely written!
Things I appreciate: Constructive criticism. If you like my stories, that's great, tell me. If you don't, that's okay, too. Even more reason to tell me, at least if it is due to: a) my writing style b) mistakes I and my beta missed or c) things that seem not plausible or confusing to you. I always strive to improve my writing, so this kind of reviews help me a lot!
Things I don't appreciate: Criticism that leads to nothing. If you don't like my pairings or my plots or even the way I describe a character... Well, that's just bad luck. I won't change it (except if it's because you can point out that my writing was not consistent). Nobody is obliged to read my stories, so if you feel like you can't connect at all with what I am writing, just don't read it.
Reviews for The Escort
Now that my newborn grandson has gone home I came back to write you a review.
Well done. I really enjoyed it. I'm usually a hard core SS/HG shipper. laurielove warned me she would change my ways. I was totally pulling for Draco in this story. I am so happy for him.
I'm too old to be a total Draco freak since I could be his mom and then some, and that would be yucky. I'll stay with SS. Maybe I will experiment with a bit more LM for laurielove's sake.But that was really great romance and erotica.
I bet she didn't expect to enjoy it so much! I still can't imaginge what it would be like to pretend to enjoy oral sex with some fat old guy with ball sweat and yellow toenails. I guess as a witch she has cleansing spells she can use if the man is offensivly unhygienic. I also imagine Hermione would say "No" if the the person was truly icky. And, I'm sure the agency screens people. I must say that this tryst with Draco was very well done and quite hot. If she got Draco to marry her, he could pay for school and get lovin for free!
it was wonderful and has made me cry. I'd write much more but I've got a sleeping baby in my arms.
I like this story. It left me smiling.
I like this story. The end left me smiling.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
I am so glad to hear that! It's just the way it should be then!
Yay! I got my happy ending! But, it had to have a happy ending, right? And the creepy Christophe got what he deserved...all's right with the world.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
All is right, yes. Me: sucker for happy endings, so it couldn't possibly end differently!
This chapter is very good; it nearly brought tears to my eyes. I re-read the end of the previous chapter first, and now I see why you ended it where you did; it was a good choice. I can hardly wait to see Draco's full reaction to her revelation.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
Thank you! I am glad the second chapter convinced you that it wasn't a bad place to end the first... I have to admit, it was a bit difficult to find a good place, since this story was originally planned as a one- or two-shot. It got longer and longer and ended up to have three chapters and an epilogue. What can I say, my muse went wild!Thanks for your nice words and the rate!
I love the way she buries her pride and does what she knows must be done for her child - wouldn't we all? Again, this story works so well because of the sheer force of maternal love you so clearly show here. It is the strongest emotion in the world, overriding all others. How can Draco fail to fall for that overwhelming devotional life-force?And as for the mistakes ... forget it! What mistakes? Your grasp of this language puts most native speakers to
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
That's exactly what I thought! How can he not love somebody who loves their child so much. Especially since he missed this kind of love from his father.You always make me blush with your praises, you know? One day I'll end up completely conceited and big-headed - and it'll be all your fault.
I'm very much enjoying your story, and am so glad you decided to post it over here! I have hopes that despite all probabilities, Draco will turn out to be a match for Hermione's little girl... I'll be keeping an eye out for the next chapter!
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
I'm afraid you'll have to wait and see. It would be an incredible coincidence though, don't you agree? I am a fan of happy endings though, so you never know... The next chapter is already waiting in line to be admitted by the admins... So it will take some time, but it's coming!Thanks for taking your time to rate and review!
I love your story, both the way you portrait Hermione and Dreco, and the plot is so good. Looking forward to updates.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
Thank you for your nice words!
Oh, he gave in :( Well, it is great that he wanted to be with her so much, especially after finding out how little she actually makes as her 'cut.'
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
Yes well, he's only a man, not a saint... He had the best intentions though, only planned to give her the money. Something she obviously did not expect! Thanks for reviewing!
Yay! A perfect ending to a little gem of a story. I love seeing Sophie as an older child - it confirms to us that she has not only survived but thrived without having to spell it out. And I like the romantic ending ... perfect. It was a pleasure reading and being a part of this. Bravo! LL x
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
As always: Thank you! I really couldn't have done this without you! You're the best, you really are!
This is a lovely story and I am enjoying reading it. Thanks!
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
And I am happy sharing it! Glad you enjoy!
oh I really like this story. it's so sweet, with a gripping problem at the core.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
I am glad you like it! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Oh, and just to remind you (again): The voting for the Dramione Awards is open until May 15th. So if you feel like giving the story a lift... (So, why do I feel like a fraud now? )
Response from mock_turtle (Reviewer)
question--does one have to be a member of LJ to vote in the Dramione awards? because I'm not.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
No, you don't have to be a member of LJ. The site is accessible for everyone, and you can vote via e-Mail. It's really worth visiting, even if you don't want to vote. There are very nice stories nominated, all of them worth reading if you ask me.You can read and look up the rules for the voting here:
Fantastic chapter! I really love Narcissa in this chapter! I love the way she is so conniving in a typical Malfoy way, but only in order to do what is evidently right. She can use her wiles, but equally is achieving something very good through it. I like that paradoxical element to her character.And thank goodness it is all working out so well for Draco, Hermione and of course little Sophia! Beautifully done in a very heart-felt way. x
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
She is such a Slytherin, isn't she? I thought that she could probably relate to Hermione's situation somehow, since she had to fear for her child's life at some point, too.You know me, I'm a softie. I couln't let anything happen to Sophia. I just don't have it in me. One day I'll write a story without happy end though. Hmm... Probably...Thank you for your support!
*Applauds* Your Draco is a man of honor and strength of character after all. I think it's one of the most fascinating Dracos I've ever read: strong, stubborn, vulnerable, kind, tender, generous. He is quite nearly perfect, and yet he is still believable as the canon character we all know. I would have never imagined I'd like this story as much as I do, but you really made it work.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
Thanks a lot for your nice words! I am always happy to convince a critical reader!
I believe that people can change, and I am convinced that the Draco of the books had the potential to grow up to become a decent man. He was a spoilt, misled child with a mean personality, but he wasn't as seasoned and cruel as he tried to come across.
I admit I described my dream man though, so I fear he's too perfect to be true.
This is fantastic! More More More!
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
Don't worry, more more more is to come! Thanks for the review!
HOT! Great way to end the chapter and I can't wait for more.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
Thank you! The next chapter is already in queue for validation, but it will take another few days - maybe even a week - until it's up.
Response from VAMPIRE_LOVE (Reviewer)
Well, after reading that I decide to seach for it elsewhere casue I wanted to read it so bad.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
I'll take that as a compliment... Did you find it? It's posted over at GE or on Although... Maybe I shouldn't have told you - after all I want MORE reviews!
I like this story. As a single mom, I can surely relate to Hermione's situation. The chapter ends in an odd place; I hope there will be more coming. I love this pairing.
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
Thanks a lot, I am glad you like it!I'm not a mother myself (yet! one day...), but being a single mom is never easy, Isuppose, and to raise your child all on your own while still in University... It must be very hard. The chapter had to end somewhere, and believe me, it was the best place to cut it... More will be coming - hopefully soon - I already submitted the next chapter for validation!
So good to see this here! It is a brilliant idea, and has begun in a teasing and intriguing way, giving us so many clues without spoiling anything yet. And great sex too! I love the moments with Sophia too - your understanding of children clearly comes through. Bravo! x
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Author of The Escort)
You know how happy I am that you do like the story although you're no fan of Draco? Ah well, now you do! My understanding of children? It's all talk! I am oh so good at analyzing things and giving advice - real life is something different all together. One day I'll know if I can be a good mum!xx