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To Relieve Boredom
laurielove19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )
Hermione discovers how to amuse herself with the help of a time-turner and a Malfoy.
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About laurielove
Member Since 2010 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 394 | 8 Reviews Written | 642 Review Responses
Welcome to my world of (largely) erotic exploration of the human condition. (Well, that's one way of putting it anyway ...)
My writing is largely rated NC-17 and, as you will see, contains a lot of explicit detail. But I cannot write without developing believable characters, largely in canon (at least as a starting point), whose behaviour is established through dialogue and tangible situations. I adore these characters and tend to write from the inside out, getting inside their heads and simply letting them talk (and act ...). Yes, there is a lot of sex, but I hope my characters' sexuality enables them, and us, to discover deeper aspects of their personalities.
My favourite pairings are Hermione/Lucius and Hermione/Severus, but I have written for various other couples and situations.
I have recently started writing original works which have, fortunately, been picked up by publishers. If you are interested in my original work, my penname is Demelza Hart.
I love establishing a dialogue with my readers. Please feel free to contact me with comments, suggestions, criticism, anything. I look forward to hearing from you!
In the meantime ... enjoy!
Reviews for To Relieve Boredom
I have often wondered how one starts out writing a time-turner fic and turning it into something not only hot and/or sultry, but into something tangible and believable as well. Wah-La. Your story. Very well done, thanks for the refreshing read!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
We all need a refreshing change sometimes! x
This story is so awesome that after reading it I had drink numerous cups of water to chill out and needing to fan shirt many times. This story illustrates exactly how I think Abraxas would in a kinky situation. I was like totally jealous of Hermione and she's just a character in an amazing book. yummers Abraxas!!!! way to go on your awesome writing skills.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you so much!! I'm very fond of this fic and it led to ... several others, as you have seen. Sorry not to have responded before now - have been very busy. x
I just love this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you so much! I had intended it as a one-shot, but it seemed to beg for more. There is a follow-up to it already on here, and two more to come, in the queue. x
Charming AND hot-- such a delightful connection. Love the idea of Abraxas and the child Lucius-- course that might have changed the whole, Department of Mysteries, sequence in her 5th year. but wth.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you! Yeah - I think the idea of the child Lucius is what makes this story different. And remember, at the time of the Department of Mysteries thing, nothing had happened - the memory simply wasn't there at that point. That is why Lucius suddenly seemed to remember it for the first time when talking to her in Diagon Alley. The memory had only just been placed in his head. That's the great thing about time travel - you can just make up whatever rules for it you want!! I have follow-up to this story now on the site with an adult Lucius - oh yes, very much an adult Lucius. x
Amazing story!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you very much. :-)
When I read 'vintage hotness' in the summary, I had to give this one a shot. ;)
Was very happily surprised and entertained -- thank you for such a great story! Off to read the others in this series, now! :D
I really like the interaction between Hermione and little Lucius, and how it is revisited in the end. I don't know what it is, but that little minor interaction at the end really added something to the story.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you so much! Yes, I don't think the story would have been the same without the Lucius moments. xxx
I enjoyed this first installment.I like the ending.No bitterness from Luc.Onto the next chapter.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Glad you liked it! Each story is distinct I suppose. I deliberately didn't post them as one story, as I want them each to be viewed separately. Thank you! x
I discover this because of the last of the serie you posted a few days ago. So I decided to follow your advice and read the first two installments. And WOW!!! I never really thought about Abraxas but you made him very real to me now. I'll have to discover if Lucius can be as good as his father... *grin*
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you so much. So glad you read this one too. I like it a lot - it was fun writing for a character who had this sort of reverential aura about him, but whom nobody really knew anything about - so I could do what I liked with him. I still had to keep him very much a Malfoy though! Hope you enjoy the Lucius part too, and then there is a final Draco installment to come!! Mwa ha ha! She certainly has her cake and eats it, does our Hermione! Lucky, lucky girl! x
not only incredibly hot, but also a very interesting plot behind it, however small.great job!!!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you so much. There should be a 'sequel' in the series appearing in the next few days. And then another ... and maybe another. Hmm ... this was going to be a one-shot, but I got rather carried away! x
Wow! That was excellent - very hot and very intriguing! I think you've done a great job of creating fantastic balance of interesting story and erotica; I really like the glimpses into the Malfoys' characters.I agree with you about Christopher Plummer - yum!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you so much. I had originally intended this to be a one-shot, but I found myself intrigued by the possibilities this situation raised. So, there will be more very soon! LL xx
Well that was very hot and steamy. Go job.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you! This is going to be followed up with some more in the same series. x
hey! sorry to be a pain, but I noticed a tiny mistake in your wonderful story. It's right at the beginning, Abraxas says he's going to get Lucius from the Headmaster Dumbledore. But as we've read in Chamber of Secrets somewhere Professor Dippet was Headmaster at the time Lucius and Riddle and all the others went to school. Just wanted to point that one out. I'll give you a raving review when I've finished reading the whole story ;)
Response from Lothen (Reviewer)
wow, just wow!loved the part with lucius as a child and everything else. next time please write more plot then I think I can't get it out of my mind :)keep up the good work!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Hi there,Thank you for taking the time to review. Glad you enjoyed it. I have just checked dates again. Lucius Malfoy was born in 1954. Dumbledore became Headmaster in 1956, when he was only two, so he would have been Headmaster when Lucius visited at the age of nine. Lucius was not a contemporary of Tom Riddle, who attended the school between 1938 and 1945, when indeed Dippet was Head.I set out to write a little erotic one-shot with Abraxas and Hermione. It worked out to be a lot more than that. I had never intended there to be much plot at all - oh well! I am following this up with two, maybe three others in the same series. I think Hermione needs to get to know an adult Lucius a bit more now ...LLx
Response from Lothen (Reviewer)
Thank you, I shoud stop confusing the movie with the books, or I could seriously end up mad with all those liberties the filmmakers have taken. Next time I'll double-check before I write such a comment. Can't wait for the other chapters
It is sad in a way that they are both the "best" the other will ever have (and won't ever have again); but probably sadder to think they would have never known the other.It is such a good thing that you can find such useful items in the closet clutter. Why in the world would she not go back for seconds??
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you for your thoughtful review. I had intended this as a one-shot for Abraxas, but I have actually extended it rather drastically. There are three more stories in the series. I will be posting them here as soon as I can. Keep your eyes peeled! Perhaps Hermione will realise there are other ways to recapture her experience with him without actually having to go back in time ... LL x
Love the last line! :)
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you - glad you enjoyed it! :) LL x
That was just... wow O.OOne of the single most enjoyable fanfic moments of my life to date. I'm speechless.It was a wonderfully crafted story and the writing was excellent- it had me enthralled from start to finish. Your characterisations were wonderful. Not to mention incredibly hot *winks*!Thank you for uploading! Just.. wow!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
What can I say? Thank you so much for your incredible words. A kind review means so much to a writer - not least me! I have another story I am just about to submit on here - a follow-up to this one. She couldn't just leave that encounter with Lucius at that, could she? Thanks again. LL x
Response from vodka_tears_ (Reviewer)
lol and every nice word is thoroughly deserved! I may or may not have lasted all of 5 minutes before bouncing over to GE and hunting down your work there. If I thought this fic alone was great, It's nothing compared to how I was blown away by the whole series... your creations are a truly indulgent and beautiful pleasure to read. The thought and character study put into them blissful! I'm just gutted I missed them over at GE! Thanks for your wonderful works that have been a sheer joy to read and experience :).. /e wanders off to keep reading!
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Oh yes - plenty to read on GE! As you can see, I do adore Lucius. I chose To Relieve Boredom as my first fic to post here as I was so pleased with the response on GE. I also wanted to post a one-shot first. This site is dominated by Snape stories, and I do have a long Snape story which I may well be posting here soon. In the meantime, I am going to bring across the rest of the Boredom series. Thanks again for you very kind and thoughtful words. LL xxx
I feel so hot right now! It might be from the bubbly I am drinking or due to the fact that the heater is on... But I somehow doubt that!This is a masterpiece of smut, and I loved every second of it. It's really unfair that Hermione always gets the Malfoys and all I can do is go and read about it. Damn it!But I loved her encounter with Lucius very much, too. First when he's still a child and then his witty comeback at the bookstore... But tell me - how did he know she was a Muggleborn?Loved it, darling! Hugs and congrats! :-)
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Glad to hear you're on the bubbly!! And thank you - for this!As you well know, Hermione is such a lucky lady.As for Lucius knowing she was a Muggleborn, like he said ... magic! But seriously, I simply wanted to imply that he had some deep connection with her even then, and somehow sensed through a disarming intuition in one so young (one that perhaps he lost a little later on) that she was different. Wondering what to post next ... there is an obvious choice, and then another ...x
So delicious, to imagine Christopher Plummer for Abraxas. Perfect. Though I imagine the hair longer than in the banner. LOLSuch well-written erotica, beautifully imagined, and still my favorite part is her interaction with Lucius, first as a child, and then at the end. Lovely and meaningful.Looking forward to whatever continuation it might inspire ...
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was watching Peter Pan yesterday, for some reason, and he actually says at one point, "Where are the children?" in a particularly smooth sardonic tone of voice, almost identical to CP in TSoM saying almost exactly the same thing, as I recall. Their voices and mannerisms (especially as Hook oddly enough) are so similar. Anyway, so glad you liked. And for the next course
Response from apkblack (Reviewer)
Totally irrelevant to anything, did you see the clip on the PeterPan DVD of him with Fergie? He is so ... cute. LOL
Yummy story! I'm so glad to see you posting here.
Response from laurielove (Author of To Relieve Boredom)
Yay!! It's nice to see a friendly face (name!). It was quite daunting posting on here, but after a long wait to even get seen in the queue (which is about 50 stories long!!) I got validated with little trouble. Phew! Thanks so much for reviewing - I don't want it to disappear too soon with no reviews! It was so well-received on GE, but I am glad to have it on here too.xx