New Chapter for Third Yule's A Charm
Third Yule's A Charm
pokeystar16 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )
Excerpts from Hermione's diary, over three holiday seasons.
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About pokeystar
Member Since 2007 | 43 Stories | Favorited by 57 | 87 Reviews Written | 370 Review Responses
I am a slytherin in hufflepuff clothing.
I read therefore I am.
I write therefore I amuse myself.
Reviews for Third Yule's A Charm
Awwww.. maybe things will work out this time.
Awww... it was fun while it lasted... or not. ;)
Hehehe... I love the eyebrow!!
This chapter was funny!I almost peed my pants.I love Severus but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to see Draco in the buff.I do hope Severus is in the next chapter though.Can't wait for more.
As it says Potions Under Duress and Shrieking Shack as categories, am I to assume that Lupin and Severus make an entrance into this story is some way. Hope -- hope -- hope -- for Severus at any rate. ^_^
And no more naked parents, for my sanity's sake. One should never see one's parents naked. It's sacreligous or something. ^_~
Oh hooray, another chance for me to squee over this lovely and fabulous tale :D Squeee!!
oh ho! some competition! great update. thanks
Oh good. Maybe he's the 'charm?' I'm a big shipper of these two (bookworms unite!), and gee golly but I hope they work out here. On a side note? Now I crave gingersnaps and hot cocoa... *sips tea instead*
Oh, that's sad. A project. (Especially because my last ex was a project) Kind of hits home, especially for Hermione. She does love a good project, whether it's a dunderheaded boyfriend or an emotionally scarred sex partner. Good that Molly said that- so often, people portray her as blinded by her love for her boys, to the point that she cannot see how Ron and Hermione don't work. But I've always thought she's smarter than that, and more open-hearted, and I'm so glad you did too.
Well, if Snape was going to be a jerk, I guess Remus makes a nice 2nd. LOL. I do love him, but not as much as my Snapey-poo
aye, there's the question. i look forward to the answer. thanks
Haha, this is kinda funy =D
Very cleverly written =)
Poor Hermione. And it looks like Severus has a lot to work through. The remedy to feeling bad isn't a good roll in the hay.
Nicely written. I especially like the advice Molly gave her. It's spot on. Snape is a complete rotter. I love it. ^_^
The humor in life gives way to harsh reality. Who wouldn't crow over finally catching that crush? But how sad to realize it doesn't come close to fulfilling her heart's desire. Great job, pokeystar.
I like the way your funny mind works, pokeystar.
"Skyclad" LMAO
Off to read more.