New Chapter for If Wishes Were Fishes
If Wishes Were Fishes
debjunk73 Reviews | 73 Ratings, 0 Likes, 37 Favorites )
Severus comes face-to-face with his fairy godmother. Will he accept her offer to grant a wish? More importantly... will his wish come true?
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About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for If Wishes Were Fishes
and what delightful and delicious fluff it was, my deb. thanks so much and mega mucho smoochies
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
:D Thank you! It certainly was a fluff-fest, huh?
Couldn't have wished for a better ending. Thanks for sharing.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks!
This is so sweet, they have their first date, and he did't recognize itLove the hole fairy godmother thing.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Yeah, he's a bit obtuse sometimes. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Excellent ending! Although I will admit to being a little sad that it's over. Sigh... Oh well, at least I can look forward to your next story.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
thank you! I just posted a quick oneshot and Recovery should be updated... soon. :)
“I want this kiss to be as special as you are,” he whispered.*Melts into a giant puddle* Loved it! Feel free to grace us with more fluff anytime you want.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
*Grins* Somebody get a mop and soak
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
off the floor! I'm glad you enjoyed it so well. I love feel-good stories.
I love it! Great ending!
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Thank you so much!
Yummy adorable fluff! I loved it :)
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Thank you so much!!!
WONDERFUL WONDERFUL...I LOVE IT!! PERFECT ENDING!!!! Thanks so much for this story it is SO SAVED!!!
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Aw, you made me chuckle in delight. I'm glad you enjoyed this one.
Sorry, one review is all you get. If I stopped between each chapter, I'd never have gotten to this moment. On second thought, why was I in a hurry to get to this point? I keep clicking on the next chapter arrow and nothing is happening. I know you wouldn't dream of leaving me hanging, so it must be a technical issue :) This is really a lot of fun. I love the fairy godmothers and the fact that Arista is not one ounce affected by his attitude. The explanation of how they are there for them when they are children is really nice, and actually makes me wish there were such things in RL. I wanted to strangle Arista when she talked him into telling Hermione about the wish, and that she would reveal herself if necessary, and then in the moment when she really needed some proof, nothing happened. But all is right with the world now. Hopefully the date will be wonderful and they will be on the road to happily ever after!
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Yes, that was very sneaky of Arista to make him fess up, then leave him looking quite foolish. It's good that Hermione does her research. LOL. Sorry that the little arrow button isn't working. Last chapter is going through validation on another site, and as soon as it's up there, it'll be up here. Thanks!!
Haha awesome! I look forward to reading the rest :)
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Thank you! I hope you enjoy it.
opera on the first date is utterly brilliant...if you like (or even tolerate) opera...which i know you do...which i don't. but that's why they make chocolate and vanilla ice cream! loved the condolences to ginny, my deb! faboo update and mega mucho smoochies
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Absolutely! I do think that both Severus and Hermione might enjoy the opera. And La Boheme is one of the more romantic/sad ones. Well, I guess most opera is sad. It seems there aren't many with the happy endings. I'm sure that they'll be able to chat about it and learn something of each other through it. Thank you, my kimjo!
I'm glad these two are getting together. I never could picture Hermione and Ron together at all. I just think how miserable she'd be with someone who cared so little about knowledge and learning.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
I totally agree with you. It's true that opposites attract, but these two, when it comes right down to it, are so very different, (meaning Ron/Hermione) that I can't see it working. She would get frustrated with his lack of interest in her activities and vice versa. Severus is a much better fit for her.
I love this story and how it is progressing. I am glad they are going to get to know each other. Too many stories seem to have them just hopping right into the bedroom portion and forgetting that what makes a relationship is how well you get along. I am enjoying this and can not wait to see where you go from here. Thanks for the update.Kim
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Thanks, kimbee! I like it when things go slowly and they get to know each other. Sure they're attracted, but real relationships are built on a bit more than that. There's just one more chapter to go, so things may not be easy, but they'll work out. :)
that's our hermione the sceptic! you'd think after being exposed to the magical world she'd be a bit more open minded. great update. thanks and mucho smoochies
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
You'd think that, but time and time again, she has to see to believe. I mean... the Hallows... if plants can eat you and you can clean the house with a flick and a swish, why wouldn't hallows and fairy godmothers exist?
Lovely chapter. I really enjoyed it. I like how Hermione is so adamant about fairy godmothers not being real. How you work older elements of the books into your story really make it ring true. Awesome job, and happy writings.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Wow, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really had fun writing a stubborn Hermione. She never was one to take things sight unseen.
Well, we all knew that Hermione was subborn. This just proves it. I look forward to your next update.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Stubborn, definitely. And always wanting to prove things.
Silly Hermione, maybe all she needs to do is wish! It would be worth a try. Thanks for this charming tale.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Huh, that just might work. seems that everyone has seen their fairy godmother even Hermione...but she doesn't believe it. Well I know eventually she will.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
All of these little episodes will definitely help her in the long run.
Oh I'm so glad someone else is seeing them, NOW if Hermione would just believe...Poor Severus, I hope she will believe him now!!!! Well done can't wait for more!!
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Well, given everything, she'll probably have an inkling of belief pretty soon.
If Severus needed any kind of fairy godmother, one who won't put up with his moods is exactly it! I'm glad that Arista is really going to bat for Sev, and is willing to help him prove his case by revealing herself to Hermione... Hermione is bound to wonder if she herself has a fairy godmother, and if so who? If it's also Arista, that would certainly make it easier for the fairy to reveal herself to Hermione, since she's also one of her charges. On the other hand, having two fairies bickering with one another on the best way to handle things for their humans would also be amusing! Either way, I'm looking forward to the reveal.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
She knows Severus really well and knows how to talk to him. She's familiar with his idiosyncrasies. Hermione will wonder a lot of things, including about her fairy godmother. Ahhh, we'll see what happens!
I think this is going to be a fun fic. I can only imagine Hermione's face when she finds out about the fairy godmother and the wish.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Oh, yeah. She's a believer... just like Severus!
I wonder if he will tell her. Nice chapter.
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
He will if he knows what's good for him!
whoohoo an update, Oh wow, I'm glad Arista told Severus to tell Hermione the truth, good for her, can't wait to see what happens....Well done....
Response from debjunk (Author of If Wishes Were Fishes)
Thank you! Crazy as it may be, if he's sincere now, it will save a lot of heartache in the future.