New Chapter for Is a Virtue
Is a Virtue
Venus82 Reviews | 82 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )
The chase is over! Hermione and Severus have found true love, but what do their friends have to say about it? Sequel to Deliver Us.
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About Venus
Member Since 2009 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 0 Reviews Written | 329 Review Responses
We are Team Venus:
Reviews for Is a Virtue
awesome, really well done
What a sweet ending. I like the use of Eileen/Albus and James/Lily looking in on our couple. Really nicely done. Good luck to you in this final round.
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
Oh, I neglected to mention how much I like this:That opportunity to … ruin someoneI remember feeling that exact sentiment with my first child. With the second, I was so busy ruining the first, that I didn't have time to worry! So I can completely sympathize... but he will be fine :)
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks so much for the lovely review,
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
. the line you like so much was written by my dear co-writer. i like it a lot, too :) ~astopperindeathThank you for supporting Team Venus!
Nicely ended. Interesting perspective watching through finding out until after she was born.
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
i'm glad you enjoyed it! :) ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
What a lovely conclusion to a lovely story!
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks, lady k :). i'm so glad you enjoyed it! ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
Love, love, love the scene with Lucius and Narcissa! *applauds*
Lovely, lovely start of the sequel!
This chapter is touching in so many ways. First Severus realisation that he doesn't have to repeat his father's mistakes, then the afterlife scenes (I first thought they were paintings ...) - but what really got me unhooked was the baby-smell being part of this Amortentia experience.Well done, Team Venus, really well done!
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
aww, thank you so much for such a wonderful review! i'm so glad you enjoyed it! ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
"Nothing you tell me can be as bad as all this uncertainty and wondering."Aww, that is something I'd so much like to hear in rl! It's the most diplomatic, supporting and honest version of "Just say it!" that I have ever read - or heard, for that matter. Just perfect, I'll make that read the hubby. And furthermore that first part could totally stand on its own: It would make a lovely, little, comforting drabble. *sigh*The second part could make me depressed for days - if I ever could be truly depressed, let alone for days.To live forever is a sad thought in general - being dead forever - albeit very conscious - is even worse!I feel for Eileen. And wonder what she has been doing all these years? They might have met before up there (or wherever...), but oviously they don't talk often. Made we wonder and worry whether she's lonely all the time. *represses a sniff*And another thing: How truly terrifying is the perspective of meeting all the people you loathed and loved and to be around them forever? Old feelings that would come up - and new ones? (Would I like to meet the first - and BIG - love of my late hubby?! Knowing that she has seen him change and become a hero and all? And she's probably even at a young age! Well, no..,I'd rather go to hell - oh wait, that is hell....)And the last part was just cute! You have won my heart with that Amortentia thing. And it was also funny.I liked " In a less-than-logical move on his part, he had Floo’d for Molly Weasley" most, because it so nonchalantly sneaked in the information that they must be on really good terms with each other (albeit at least one part might deny that...) - plus the utter hilariousness of the headlessChicken!Snape!Er, in short: I liked it very much. I got a little panicky about the afterlife part - but I really, truly liked it! It was well written, sweet and something somewhat unusual. Well done; a worthy end to this story. PS: OK, this was rather long - even for one of my reviews. And it probably contains large amounts of stuff not supposed to be part of a review. I apologize for the flood of words.
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
:) i've always told you i love your reviews, because they always tell us EXACTLY what you're thinking. thanks for all of the kind words! and you're right--the first section was awesome. kittylefish is extraordinarily good at writing short, powerful language! ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
hi, hon! you fell in stopper's section, but i had to thank you for this lovely review, too. in my book, there's no such thing as too long of a review. i'm glad you liked my first section. i loved stopper's line about the amortentia, too. and - don't think too hard about the dead folks up there watching - after all, it was just a literary device, lol! ;)
That was quite sweet.
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks! ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
Oh, I sooo loved his stunned reation to the news! Hermione hardly gave him any time to sort out his thoughts or recover from the shock. Eileen's thoughts on the child were so endearing. It's good that she still watches over Seerus in death, since she wasn't able to do much in life. Albus' words are so true, Severus will do jsut fine. (even if he did run to Molly when Hermione's water broke and not a Healer. I forsee that happening a lot in the next few years! )I didn't understand why Lily was watching over Severus or why James was... but James deserved every smack Lily gave him -- the git.Good story ladies. good luck in the voting.
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
lily was watching over severus because he had been her son's protector and her friend. thanks for the review. glad you enjoyed it. ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
Very much enjoyed that. Really liked the comversation between the two dead "couples", nice touch.
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks! ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
How wonderful to hear all the love stories...well done
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
Thank you so much!Livvy
Severus is such a boy, lol; I guessed she was pregnant straight from the emotional outbursts. :DIt was nice to see the progression of Severus getting his head straightened out and realizing that they can be a better family than his own had been.I want to know how much time Lily and James spend looking down at Severus. ;) James totally seems like the sort of guy who would try to get a rise out of Lily all the time even when they're spending eternity together. I like the suggestion that Hermione and Severus were the ones who care most about Harry.It was a lovely glimpse of Severus as a father (and I loved his panicked calling of Molly rather than a healer). It makes me want to see glimpses of Amanda growing up. Thanks for sharing. ^_^
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
hey phoenix! thanks for leaving us such a great review! i love long reviews! i'm glad you enjoyed the story. ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
I love Severus' tenderness towards his child. It's quite touching. A lovely ending to your original story, Venus!
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks, tonksie! i'm so glad you enjoyed it! ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
Ah, the endless battle of his vs. her friends. Such fun to watch, if not to participate in. Great Chapter!
Gods, where to start?I can totally see Severus worrying about being about a good parent. There is always the fear of making the same mistakes as your parents, I went through that myself when I was pregnant.I love Eileen and Lily both checking up on him...after all, they were probably the only women who loved him before Hermione. Severus and his baby daughter...simply priceless. This whole story was lovely to read, as well as "Deliver Us" before that. *hugs the whole amazing Team Venus*
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
i'm so glad you enjoyed it,
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
! you always leave the nicest reviews, too :). ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
I really loved the conversations between the two couples: two very different viewpoints and yet they reached the same conclusions...from the opposite ends of course. :) And Severus whisking Hermione away from their own wedding reception made me giggle; it's exactly the thing he would do. Well done, Team Venus! *cheers*
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
Thanks for the lovely review,
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
. The path to love comes from all directions, as the Malfoys and Weasleys demonstrated. And that Severus! What a sneaky Slytherin he is. I'm sure Hermione will forgive him for not letting her in on the secret.
I think I shall be giggling for quite a while imagining the gathered guests when the two of them disappear. If only Mad-eye could be there to see them and spread rumors that Voldemorte was back and had kidnapped them! *smiles... well done ladies!
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
So glad you liked it. Having the bridal couple disappear was an easier task than making the guests disappear. If that had happened, then the conspiracy theorists would have their tongues wagging. Thanks for reviewing.
Very sweet :)
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks! ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
Lovely, feel good story.
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks! we tried :) ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
Well done, ladies! This was such a superb wrap-up to our story. I'm SO proud!Go Team Venus!
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
aww, thanks, ladytuesday. we couldn't have done it without your awesome first chapter! you set the bar so high!! ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
A lovely ending. It's nice to see Severus happy finally.
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks, deb. glad you enjoyed it! ~astopperindeath Thank you for supporting Team Venus!
It was a very nice ending to the whole story. Very sweet! I always like it when he enjoys being a father in stories. And all the couples watching them this whole time was a nice point of view. :)
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks, i'm glad you enjoyed how we tied things up. i think once he got over his initial panic, severus would enjoy being a father. :)
A heartwarming tale. It is wonderful to see Severus and Hermione as a happy little family - finally!
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
i'm so glad you enjoyed it. team venus thanks you for your support, and the pretty shinies. :)
Brava. Brava. What a perfect ending to a lovely story. It was tender and beautiful with a touch of funny. It was rewarding to see not only James' forgiveness, but Eileen and Severus finally forgiving themselves and seeing hope for the future. And extra kudos for keeping Severus in character not only in this story, but in Deliver Us as well. Job well done, Team Venus.
Response from Venus (Author of Is a Virtue)
thanks, hon! i'm glad you liked how we ended things. you've been a fantastic teammate and made this process so much more fun. :D