New Chapter for A Tale of Roses
A Tale of Roses
Memory26 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 29 Favorites )
Chapters (2)
About Memory
Member Since 2007 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 24 | 54 Reviews Written | 343 Review Responses
Italian, born in 1960, married, two kids.
Thanks to all those who will read my stories.
Reviews for A Tale of Roses
Thats a really beautiful Poinent story. I very Much enjoyed it.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
I'm glad I haven't disappointed you ;) Thank you very much again. Best regards from Italy.
Wow awesome, sad and amazing good job
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you very much for your kind words.
life is beautiful and so is your story. thanks so much and mucho smoochies
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
What a nice review! Thank you very much for your words. All the best from Italy.
Knowing that there was another chapter I couldn't really believe that she's died but you nearly had me. And I had to wipe a tear or two while reading so moving it was at times.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you for your kind words. I wanted to describe a situation that is not the common "and they lived happily ever after".At the same time, I didn't want to write only a tragically ended story just for the pleasure to make people cry. I hope I have reached a right balance. I hope you understand. My answers are not betaed, so forgive my poor English. ;)
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Don't worry about your english. Mine is no better. Hello from France : ;)
I'm so glad he finally accepted her friendship. And the poem and song inspiring this story are simply beautiful. Thanks for making me discover them. And your wonderful writing skills.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Now, now, you are making me blush. But I am glad you liked the poem and the song, especially the song. :)Many Italian dialectal poets are wonderful writers that can describe an infinity of emotions by using simple, everyday images, like animals or flowers. It's a pity that they have never been translated into other languages. Thank you again for your messages. All the best from Italy.
He's so stubborn, even in old age. Glad Hermione went back.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Stubborness can be a positive characteristic sometimes, but not in this case. Thankfully, Hermione is more stubborn than him.Glad you liked the story. Thank you for your comment and best regards from Italy.
Wow, what a wonderful gift. Too bad he doesn't realize she wouldn't care what he looked like.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Well, HE cared, evidently ;) And, being Severus Snape, he couldn't accept to be judged again.Thank you for leaving me a message, and sorry for my poor English. Hope you understood what I meant.
Hanky please.... I'm weeping here.... probably the most sensitive and believable SS/HG stories I've ever read. Absolutely perfect. I summon all the stars from heaven to honor this lovely piece.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Well, you let me speechless. And proud of myself ;) Thank you very much! I didn't hope in such nice comments. I'm glad that I could touch the hearts of my readers in spite of my being foreigner. Sniff... may I have a hanky, now?
That was very nice,
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Glad you liked it. But did you forget to complete the message? Thanks in any case for letting me know your opinion. ;)
Response from makaem (Reviewer)
I think I missed a key. That should have been a period.
Lovely ending to this story. Thank you for sharing!
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed. Best regards.
Oh such a heart-wrenching chapter, but a lovely start to this story!
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
I'm glad you continued the story with this wonderful ending; it was a pleasure to read!
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Well, I couldn't let the poor dears hanging in misery! ;))Thank you for your kind message. All the best from Italy.
What a lovely and touching tale you've shared with us, Memory. This is definitely being added to my favorites.Well worth the five stars, I'd give it more if I could. : )
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you. I'm honoured by your preference, and very glad you liked the story so much. Your last consideration made me blush. Readers like you are a joy for an author... ;) Regards from Italy.
This is very lovely and touching. and also seems true to character. I can imagine Snape hiding for years like that, taking decades to realize he needs human companionship. Excellent tale. Thank you! Five Stars
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you. I'm glad you liked the way I portrayed Snape. He is a complex and interesting character, but also a real challenge to write. So, thank you very much again for your kind comments :)
This had me choked up at the end. Lovely. Thank you.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you for your message. I'm glad you liked the story.
that was a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing it!
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
It was a pleasure! Thank you for your message and best regards from Italy :)
That was absolutely exquisite. And I'm so pleased to read this is just the beginning.You definitely have a gift for the written word. : )
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you very much for your kind words. Being Italian, I appreciate them even more ;) Hoping you'll like also the second and final part, best regards from Italy.
That was amazing.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the story :)
beautiful... though complete in its entirety, prehaps are you going to expand a little more, allowing Hermione to savour her new strenght and get to know Severus as an adult? to allow Severus the peace and friendship that he has been missing, and to allow him to know Harry, Ginny and all the children?Thanks for all the time and effort.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thanks for your message. Second part is going to be up soon, so you will discover what happens next, and then you'll let me know what you think, I hope.You know, I am Italian, and it's a great satisfaction being able to be read by the rest of the world (especially English natives) in a language that is not mine.Thank you very much for giving my story a chance. Best regards from Italy.
what a superb begining. thanks and i look forward to the next chapter.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thanks for your kind words. I'm very glad you liked the first part so much. I hope you will enjoy also the second and final chapter.Best regards from Italy.
Thank you for this touching tale, I'm glad to find it on this archive, too :)
It's a wonderful gift, of which I'm not worth of, but it I'm very happy that you did it.
tearsofphoenix a.k.a.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Ah, come on! This way, we are going to show the entire world how emotional Italians are! You deserved it fully. I'm glad you liked it. TVB.
This is so touching! I was surprised to find out there will be more. I do hope for a happy ending for the poor dears. Thank you for sharing this lovely tale.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you for leaving me a message. Well, as I answered to another kind reviewer below, the story originally ended there. I hope you will like what comes next and possibly let me know. ;)All the best from rainy Italy.
Truly a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you very much. Glad you liked it.
Very intense. But does she want to be more youthful yet still alone?
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
This you will have to discover, by reading the second part. ;)Thank you very much for your message. Best regards from Italy.
This was so beautiful and very affecting; it works extremely well as a stand-alone story - it just feels so contained and fulfilled - that I'm surprised there will be more, but very pleasantly surprised :) I look forward to reading the next part.
Response from Memory (Author of A Tale of Roses)
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, originally the story ended there... but the end was much sadder (perhaps you guess it). My tender heart could not stand the idea ;) Therefore, I hope you will enjoy the second and final part.Looking forward to hearing from you again, best regards from Italy.