New Chapter for It's Good To Be The Prince
It's Good To Be The Prince
astopperindeath13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Dumbledore's obsession with Pong has gone too far...
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About astopperindeath
Member Since 2009 | 29 Stories | Favorited by 80 | 132 Reviews Written | 919 Review Responses
Twentysomething lover of Harry Potter fic. I have served as a beta (btw, i am P.I. accredited) for many authors, and welcome the opportunity to do more. I also serve as co-moderator of the LJ community ptterpr0nprmpts along with the fantabulous tonksinger.
I've been around the fandom for a long time... probably since 2003. I've spent most of it lurking, but published some stories under an old pseudonym. Upon entering the fandom, I immediately became a fan of the Snape/Granger pairing. I prefer Hermione to be a bit older, but have been known to deviate from that preference. Other ships that I prefer include Draco/Ginny, Draco/Harry, Snape/Lupin, and Snape/McGonagall. I am open to most ships and recommendations, as ultimately it is this universe that I love.
Reviews for It's Good To Be The Prince
OMG!With that man as head of the order it's a wonder they managed to stay alive until the war at all....Hilarious.I half expected Andy Roddick to show up in this.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
ahahhaa, awesome. thanks for the review! :)
Haha. Snape deFUSEd the situation nicely! :)
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
ROFL, this might be the best review ever. thanks for making my day. puns freakin' rock!
ROFL!! Severus the Telly Killer. Anyway it was bad for the few remaining neurones of Dumbledore.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
it doesn't matter, ultimately, b/c dumbledore's a/b to die anyways :-P
That's pretty funny. Dumbledore is missing something if he expects Severus to fix it but it doesn't occur to him that he might have caused the problem, especially since he makes on effort whatsoever to find out what's going on.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
but severus is loyal to the Order! why would he ever do something against Dumbledore? ;).glad you enjoyed it :)
Until someone else finds the fuse. Hee. That was great.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
LOL. thanks for the review. glad you enjoyed it! :)
Think of the amazing benefits of having Dumbledore entranced in Pong, though. Severus could do any manner of thing and the Headmaster would never know about it. *giggles - Sara
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
yeah, too bad snape forgot you can turn the volume down... or that the library is just down the hall. then again, he has the risk of running into that granger chit in the, thanks for the review :)
Dumbledore obsessed with Pong! At least it wasn't Packman - that really has an annoying sound. Figures that Severus would flip the fuse fo the room, then fib about the game being broken. Only, of course, Harry will only come along later and 'fix it'.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
thanks for the review.
you know, maybe severus should reconsider. if albus is playing pong, he wont ruin.. er... i mean meddle.. in other people's lives. good one. :D
Author's Response: it's fine, albus is going to die soon anyways...
...i'm a bad person :-P. thanks for the review!
Bwahahahaha! Genius! Excellent assessment of Severus' muggle knowledge.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
thank you very much!
It may be crack... but it's still fun. Thanks! ~ Brena
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
thanks :)
OMG, ROFL! Great take on the prompt, asid! Thanks so much!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
well thank *you* for posting the prompt! ;)
Pong! Love the whole thing, but the very last line made me chuckle out loud.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
yay! thank you so much!
It's good to be the Prince, and with fic like this, it's good to read about him, too.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of It's Good To Be The Prince)
ha! thank you so much!