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Soot and Smudges
astopperindeath11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
It takes a smudge of Floo powder for him to really see her…
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About astopperindeath
Member Since 2009 | 29 Stories | Favorited by 80 | 132 Reviews Written | 919 Review Responses
Twentysomething lover of Harry Potter fic. I have served as a beta (btw, i am P.I. accredited) for many authors, and welcome the opportunity to do more. I also serve as co-moderator of the LJ community ptterpr0nprmpts along with the fantabulous tonksinger.
I've been around the fandom for a long time... probably since 2003. I've spent most of it lurking, but published some stories under an old pseudonym. Upon entering the fandom, I immediately became a fan of the Snape/Granger pairing. I prefer Hermione to be a bit older, but have been known to deviate from that preference. Other ships that I prefer include Draco/Ginny, Draco/Harry, Snape/Lupin, and Snape/McGonagall. I am open to most ships and recommendations, as ultimately it is this universe that I love.
Reviews for Soot and Smudges
So Cute!!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
Cute, thanks!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
cute! i can just see the light dawning in his eyes. thanks
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
thanks for the review!
Very nice. I loved it! Cute idea.~Jen
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
thank you so much!
Snarky and fluffy are not mutually exclusive. You've done a lovely job of mixing the two. Snape was bound to lose his snark for a bit after that paradigm shift! I'm sure he'll get it back after a week or two of dating Hermione. ;)
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
aww, thanks for the kind review! :)
Nothing wrong with a bit of fluff! :)
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
thanks for the review!
LOL, cute little bit of fluff! Very nice!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
What a curmudgeon! Good thing Hermione took things in hand and told him off - after kissing him.Quite funny - enough snark, witty, and a happy ending!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
thank you for the review!
*grin* I love how she takes things in hand, literally... (?) :p
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
*gigglesnort* thanks :-P
It was not too fluffy. There was enough snark to make it amusing. I think you did a great job in a short one-shot.Well worth the time to read.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Soot and Smudges)
thank you very much! thank you for taking the time to review!
Oh gods. Ohgodsohgodsohgods. What in the gods’ names was she doing?
LOL! Nice!
Very neat piece! A fun read too!
Great work!
Author's Response: thank you!