New Chapter for Deviance
kizzy723 Reviews | 23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
I'll tell you, now. When I first discovered his... indiscretions.
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About kizzy7
Member Since 2008 | 21 Stories | Favorited by 62 | 222 Reviews Written | 855 Review Responses
I'm a sucker for happy endings.
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Reviews for Deviance
That was very good. So original, I've not read anything quite like it. I can totally see Trelawny as this obsessive delusional character.
Wow. You did an excellent job. i enjoyed it very very much.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Thank you,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
! I really appreciate it!
Ooh - very creepy, but I like it!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Creepy was what I was going for! Thanks so much!
Absolutely stunningly brillant!!!!!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Thank you,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Know I reviewed this on your LJ, but had to tell you again how freaking fantastic this is! You really wrote this in such a way that we're creeped out by Trelwaney, but yet it's so dark, so wrong, but we love it! Well done!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
I never say no to more reviews, LOL! Thanks, dyno. I enjoyed writing this, and I'm even more excited that others like you enjoyed it so much!! Yay!
Wow! This was wonderfully dark and twisty. Loved Sybill's demented perspective on the affair. Very original idea, executed brilliantly.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Pythia, oh inspiration for Lulabelle, thank you!! I had probably way to much fun writing this, *g* Dark and devious!!
This is so funny. I can hear her every word in her dreamy voice, complete with flailing arms and rolling eyes. I don't usually imagine Snape and Hermione while she is still in school, but you have done a great job depicting the possibility from Trelawney's POV.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Complete with flailing arms, yes!! LOL! As for the Snape/Hermione involved in school, I must admit that I've written and certainly read and enjoyed some fic, but altogether I prefer a grown-up Hermione as well. Thank you!!
Poor Sybill. Her obsessive/compulsive disorder has gotten worse. Is there a potion for that? It is always the obsseively delusional that you have to watch out for. Creepy!Beth
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Yes! So creepy, and she is not even aware how creepy she is! Thanks, Beth ((hugs))
God, that woman is really crazy. She should go and see a healer, or a psychiatrist. There is that mind illness where people believe themselves in love with another, and are persuaded of being loved in return, when said "another" doesn't even realised they exist. That's propably what she's suffering from.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Totally nutters! Yes, she takes that craziness to another level, that is for certain. Thanks,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Fantastic story, original and deliciously creepy! You've made Trelawney's emptiness almost palpable. She's nothing - but a very dangerous sort of nothing. *shivers*
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Oh, yes, a very dangerous sort of nothing, indeed! Thanks,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
!! Glad you liked!
Oh my god. This is bloody brilliant! Twisted and slightly mad, but I would expect nothing less from you, to be frank.Well done. I am totally freaked out!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Ooohh, twisted and slightly mad! That is all I aim to be. LOL! Yeah, I probably had way too much fun writing this!!
Yikes, what a frighteningly vivid portrait of blind obsession.... your Trelawney has cast herself as the creepily narcissistic diva of her own self-created drama in which other people only exist to act as a mirror of her own twisted desires.
Well done!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
" which other people only exist to act as a mirror of her own twisted desires..." OMG! YES! You've phrased that so brilliantly, I love it. Nailed it, HermioneD! Thanks for reading and reviewing, glad you enjoyed!!
That was kind of creepy. Well done!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Thank you,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
! :)
Whoa! Talk about the nut-job going off the deep end! Now, he did threaten to kill her once...I'm thinking that once he's sprung he should turn her into a rock and call it good.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Heee! I love that idea! Turn her into a rock, she'll be better off, more than likely. Thanks, deb!
Dear gods above, someone PLEASE find a comfortable padded cell and sufficient potions to keep her under for the rest of her days !! There is a certain Blanche DuBois quality about her that's quite unnerving....
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Ah, "I have always depended upon the kindness of strangers." *shivers* Thank you for that lovely comparison!! Yes, Trelawney here need help. Lots of it. Even though she doesn't realize it. Thank you, moira!!
Wow... this is super original, and quite frightening. The Voldemort types I can handle. It is the crazy, obsessed, delusional types that freak me out. I appreciate the warning at the beginning, although their relationship was mostly the backdrop to showcase Trelawney and her psychotic tendencies. It is also quite sad that she feels the way she does about herself. And, the way she twists everything that he does to be about her. I don't get the impression that she is maliciously trying to come between them. She truly thinks that they should and will be together. This was very well done! Thanks for sharing.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
, thank you so much for your thoughtful review! Yes, the most frightening of people are those who are so monstrous and yet have no idea how monstrous they are! And here, I definitely did want to do more of a character study on Trelawney. "I don't get the impression that she is maliciously trying to come between them." Yes, as I was discussing with another reviewer, that though her actions are certainly malicious--or could be construed as such--her intent certainly is not because she has no idea what she is doing! Thanks again!
I luv it. Trelawney cracks me up. She came across as so prudish yet not.In the sequel, push her off the tower.... please?
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
"...prudish yet not..." Yes, like when she asked Snape to tell her what he did with Hermione, and then chided him for telling her, LOL! If there is a sequel (which is doubtful, but you never know!), I will certainly consider giving her a little nudge. Thanks, Angel!
Yikes, what a FREAK. You convinced me of that, the way you wrote this :)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Yeah, totally nuts, and yet not at all aware how nuts she is! Thank you,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
. Exactly what I had hoped to accomplish!!
Holy sh*t, this was deliciously disturbing.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
Heee! Thank you,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Deviance)
. Deliciously disturbing is exactly what I was going for!
I don't know why, but this strikes me as beautifully poetic.
That was creepy and brilliant. I'm so glad that I found this!
This fic had me thinking of Possum Kingdom by the Toadies the whole way through. Such a deliciously creepy tale. Well done!
This fic had me thinking of Possum Kingdom by the Toadies the whole way through. Such a deliciously creepy tale. Well done!