New Chapter for Finding Draco
Finding Draco
Keppiehed36 Reviews | 36 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
After the war, Draco is lost and alone. Can he find redemption from an unlikely source? Come on, try out a rare pair today!
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About Keppiehed
Member Since 2009 | 74 Stories | Favorited by 55 | 47 Reviews Written | 685 Review Responses
Reviews for Finding Draco
Oh Draco, how could you leave it so long before going back? It's a good thing that Luna's kind heart had gone out to the Fairy, and healed her, so now you still have a chance make up for being a...a... well a Malfoy. Thank you for such an enjoyable tale, and a hopeful ending.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
I was stuck on how to end this, but I'm glad you liked how it all turned out! I tend to write rather sad tales, so it was nice to end on a hopeful note for once! Thanks so much for having the patience to see it all through!
I'm so glad Draco made his peace with Harry, so many people think it is weak to say sorry, but it takes courage to addmit that you have been wrong. Now he has to say sorry to Luna, for being a giant PRAT, a little gratitude would go a loooog way.{ I was to wrapt up in the story to review as I went, so am reviewing the last three chapters all at once, sorry }
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
*laughs* No need to apologize for reviewing all at once. I'm returning all of your reviews in one giant lump so I'm sorry, too! I'm glad that the story was so engrossing. That's the best compliment you could ever give me! :D
" How did your head get so big? " with anyone else it would be sarcasm, but with Luna it's just an honest question, she would like to know. I suppose Draco will have to shine a light on his dark side, before he can let go of his old ways and move on.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
I'm glad that Luna's innocence came through here. I had never written her before, and she is a very unique character. I wanted to get her just right!
Draco does need a miracle, but he is half way there I think, he just needs to let go and follow his instincts.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
First of all, I'd like to apologize on how far behind I am on my review replies. Normally I like to be very prompt to respond; I want to let you know that I sincerely appreciate that you have taken the effort to search out my old stories and show them some attention. My internet has been wonky for days, and the person who deals with that has been out of the country, so I hope you accept my apologies. I am so thrilled that you have been enjoying "Finding Draco". I don't have many chaptered stories, so this one is dear to my heart, and I am so pleased to know that you are enjoying it. It means a lot to me. Thank you so much for sticking with it and for your very kind reviews!
Draco can try to get the uper hand, but I doubt anyone has ever gotten the uper hand with Luna. She is simplely not on the same wavelength as the rest of us, thank goodness.
Merlin forbid that a Malfoy should feel compassion, I think Draco is a better man than he knows.
Love it! the one thing Draco was sure was just a trick, and it turns out to be true. Poor baby { don't tell him I said that
Great begining, I love Draco and Luna together.
thanks for writing about luna! i found your ending perfectly acceptable and understandable only because u made me understand due to your good writing. i usually prefer happy endings but u did your story justice. i'm quite curious about the scenarios though because i'm seeing a psychologist for my mild depression. what would have been the optimum ending for the first scenario where draco was starving? also, are you trained or have an interest in psychology?
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Oh, it thrills me that you read this! It is a very old story of mine; one of the first I ever wrote. I'm glad to see that you discovered it. I went through a pretty long squick!fic phase and now I write original fic that is closer in nature to this, so I am quite fond of this one. :)I admit that I don't remember the exact scenarios; I would have to go back and re-read the story in its entirety to recall what I was thinking since this was already years ago. I am not a doctor of psychology, per se, but I do have an interest in the field and I have studied it quite a lot as a layperson. Thank you so much for giving this story some attention and for writing such a thoughtful comment. You really made my day!
Hello my dear,I promise I was not boycotting this story. I have an obscene number of WIPs going and just couldn't add another. Since it is complete, I decided to dig right in. I like both your Luna and Draco, and feel that this is a realistic version of them in life after Hogwarts. I think that it ended well. The fact that the fairy, who hopefully knows what she is talking about, said that they will meet up again is enough for me. And really, whether they are to be just friends, or something more, Draco needs to establish a life for himself back in the wizarding world before he could commit enough of himself to her to make any kind of relationship work.Neither of these two do I normally like to read as a main character. They both have their place as ancillary characters, but not my fav in the starring role. But if I want to be an official groupie, I gotta read all your stuff, right? :) I actually enjoyed them is this, because the very nature of the situation called for their particular personality traits. So I say, well done! I will say that I was very intrigued by Luna's job/ability and would like to know more about it. But not necessary to the story.Funny story- I started this late at night, and had to go to bed with the last few chapters left unread. I kind of picked up where the story left off in dreamland, and finished it myself. In my dream version, Draco was having memory problems like he was in your story, but Luna was so insistant on him getting healthy because they had been a couple prior to him getting sick, and he didn't remember any of it. In the end, he continued with his therapy until he remembered their life together. And then they skipped off happily into the sunset or something like that. So, the funny part is that next day, I didn't continue reading this story because I thought I had finished it already thanks to my fake ending. Glad my brain started working properly so I could be privy to the real ending. It's hard work being insane!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
I am thrilled that you are officially my groupie! *Glomps on you and throws confetti around* That calls for some sort of celebration!I have one other longfic out there floating around, but this is one of my earlier works. I am glad to hear that you like it! I have gotten a lot of flak... A LOT... from all of the sites it is posted at for the way I ended it. I know it isn't the traditional happy romantic ending, but I just coudn't do it! So I am glad to hear that you were okay with it, even if it wasn't all hearts and roses. Actually, even with all the teasing, your good opinion does mean quite a bit to me (excluding, of course, your sometimes aboninable taste in characters, lol!)It was quite a compliment to hear that you dreamed about it, and to be honest, the way you dreamed it probably would have worked out even better than what I wrote (that fairy was a little out of left field, I admit it!). Thanks for giving it a chance. I admit that it is a little different from the rest of the drabble work that you normally read. I always look forward to your lovely, in-depth reviews. They make me tingle with pride and just laugh with all of the wit you put into them. I can't say that I have ever had anyone give me such a great response as you have. Thanks for sticking with me and sharing your thoughts-they really brighten my day!
Poor Draco, living always with the sinister specter of Harry Potter looming over him... Knowing that he needs to let it go and actually being able to do it are two completely different things, unfortunately. And the Malfoy "attitude" is coming back in spades, I see! I absolutely adore Luna. "How did your head get so big?", indeed! Since she's known for saying absolutely anything, she can get away with sarcasm as long as she keeps her regular tone of voice! I wonder how long it will take Draco to figure that one out?
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
I am so glad to see that you are reading! I was worried that everyone had given up on this story. It is taking my beta AGES to get through each chapter, but we are almost finished, only two more to go. I'm glad you are sticking it out, and that you think the characters are realistic. Thanks for the review, I do appreciate it!
Haha, some faith in the writer we have ;)Ofcourse you knew Luna is not Gryffindor.Poor DracoNice plot.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Why, thank you! I am so glad that you are enjoying it! Don't feel too bad for Draco, though. He has a tender heart, but he still remains a Slytherin throughout. I don't think I have totally emasculated him. Thanks for reading!
I had a suggestion I left in the chapter one review. You could get more punch. Check it out. I will keep reading. Ta,
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
You could be right. Like I said, the idea came about because of a mistake, so I could probably get more out of the idea now that the story is established. Thanks for your suggestion, I appreciate it. I hope that you enjoy the rest!
I love how you wrapped up the chappie with the questions. Very funny.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Thanks! I hope it cleared up the confusion of chapter one and made it seem more plausible. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
I love Luna/Draco. I think what you are trying write to imply confusion with Draco by saying Luna is a Gryffie doesn't work, sorry as demonstrated by all the reviews. Maybe a re-write to illustrate his confusion in a different way rather than confusing the reader? I will keep reading though because I love the pairing and it is so rare that anyone writes it. Good luck with the story
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
You make a good point. To be totally honest, when I was first writing the story, I had made the egregious error of actually putting Luna in the wrong house. This was quickly pointed out to me by many nimble minded readers, but it planted the seed for the rest of the story, which was better than my original storyline, so I decided to keep it. Perhaps I ought to go back and change the first chapter, though, to make it less confusing. Thanks for your thoughts.
Response from GryffKat (Reviewer)
I do think you can set the stage nicely with some confusion in the first chapter so when you get to the reveal of Luna's asking about what house she is in, Chapter 2 was it? you get more of a punch.Looking forward to more.
Not a big fan of Draco but something in your summary just reached out and grabbed my attention! Very glad it did. Interesting first chapter...definitely can't wait to read more.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Thank you so much... I am not a big fan of Draco/Luna myself, so I don't know what compelled me to write this, but I am glad to hear that you are enjoying it. Thanks for the review!
luna is a ravenclaw not a gryffindor
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I am aware of Luna's House ffiliation, but don't worry; Draco's confusion is part of the plot!
Hello Keppie - this sounds like it will be an intersting story. Also, a very plausible after-effect of the war. I look forward to hearing more. One con-crit, question - if you will, in the last bit, you have Draco mentioning that:
He would rather die alone in a gutter than risk his honor accepting help from a Gryffindor, of all people.
If he is reffering to Luna, she was a Ravenclaw. Is he implying that he only accepted her because she was not a Gryff? Thanks for the good read - Sara
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Hey, I appreciate that you took the time to read and review my story. I know that it seems I made an error, but don't worry, Draco is confused about Luna's House affiliation for a good reason. I have not lost my marbles! Thanks for keeping an eye out, though!
Figures that Draco would assume she was a Gryffindor, as she spent a lot of time with them all. :)
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Hey, thanks for the review. Don't worry, it will all become clear why Draco made a mistake about Luna. He is confused for a good reason!
Very interesting first chapter, I look forward to read more. I like Luna, she is my favourite girl next to Hermione (never cared much for Ginny for some odd reason). Only one thing, the Gryffindor comment at the end; If that ment Luna, she was Rawenclaw, but if you ment that Draco thougth that it could have been worse than Luna, it could have been a Gryffindor...
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Hey, thanks for your review, I appreciate that you took the time to read and send me your thoughts. I don't much like Ginny, either!. Don't worry, I am not confused about which House Luna is in. Draco is, and with good reason. It will work out in the next chapter.
I love this rare pair, but... she's a Ravenclaw! The third to last sentence makes no sense :P
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Hehehe... I have not gone nuts. I have a good reason for Draco's confusion. All will become clear in the next chapter. Thanks for the keen eye, though. I am glad to know that you aren't going to let things slip!
The idea you're working with is not too bad, I think. I must admit to being curious about what happens next. However, don't forget about the details, Luna is a Ravenclaw, remember?Good luck!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this story. Don't worry... having Draco mistake Luna's House all fits into my bigger plans! I have the whole thing written and the details worked out, I just have to post it here. Thank you for your review!
Aawww, she's gone. Not even close to what I expected, but it IS a great ending. You've touched or even elaborated a load on philosophical topics. These are not at all the stuff Hogwarts taught and not what an upbringing Malfoy-style would have conveyed either. Much for Draco to ponder about. This is already a good reason for him not to find Luna just yet. A pity, though, that there's no story "Finding Luna" coming (I read your replies to earlier reviews). I'm unsure if Draco has actually gained all his right memories (who was headmaster and who not...) or if this journey is still ahead of him. The lesson he DID learn was the more important anyway.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
I'm so pleased that you liked it! People on this site have been nicer, but at other sites, I have gotten rather negative reviews on this one. People were really upset by the non-standard, non-romantic ending.I'm glad that you saw that this was more about Draco as a person, and less about the romance (although we all were hoping for it, myself included!). I just couldn't work it out in the end and have it be true to his character, or fair to Luna. The ending felt right, and I left it open enough to let you imagine that he MIGHT be able to find her someday, when he was ready.Anyway, I really appreciate that you took the time to read this one! I haven't written many longer stories, and I always had a fondness for this one. Thanks so much for reading it, and for your review!
Response from Bettina (Reviewer)
Everyone has a right to design their story to their own liking. As much trouble as I tend to have with my (German-style positioned) commas and some other changes the validators 'strongly suggest', TPP does discipline people, which reflect also in the fairness the show the other authors.
wow, Luna can be blunt too!Will he admit that he needs miracle? At least now he (and I) understand the goal!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
My biggest hope is that they stay in character. That's what I strive for when I write.Thanks so much for your reviews! I really appreciate your comments!
We can't have Draco being grateful now, can we? Beware, having a conscience! Salazar be thanked that this streak of his personality had not been tampered with.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Finding Draco)
It's true, I am wary of reformed!Draco. I didn't want to trim his claws too much, but he definitely needs a lesson, doesn't he? LOL! Thanks for sticking with it!And if you want to see petulant Draco in all his glory, check out Princes in Exile, my round robin with Literary Beauty. I can promise you that he throws some might fits in that one!