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Violets and Turnips
astopperindeath9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
A pressed flower in a Potions textbook sends Luna Lovegood down memory lane.
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About astopperindeath
Member Since 2009 | 29 Stories | Favorited by 80 | 132 Reviews Written | 919 Review Responses
Twentysomething lover of Harry Potter fic. I have served as a beta (btw, i am P.I. accredited) for many authors, and welcome the opportunity to do more. I also serve as co-moderator of the LJ community ptterpr0nprmpts along with the fantabulous tonksinger.
I've been around the fandom for a long time... probably since 2003. I've spent most of it lurking, but published some stories under an old pseudonym. Upon entering the fandom, I immediately became a fan of the Snape/Granger pairing. I prefer Hermione to be a bit older, but have been known to deviate from that preference. Other ships that I prefer include Draco/Ginny, Draco/Harry, Snape/Lupin, and Snape/McGonagall. I am open to most ships and recommendations, as ultimately it is this universe that I love.
Reviews for Violets and Turnips
You've captured Luna perfectly. I could see her doing and acting just like this. Good job.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
thanks so much!
That's a very sweet story. Well done.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
Aww, I am wondering who is the father of Luna's baby. And since Ginny had Albus Severus, I can't imagine it is Harry. This was a very sweet moment. Thanks.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
I meant for this to be canon compliant, so yeah, Harry is the father of Albus Severus. And as the Epilogue doesn't tell us who Luna's spouse is, your guess is as good as mine as to the father of her baby is.Harry/Ginny's youngest is Lily Luna Potter. I like to think it's because of this moment :-P
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
somone just pointed out to me, and rightfully so, that luna is married to Rolf Scamander, grandson of Newt Scamander. so i guess if we're being canon-compliant, that's the father...
What a great prompt response ASID! It was so cute and honest, truly from the heart. Thanks for the shout-out. I think you're super awesome too! Much Love ~ Brena
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
glad you like it. i don't normally write either of these characters, so i'm a little nervous...
Oh, the unfulfilled potential!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
i'm sorry you feel that way :(. i wanted to keep this a canon-complient as possible, hence why i didn't let it get any bigger than just this one day--an event Harry himself probably doesn't remember as significant...unless you meant my writing as a whole, and then i'm truly sorry :(
Defintely a sweet journey.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
thanks :)
Lovely. I'm glad she can look back fondly on her first flower, even if it is a bittersweet memory.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
thank you :). i always loved the idea of harry/luna, but wanted to keep this from being AU.
This was very sweet. I'm a Luna fan (as long as she's not with SS) and you've captured her perfectly.
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
I love Luna, too!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Violets and Turnips)
I love Luna, too!