New Chapter for Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany
Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany
Bambu11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
A miscellany of ficlets, un-paired drabbles, and snippets of Snape/Granger tidbits.
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About Bambu
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 542 | 117 Reviews Written | 1,029 Review Responses
I have loved the written word since watching my mother’s fingers trace the lines of a book, luxuriating in riveting tales and well-turned phrases. Many a night I read until dawn, a plastic flashlight hidden under the covers to light the pages as I raced the rising sun to finish my latest must-read.
Since joining the HP fandom, I've been privileged to receive more than 50 awards, including Best Author (Quill to Parchment Awards) and Best Classic Author (Most Potente Passions). Among others, my stories have won awards for Best Hurt/Comfort (Spoils of War, Morning Has Broken), Best Novel Length (Calling Card, Guard…Check…Mate), Best One Shot (A Beach in Ireland), Best WIP (Saving a Death Eater, The Summoning), Favorite Overall Story (Complexities), and Readers’ Choice (A Quest of Paladins).
Aside from a judicious polish for formatting and egregious typos, I don't plan on revising my early work. Those stories are the stepping stones of my writing journey. Please note some stories contain adult content. None is more graphic than equivalent scenes in the television shows True Blood or Game of Thrones, and age appropriate warnings are posted.
I no longer write fanfiction prolifically. Like many fanfic authors, my focus has shifted to original work. A member of the Romance Writers of America and the Southern California Writers Association, I write under my name: Lin Thornhill.
My original story Verisimilitude published in Thoroughly Modern Monsters (Story Spring Publishing, 2013) reached the top 100 fantasy anthologies and broke into the top 10 in the UK the first month of release. Ben and Christine’s story will continue in 2016.
Fixation, my latest short story, slated for publication in J. Aldis’ anthology Immanence, with a winter 2015-2016 release, is particularly exciting as it anchors the Messengers of Inari novel series I’ve been developing for the past year.
Reviews for Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany
what fun! thanks muchly
Response from Bambu (Author of Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany)
Thank you!
Lucky girl. I would love to have a bath tub in my flat to indulge in unspeakable activies, but it's too small. *pout*
Response from Bambu (Author of Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany)
I, too, wish my tub were large enough to indulge ... thank heavens there's fanfiction to fulfill our fantasies.Thank you.
I wonder why he was hiding as a portrait.
Response from Bambu (Author of Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany)
I didn't even consider that when I wrote this. How thought-provoking. Thank you!
Now that's my kind of ritual! Hmmm... wonder if my man might be up for a little soapy ceremony of our own. Nice one! :D
Response from Bambu (Author of Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany)
If only I could make my tub keep the water IN the tub, I'd love this sort of ritual. Still, it's a lovely image, isn't it? Good luck to you.
Tricky, very tricky. I'm so glad she found him though. :D
Response from Bambu (Author of Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany)
Thank you! I'm occasionally very fond of a paradigm shift, and I thoroughly enjoyed putting this together.
Now THIS is the reason for the oily hair: it gets washed too often!!! *gigglesnort*
No, honestly, cool idea and great execution. This water-stay-in-the-tub-charm is rather useful.
Author's Response: There you go! And thank you very much. I think I want that charm in my house, too.
Steamy, good, clean fun. I especially like the word 'sluiced'. You don't see that very often. LOL
Response from Bambu (Author of Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany)
I've always enjoyed playing with words, so I'm thrilled you noticed the sluicing. Thanks!
Clever and satisfying. Portrait snatching and house cleaning to boot!
Response from Bambu (Author of Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany)
Thank so much!
Yes, one does need to wash one's hair regularly. ;)
Response from Bambu (Author of Ozoni: A Simmered Miscellany)
Yes they do, and considering that he did it poorly for so long, I suspect Hermione wants to make sure a thorough job is done!
Good idea, well told. I wonder what brought it about that the portrait was hiding/getting lost and forgotten at Spinner's end.
May I ask you what "off-plumb" means?
Author's Response: Thank you. I, too, wonder about the events leading to this circumstance, but I loved the moment itself.
'Off-plumb' means out of vertical or true. It's a construction term.
Alcina vom Steinsberg's response: Thanks! I didn't knot the item in question is called "plumb" in English.
Author's Response: A 'plumb-line' is when you drop a string with a weighted end, the line of the string hangs vertically. I admire the fact you asked.