New Chapter for Promised
shatteredrose12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )
A trio of drabbles with Severus and Hermione during a AU situation in the War.
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About shatteredrose
Member Since 2007 | 4 Stories | Favorited by 3 | 6 Reviews Written | 27 Review Responses
Reviews for Promised
If this was your first attempt, then I think you have found your calling. I hope you write more soon!
Response from shatteredrose (Author of Promised)
I've written for many years, but then I took a three year hiatus from it. Decided to get back into writing, and I jsut started with Severus and Hermione since they've been floating in my head for all these years! Thank you! And I am working on some more stories, hopefilly they'll be able to be posted soon.
Really quick: it's choking, not chocking. Chocking is blocking the tires of a semi-tractor-trailer unit. (daughter of a trucker)Nice set of drabbles, girl. Highly imaginable and worth reading.
Response from shatteredrose (Author of Promised)
Thank you for seeing that! I didn't think it looked right, but no one caught it while reading through it before posting. I just figured it was one of those times where you spelled a word right but no matter what, it looked wrong to you!And thank you for the compliment of the drabbles.
Wonderful set of ficlets. I love how he sends her to safety with such passion and then returns to claim her. Nicely done! :D
Response from shatteredrose (Author of Promised)
Thank you! Its just some scenes that have been floating in my head for the past year or so! I'm very glad I finally decided to put them to paper!
That's really good. I can easily picture him trying to protect her, even by making promises he's not sure to keep. And the scolding when she realized he's been hurt *giggle* That was soooo Severus. Well done.
Response from shatteredrose (Author of Promised)
Thank you! Yes, I purposely kept from writing him saying "I promise" because of two reasons, a. He's made enough promises in my opinion, and b. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to keep it. And I'm glad you liked the scolding, I could see him actually doing that too!
What a fabulous snapshot of a very emotional situation! I strongly encourage you to write more and longer stories - you have what it takes. Thanks for posting this!
Response from shatteredrose (Author of Promised)
Thank you! I'm definitely working on more stories. The next one I'm hoping to upload soon is another very emotional piece as well!
Oh, what a great first fic! It was short, but heart-felt and emotional. Nicely done.
Response from shatteredrose (Author of Promised)
Thank you! I really love working with emotion in my writings!
I'm with Alcina...this is, of course, we readers' not-so-subtle attempt to get you to write more! There's just never enough fan fiction. But that was a great vignette, and glad you've dipped your toe in! Maybe I'll dip my toe in one of these days...
Response from shatteredrose (Author of Promised)
Thanks! I'm having another story being beta'ed right now, so hopefully I'll be able to put it up soon! And yes, it took quite a few years to finally get up the courage to post something!
Good start for a first story! Of course, one would want to know now how this all came about, what happened in between and what comes next... ;o)
Author's Response: Thanks! I might continue this drabble series, but it'll be able to stand on its own probably!
Alcina vom Steinsberg's response: Yes, it can stand alone as a small story/drabble series. It's just us unsatiable fanfiction readers that continually want more ;o).
Nicely done~!
Response from shatteredrose (Author of Promised)
Thank you! It means a lot to me that you like it! I love all of yours!
Very well done!
Would love to see more (same story-line or not).
You've got Severus down.