New Chapter for Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione
Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione
Paisley Snail41 Reviews | 41 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
Chapters (6)
About Paisley Snail
Paisley Snail
Member Since 2009 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 26 | 9 Reviews Written | 143 Review Responses
I read and write fanfiction as a means of procrastination - it's usually much more interesting than anything that comes my way from uni.
At OWL I'm mw8, but on Ashwinder or and now here I'm Paisley Snail.
Reviews for Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione
I really loved this. It was brilliantly done, very different. I love that Severus was on the recieving end of Hermione's temper more than once on their way to the altar. Very realistic!
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Thank you SO much! :) I'm really glad you liked it!
Aw, lovely ending.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Thanks - I really hope you enjoyed it! :)
LOL. Slytherin definitely won the prize! :)
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
LOL! I think so too! :)
That was perfect.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
*blushes* nothing is ever perfect - but I'm very flattered you think so! :) Thanks for the review!
Awwww!! This is a perfect end for a lovely story.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Thank you so much for the lovely, lovely review! You flatter me too much *blushes*. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)
I would give anything to have seen Severus in a drag-queen costume. *giggles turned into barks of laughter*. An nice try for Lucius but I don't think Hermione will ever allow that.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Yes I agree - he's lucky to still be breathing after what he and Severus pulled! Thanks for the review!!!
Worth a try, Lucius! :)
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Indeed. I like to think Lucius asked more for vanity's sake than because he actually wanted to be godfather. Thanks for the review!
Snerk. Well, at least he likes her name. I expect Lucius wouldn't have survived had he not.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Lol! That's one way of looking at it I hadn't considered! Thanks!
OMG there will be a next one... *grin*
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
lol - maybe, maybe not at this rate!! slytherins are the masters at empty assurances, are they not? :) thanks!
Wow, he's gutsy. Slytherin and gutsy.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Lol - of course!! you did notice that he left the room pretty quick after he told her though? *smirks*
Hehe! :)
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
thanks for the review! i'm glad you found it amusing! :)
Whooo...lemons next
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
lol - um, probably not. i can enjoy a good lemon as much as the next person, but i don't think i have it in me to write one. will be skipping large chunks of time - hope that doesn't turn you off! :)
Very cheeky! Love it.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
thanks - i'm really glad you enjoyed it!! :)
Very cute! I especially liked the last line.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Thanks very much for leaving a review - I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
This is really good so far, but it would be interesting to read about all the things Hermione did leading up to this point:)
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
good point - it was orignally written as a one-shot based on a prompt, but i've already added a scene after it which i will post shortly. I will think about adding to it both ways. :)
LOL. Persistence paid off! :)
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
*smirks* it did indeed! thanks for the review!
Mwahahaha...this was great!
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
I'm very glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for leaving a review!!!
I love this girl. She is so brilliant.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
she really is :) thanks for leaving a review!!!
LOL, double punishments!
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
hahaha double - or one long, ongoing one? :) thanks for the review!
LOL. From a half-blood prince to a toad. Kinda cute.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Haha - I didn't get that reference until you said it! :) Thanks for the review!
L O L .......
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! :) Thanks for the review!
Poor Severus! I have to say that was a tad harsh on Hermione's part.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Perhaps a little harsh - but it's been a rough week or so for her, I think :)
Cute! Definitely good revenge on Hermione's part.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
I thought so too! :) Thanks for the review!
Okay, I'm intrigued about the terms of their bet.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
Well, I did actually think about it - Draco couldn't be named 'Severus' because Narcissa would have insisted on Black Family tradition, so that is why the terms were slightly different for Lucius and Severus. And I suppose as to the thing with Cissy - well...Severus was young and must have been tricked by his slippery friend! ;)
Response from blackeyedlily (Reviewer)
Thanks for the follow-up to my curiosity.
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
No problem at all - threaded comments are cool! I'm glad you took an interest! :)
Too funny!
Response from Paisley Snail (Author of Snapsnots of Severus and Hermione)
*g* I'm glad you think so! :)