New Chapter for Wizards of the Caribbean
Wizards of the Caribbean
Ravensblood6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
The search for Snape continues in this farcical parody. I recommend you read Double, Double, first. The girls are joined by Harry and Ron in this adventure on the High Seas! The bushy-headed barnacle is in search of her favorite 'ship, and not even danger of scurvy is going to stop her.
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About Ravensblood
Member Since 2008 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 20 | 55 Reviews Written | 113 Review Responses
I have had a long absence, but there are new chapters up and more on the way. New Midnight Visitor (trying desperately to finish) and another short fic (Touch).
Reviews for Wizards of the Caribbean
wow! what insanity! love it ! thanks muchly
ROFL. I love it. I'd like to see all the people acting as if they're from some musical production at tea time every day.
Response from Ravensblood (Author of Wizards of the Caribbean)
This one came out of "Once more with feeling," the episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that had this happen to Sunnydale because of a locket cursed by a demon.It seemed like something a villan would come up with!
You seem to have started a rather weird and twisted little story here. Funny, too. The two Pirates quotes I know I recognize are the jar of dirt (Draco/Jack) and the line about owing all the people around the table money (Lucius/Jack). The jar of dirt scene with Draco and Narcissa is quite funny. It makes me laugh just thinking about it!
Response from Ravensblood (Author of Wizards of the Caribbean)
... Can you see him pouting? I could!Whenever Jack is having one of his more pouty moments, I think about the Malfoys.(Bounces up and down) I'm so glad you like!
*Pictures Severus dressed as Jack Sparrow and giggles hysterically*This Order of Modred lot definitely sounds a lot cracked. Poor Severus... slave to two madmen in his lifetime, but instead of peaceful death he finds himself in some kind of loony purgatory? Sings:And everybody loves you'Cause you take them to the moonHow is it you can't make it on the ground?To Captain Sad and the Ship of Fools,I think you should look down'Cause your paper ship is soon to run agroundLyrics from: Captain Sad & His Ship of Fools by the Cowsills
Response from Ravensblood (Author of Wizards of the Caribbean)
Oh, but if you reverse it, can you see Johnny Depp dressed as Severus??? Mmmmm... Goth/Victorian Johnny Depp with magic.... I think I'd worship him as the new Dark Lord.Yes, poor Severus indeed. He will have no peace! None! ...maybe a little peace. When he submits to his fate and marries Hermione allready! I wasn't familiar with the song, but it's neat. HermioneDiggory's response: The song was from one of my late mum's oldie albums. I thought it kinda fit Severus' current situation. The poor dear can't get any peace or sanity in life or the hereafter, just his rotten luck!IDK if I can see Johnny as Severus... he's a bit too cute and baby-faced. But thinking of his cheeky craziness when he plays Captain Jack, I could, however, see him as an older version of Harry that would absolutely dance on Severus' last nerves!
Response from Ravensblood (Author of Wizards of the Caribbean)
Captain Jack also reminds me of pre-Azkzban Sirius. I know his name means "Dog Star" but really, anything that remotely sounds like 'Serious' is a misnomer for that one! Say what you like about his baby-faced-ness, if you've seen Johnny in Sweeney Todd, it'll change the way you think about the Deppster. So dark! And Bella's in it, too.She's Creepy, I tell you, in anything I've ever seen her in.
Love it! Love it! The quotes - Hmmm.The quip about the compass being broken and not pointing north and the reply that it points to your heart's true desire (POTC1)Draco's magic dirt is like the sand they were given in the second movie - Who would have thought you could get dirt on a Slytherin? He he!Snape's remark about there not being a gathering like this in his life time and Lucius's OWING all of them money - hmm family debt or Lucius has lied about his age?... (Pirate council POTC 3).I am sure there are more brilliant references but I can't remember them.Looking forward to more installments.
Response from Ravensblood (Author of Wizards of the Caribbean)
I'm not sure what you mean by sand.... Tia Dalma gives Jack a jar of dirt to keep him safe from Davy Jones, who cannot go on dry land. But if that's what you meant, then BRAVO!Since you made such a lovely effort and even got the movies they came from correct, I must award house points! Err... what house are you in? I can't see what color you're wearing from here...there's one more quote, though, mashed up as it may be to fit the context.Glad you love! I have to go write more.....
Response from reets67 (Reviewer)
Woohooo! Glad you are writing more...Was the quote I missed ..."if you would be so kind as to explain it for those of us who have been living under a rock for the last twenty years?"(POTC3) or was it the talking stick? - I really must buy POTC no. three. I could see that Snape would find the talkins stick infinitely more appealing when in Miss Granger's company...She would be so frustrated if he held onto it! He he!Yes I thought that the jar of "stuff" that they got from the witch to keep safe from Davy Jones was sand, not dirt, but I stand corrected.After many on-line quizzes giving me various results- I sort of jumped into a situation at work with out thinking to protect someone, and landed on the floor with the security guard. So meethinks Gryffindor.
Response from Ravensblood (Author of Wizards of the Caribbean)
No, that bit was all mine. My inner snark came out to play. :-DIt's that bit at the end:LORD BECKETT:"You're MAD!"(SEVERUS: You're all Mad!")JACK:"Well, that's good, 'cause if I wasn't, then this'd never work."(MORDRED: Well, that's good, 'case if we weren't, then this'd never work.")And I don't know if it counts, becuse it's not the full quote, but I couldn't resist:Pintel: You're supposed to be dead! Jack Sparrow: Am I not?..... If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.(LUCIUS: Severus? You're supposed to be dead! SNAPE: Am I not? )But for your effort and the extra credit: Twenty points to Gryffindor! Cookies will be forthcoming when I've finished the play. And I'm not sending them anywhere, but I will host a cookie party if people will show!
I'm not familiar with the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, but I like where your fic is heading. I'm glad I inspired you.