New Chapter for Phoenix Feathers
Phoenix Feathers
magalena9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Severus is in need of a rare potions ingredient, and Hermione knows where to get it. Written originally at hpcon_envy for a challenge by Bambu345, the prompts were: dusk and phoenix feathers.
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About magalena
Member Since 2007 | 18 Stories | Favorited by 123 | 166 Reviews Written | 544 Review Responses
I am a Harry Potter fanfic fanatic, I only discovered it after the release of DH. Disapointed that the series was ending, I read some blurb about fan fiction (which I had never heard of before) clicked a link and 'voila' I was hooked. I started out reading mostly Dramione, but evolved and although I still like DM/HG, my OTP is SS/HG. I also enjoy reading LM/HG and 3-somes with SS/HG/LM or DM/HG/BZ. As you can see I love seeing Hermione paired with those lovely Slytherin men.
After reading for nearly 2 years, I started writing a bit of my own, mostly shorter drabbles or ficlets. I've written seveal stories for fests, such as the SS/HG exchange, the LM/HG exchange, and the LuciusBigBang, fest among others.
I am magalena at here and at AFF, and; magdalena at GE, OWL and IATQO; and madeleone at live journal, AO3, Ashwinder and the Maple Bookshelf.Reviews for Phoenix Feathers
acute judgement in sniffing out the this business prospect. it seems so evident yet it seems none of the other authors have written it out before! do u have such discernment investment wise in real life?
Response from magalena (Author of Phoenix Feathers)
Thanks much. I wish, if I did I'd be set for life. ;)
I wonder what Severus would have done if Hermione's partners turned out to be Ron and Harry? LOL Fantastic story. I like that they will be having an intimate working relationship together in the future very much. :D
Response from magalena (Author of Phoenix Feathers)
Ron and Harry? Oh that might have been the breaking point! LOLSo glad you liked my story, thanks so much for reading and commenting. ;)
Can we see how closely they will deal with one another? * puppy eyes*
Response from magalena (Author of Phoenix Feathers)
Now, stop flashing those puppy eyes at me, missy! LOLFor right now it is what it is, but I have received much encouragement for a continuation so one never knows. I never say never. Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed.
Very closely, hum... I would, too. If all it took was a Phoenix feather then I think I might have one or two of those hanging around... somewhere... *smileVery nicely done. I saw that this was listed as complete. Is there any chance of more from this line? Did the paste work as well as he wanted it too? What does Neville and Luna think of the arrangement? What exactly does Hermione do at Logralo's? And just where did she get that feather in such short time? Could it be that she has an in with Fawkes? Could he have latched onto some other Griff? *sigh... so good... so many questions....
Response from magalena (Author of Phoenix Feathers)
Hmmm, all very good questions my dear. For right now it's just a one-shot, but I have gotten a lot of encouragement for a continuation so maybe somewhere down the road. Right now I need to work on my entry for the SeverusBigBang exchange. Anyway, so glad you enjoyed. :)
Surprise, surprise. I foresee a close and very rewarding "collaboration" in their future! Nicely done.Beth
Response from magalena (Author of Phoenix Feathers)
Oh, so do I! Very close and very rewarding! *wink, wink*So glad you enjoyed.
'Very closely indeed' Oh I love it! Like what you did with the name too.
Response from magalena (Author of Phoenix Feathers)
Thanks, so glad you liked it. :)
LOL She out-Slytherined him! :)
Response from magalena (Author of Phoenix Feathers)
She did indeed! Thanks for commenting.
Clever bit with the name - and I'm sure Severus will be quite put off that he STILL has to deal with Neville.... and that he has to be pleasant about it if he wants to get certain things he needs.....
Response from magalena (Author of Phoenix Feathers)
Thanks! An interesting bit of trivia about the name, a reviewer on another site informed me that logralo is actually a word in Spanish (she thought I had used it intentionally, but it was purely coincidence) (I wish I was actually that brilliant). She said the following "logralo, Sp., imperative ("go get it!" or "go obtain it!"), from the verb lograr: to get or obtain." So it actually fits well with their business of obtaining rare and unusual ingredients. Cool. huh?
Response from moiramountain (Reviewer)
Indeed !! Sometimes I think authors are subconsciously led by the muse to find just the right phrase or word even though they may not recognize the fact on the surface !!
That was great, I loved it! I can imagine that Hermione, Luna and Neville would make for a formidable business partnership. Sounds like there's a decent chance for Hermione and Severus to form a lovely romantic attachment as well.
Response from magalena (Author of Phoenix Feathers)
Thanks, I'm so glad you liked it. I too think these three would make a great combination for this type of business. With Luna's and Neville's special talents and Hermione's research and organizational skills how could they go wrong? ;)