New Chapter for Quiet Retreat
Quiet Retreat
slytherinlaurel19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About slytherinlaurel
Member Since 2009 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 14 | 44 Reviews Written | 65 Review Responses
HP will always be my original fandom, but these days you'll often find me trundling about in manga/anime fandoms. No OTPs (or OT3s), and gen is always nice.
I’ve hopscotched my way across the States and currently live someplace cold. Very cold. With wind. I keep telling myself it's a character building experience.
Proud parent of an adorable house rabbit and two clingy cats. Mostly a beta, occasionally an author. You can find me at and Stop by and say hi!
Reviews for Quiet Retreat
I find you depicted a very realistic situation here, well done!
Response from slytherinlaurel (Author of Quiet Retreat)
Thank you! People, even heroes and heroines, make mistakes and sometimes I enjoy exploring that in new ways.I really appreciate you reviewing! :)
God, what a stupid bint! She sounds like one of those whiny bitches who will give a man the cold shoulder and when they ask "what is the matter, what have I done, I'm sorry already!", they'll act all hurt and say, "if you have to ask what you did you don't *get* it", and then go and have lunch with their girlfriends a la 'Sex and the City' and complain about 'that man' who *dared* to say sorry and not even knowing what he was apologising for! ("Can you *believe* that?!! MEN!!")A nice pointy kick to the back side would do her well.Sev, m'boy, find yourself a nice Hufflepuff, they understand about empathy and how human relationships work, and will accept you, warts and all. In return you can safely worship the ground she walks on without the constant bickering, beratings and guilt trips the Gryffindor women in your life have thrown at you (*cough*Lily*cough*).
Response from slytherinlaurel (Author of Quiet Retreat)
Thank you for your reviewing, even though you didn't care for this piece. I always write my characters as flawed, sometimes deeply flawed, because I feel it's part of the human condition. If this is something you didn't enjoy, you probably won't care for my other work as well.
poor severus. :( Idiot men never like to communicate.
Nice short spot.
Poor Severus. he seriously needs to get his priorities sorted.
oh nononono!!!
not shut the door in his face. och, please.
ok he is not the man one wishes for when pregnant.
not with that behaviour.
but hey, there is material to work with, he is not that daft.
I think she really needed this moment of shutting the door in his face. might have given her something to live for, over the last months.
But there is a time for everything.
maybe he will start to behave?
Maybe with a bit of time she might forgive him. Because this innocent child doesn't deserve to grow without a happy family around him/her.
:: facepalm ::I love ninny!Severus.
Response from slytherinlaurel (Author of Quiet Retreat)
Why thank you! :)
Hey, Stella Stargazer makes a good point. And what orm irian said -- if Hermione decided to move on because Severus went on his trip (of a lifetime) instead of giving in to her (selfish) request that he miss out on this trip just to keep her company, then that's that (and Severus should be glad).I got the impression Severus thinks the baby is his ("You should have told me. I would have come back"), so I guess Hermione is pretty far along. (Or looks it. I know! She's actually *not* that far along, but is having twins! Maybe she was so piqued that Severus didn't give in to her whining that she went out and got herself pregnant the very day he left?Regardless of whether she dumped Severus before or after she got pregnant, Hermione had a responsibility to erm, *actually, openly dump him* -- not just "move on" without saying anything.BTW, the summary says, "Severus returns to what he thought was home." "Home" there might be figurative, but it also might not be -- it led me to consider it likely (not definitely true, but likely) that before Severus left on his trip, he had moved into Hermione's house and they were living together. So if you didn't intend that, maybe change the summary?
Response from slytherinlaurel (Author of Quiet Retreat)
Thank you so much for reviewing! I love the fact that this has sparked discussion.When I wrote 'home' in the summary I intended it as an emotional sense of home, not a literal home. In my initial drafts, which contained multiple drabbles as one piece, the second section sees him returning to Spinner's End. Perhaps I'll have to post those additional sections as seperate drabbles after all. And, just to quell curiousity, the baby is his. There's no one else.
Confusion... If the baby is Severus' then they both are ridiculous for their total lack of communication. If she decided to move on because he wouldn't stay with her, then --well, that's that, isn't it?Interesting. Will it continue or is it complete?
Response from slytherinlaurel (Author of Quiet Retreat)
They are both very flawed in this piece, and I make no excuses for either of them. This was longer, then got trimmed, but I may continue it now. Thanks for the review!
“Exactly. Nothing of consequence could possibly happen in six months.” So, are we making an erroneous assumption that the baby is Severus'? We don't actually have any details about what happened in that six months, just the result....
Response from slytherinlaurel (Author of Quiet Retreat)
Thanks for the review! It was my intention to imply that it was Severus', but I always find it interesting to discover what different people see in the same words. Inevitably the written word takes on a life of its own.
Response from Stella Stargazer (Reviewer)
Actually, I made the assumption that the baby was Severus' also, but wanted to play devil's advocate a little. Please don't take the review the wrong way. I like the story. Its just things are not always as they seem....
Response from slytherinlaurel (Author of Quiet Retreat)
I like that you saw the potential for something different, and, yes, things are not always as they seem. :) Glad you enjoyed it! These reviews have motivated me to wrap up some more fics waiting in the wings.
Severus certainly should have written during a six month separation. He did make one mistake.But it's Hermione's choices that ensured this would happen.It's unreasonable to expect someone not to spend a few months on a special trip for work (and/or one they really want to go on -- it's potions research, you think Severus Snape wouldn't really want to do that?), *just* because *you* "would rather have them around." It's incredibly selfish. It *is* reasonable to want them around to help you through your pregnancy. But then, Hermione didn't *tell* him she was pregnant, now did she?Yes, Severus should have written -- but then, so should Hermione. She's got no right to complain that he didn't write when she didn't either. In fact, when one person just wants to keep in touch, and the other has big's the one with big news who has the greater *responsibility* to write.Whether or not you want to continue any romantic relationship, if you are having someone's baby it's YOUR responsibility to let him know. It's not his responsibility to rape your mind to find out. (*Or* read your signals. It's not his job to read your mind in either sense.)It's annoying in other stories when Severus *breaks up with* Hermione because of his own issues, and then she forgives him at the drop of a hat. But here, he did not break up with her -- he just went on a research trip. He did make *one* mistake because of his own issues, this story, it's *Hermione* who dumps *Severus* because of *her* own issues. If he not only *forgave* her at the drop of a hat but also apologetically *pursued* her, it'd be even *more* annoying.Honestly, the guy needs to collect his stuff and a share in the baby's life and thank Merlin he's escaped any romantic relationship with this lunatic.
Response from slytherinlaurel (Author of Quiet Retreat)
It's been so interesting for me to read these reviews. Thanks for letting me know what you think!When I picture this pair at this moment, I see two people whose relationship was on the brink of disaster. Given the choice of taking the long shot and trying to fix the relationship, or going on his trip, Severus picked the trip. While Hermione wishes Severus had stayed, I don't see her as holding a grudge. It's more of a resignation to the poor choices they both made not only in the last six months, but in the time leading up to that as well. For me, post-DH drama involves charachters with serious issues as a result of living in a war zone. I don't think Severus has ever related well to people, not really. I think Hermione's understanding of normality and personal relationships was destroyed during what should have been her seventh year of school.When I read stories where everyone is perfect and well intentioned and forgives everyone else at the drop of a hat, it frustrates me because life is never simple and everyone has baggage. (Some just carry it better than others.)If I do decide to continue this I think you'll see why I don't generally write romance. My tag line on livejournal is, "Happy Endings Need Not Apply."
Okey-Dokey...well Severus what do you do now????
I think he needs to try and get her back don't you think. After all it is his child isn't it? Hope you can continue this.
Ouch, but very well deserved. Finally a Hermione who holds Severus accountable for leaving her (I am so tired of all Hermiones who with tears in their eyes fell into Severus arms as soon as he gives a sloppy "sorry")I do hope though that he is man enough to woe her back:-))
Response from slytherinlaurel (Author of Quiet Retreat)
While this one turned out sticky, I, too, am tired of easy, unconditional forgiveness on the part of any charachter. Thanks for taking the time to review!
i hope you can continue this.
Oops, wrong answer! Never piss off a pregnant witch. :D
bit work-obsessed, isn't he?
I'm thinking he needs to ummm... rethink his life?