New Chapter for Voice Of Truth
Voice Of Truth
GinnyW48 Reviews | 48 Ratings, 0 Likes, 54 Favorites )
After years of living on the run for the murder of Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape is captured by Aurors. Hermione must now try to convince Harry of Snape's innocence.
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About GinnyW
20 Stories | Favorited by 251 | 164 Reviews Written | 529 Review Responses
I'm a 40+ year old mother of 4 who works full-time, goes to school, and writes in what little spare time I have. Once upon a time I co-moderate the SS/HG Gift Exchange with Shiv5468 and Scattered Logic.
Reviews for Voice Of Truth
Excellent story. I keep being amazed at the story's a random search produces. Your one on my favorite writers. Ty
I quite enjoyed this take on the challenge. Well done!
Glad that he was acquitted in the end. I like the way you set it up and brought the story to a head.
Oh, I love this! Short but not without its twists and turns and a happy ending!
I'm dying here! Because Ron handing her a stack of pamphlets to read was simply priceless and perfect, and now I see it was your attempt to use that sentence. It worked!
Okay, and Harry is even a bigger prat, and Hermione has a secret relationship with Severus and....
Ooooo, I love this first person present tense voice.Harry is a prat.::click::
its a good chap specially with the mesmeries in it even if a few errors!!1! i thought there was plagarizing but then i realized i read at ashwinder previously 4 of 5 !
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
:-) Yeah, not plagerized! Thanks for being concerned, though! Thank you for your comments. ~Ginny
Response from snapes_faerie (Reviewer)
oh good i though about it after and hoped youd not be upset. what happen to your pregnancy!hermione story, is it done already and i miss?
That is terrible, about your arm not the story. I hope that you are feeling better.Loved this chapter. I am so glad you did not leave us in suspense. I can't wait to see how they all move past this time. There is more, right?B
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Glad that you liked it. Yes, there is one more chapter... it should be up sometime early next week. :-) Thank you! ~Ginny
Wow... This was intense. I feel as though I've just read the missing puzzles to the entire story. Honestly, you kept the final outcome perfectly hidden- I was afraid to hope for the best because the Ministry can be so harsh and unforgiving at times. So, the ending came as a surprise, and it moved me to tears =( The reaction of Severus was also beautiful. Well written, I hope there is more to this!
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Thank you,
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
! I'm so glad it was a surprise! *g* You are the second person to say that they were moved to tears. There is a final chapter that will also answer the question to the Wizengamot's leniency. :-) It should be up within a week. ~Ginny
I've just finished all 6 chapters posted so far and I'm really loving this story. It's another spin on his innocence, which I enjoy reading and researching immensely. There really are so many variations of his guilt or innocence, and you're weaving a very convincing story... In his trinkets, of course! What Rowling can do, like no other, is to make the most blatant acts of treason-- ambiguous! Your attention to character and detail is incredible...
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Thank you,
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
! I'm so glad that you've enjoyed the story thus far! Sorry for the delay in posting the next chapter will be uploading within the next couple of days. ~Ginny
I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Thank you for another chapter. is there a memory hidden in one of the gadgets??
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Ahhh, Clever girl! ;-) You'll see in the next chapter.I had a great Christmas. How was yours?~Ginny
Response from pickles (Reviewer)
It was wonderful. Just had a birthday party for my daughter. she had a few friends over friday and the relatives today.
Happy New Year
I'm so silly. I cannot resist.Hermione: I started shagging him in my mind way back in fifth year, Harry. I was turned off for a little while after he offed old Dumby, but hell, that bad boy thing really turns me on. He's lucky he took off from the graveyard that first meeting. We'd have "christened" the headmaster's tomb!"
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
HA HA HA! You're so funny... you know I love you, right? Harry: Bloody Hell, Hermione! I thought you were supposed to be smart. Ewwwwwwwww! *covers his ears and runs crying to his wife*southern_witch_69's response: Teeeheee! Indeed I do, my dear. :)Hermione: (snickers) Well, that ought to get the idiot out of my hair for a while. Now, I simply have to go and break Severus out of Azkaban. :)
Yay for Ginny! (The one in the story, too. ) Glad that Harry's wife is listening, and that even Ron is keeping quiet for now. Too bad Hermione wasn't better prepared for the shagging question. Very nice that Harry didn't destroy Dumbledore's toys, but once she finds the Pensieve memory, she better make sure Harry doesn't destroy it. I would've changed "The poison that he drank that night" to "The poison that you, Harry, forced him to drink that night" because Harry keeps ignoring the fact that he himself had part in Albus' death. Hermione says "I had hoped that I could get that final bit of evidence from you, Harry" - does she mean Harry's Pensieve memory of what happened on the Tower that night? Albus' offer to Draco, etc.? Thanks for the new chapter!!
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Thank you, June! You are so wonderful... have I ever told you that? :-) Yes, at least that Ginny and Ron are keeping calm... certainly not what Hermione was expecting, though I think them hearing part of the story told from an obviously irate Harry helped to keep them calm.I like the line change, btw. Very clever, dangit!Cheers! ~Gin
You know that we are going to have to get out in the open the sadistic side that you have in leaving your poor audience hanging. Evil cliffy does not even begin to cover it. That not withstanding. It was a very good chapter. I am glad that Hermione finally told Harry off about something, even if it does appear to be something as insignificant as Severus' name. I wonder if Harry is capable of hearing and believing anything good about Severus or if this is just an excersize in futility for Hermione. B
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Well, Hermione reigned in her temper for as long as she could, and I think that she was rather careful to only release it on something insignificant. Though, her sensitivity to his name is a huge clue to Harry as to her relationship with Mr. Snape. Don't you think? I know, I'm sorry. The chapters just seem to end themselves right at the 2000 word mark and in such lovely places. The next one isn't quite as bad, though... honest. :-) Thanks for reading! ~Ginny
Making mah rounds like a good little beta/ friend/ stalker.Harry: So you two truly have been shagging! Just when I thought you could sink no lower than you longing for Lockhart!Hermione: What in the world...?Harry: You obvious have a thing for professor-type people. Tell me, have you planted any catnip about the castle in hopes of ensnaring the headmistress? Pretended to need flying lessons to get next to Hooch?
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Hermione: Ewwwww! I can't believe you just said that, Harry James Potter! That's just gross! *whilst descretly attempting to hide her new broom*
I don't know why but I thought this story was 4 chapters long... I was so disappointed LOL (although, I thought it was rather short.) Then, I'm glad to know that there is more to come :) Yeah. I think Harry is just a little kid that needs to grow up (and quickly)
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Yep, sorry, there are 8 chapters in all... so we're 1/2-way there. Never fear, though, this truly isn't a 'real' WIP. The chapters are written, they just need to be polished. The next one will be up asap.Thanks,
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
! ~Gin
very, very good story. I can't wait to have the end of Hermione's tale to know what will happen to Severus, what will Harry's decision be.
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Thank you! The next chapter will be up within the week. Thanks for reading! ~Gin
I'm not paying bribes to SW for clues - GInny could always change the chapters without telling SW! My favorite line here: "Bloody hell, Harry, get over yourself!" Ooh, I'd love to see that in a movie! That, and see Harry grovel at Severus' feet. Hey Ginny, can you work that into the story too? Thanks for posting!
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Yeah, I'd love her hear her say that line, too. LOL! I don't think we'll get to see Harry grovel, though. Just doesn't seem to be his sort of thing. Thanks for reading, June! ~Gin
This is a very good story, but I wonder what she is hoping to get from Harry once she finishes telling her story. He is the one who ignored all of her information to have Severus arrested in the first place, he is unbelievable bias when it come to Snape. In some cases for a good reason, and in some cases because Severus was not able and would not treat him as anything special. -- B
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Thank you! I'm glad that you like the story. Hermione needs something from Harry since he didn't believe her based on her original report. She anticipated Harry's reaction, but she did not anticipate all of this coming about on this night. And a part of her was still hopeful that she wouldn't have had to resort to telling him everything now, either. That is the answer, vague and veiled as it is. :-)Thanks for reading. The next chapter is with my beta now. As soon as she's done with it, I'll upload. Thank you! ~Ginny
Wow. I am not sure what he is expecting her to do now. Just sit around and watch as one of her best friends railroads a man she knows to be innocent into Azkaban. Boy is more foolish than ever if that is what he thinks he can persuade her to do. Very enjoyable, but not surprisingly so, since all of your stories are. -- B
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Thank you very much! I'm so glad that you find my work to be enjoyable. I hope that you like the next chapters to this piece as well. Yeah, Harry's a prat, we'll see if Hermione can talk some sense into him. :-) Cheers! ~Ginny
Brilliant start to this challenge! Can't wait for the rest! I think I would have to seriously harm Harrry if I was in Hermione's shoes right now! lol
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Thank you, Christy! And thanks so much for your support! Yeah... Harry's being quite the arse, I think. :-) ~Gin
Yikes! <I>The Unstoppable Trio will always be friends</I> - I think I'd quit being friends with Harry right about now.... Please tell me there's a happy ending for Severus at the end of this story!! Bonus points for dropping Harry into a pile of Thestral droppings?
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
June, you've read the 'rules' that I go by before, I know you have.
I think I'd quit being friends with Harry right about now....
Well, it's going to be a long night, that's for sure. Thanks for reading!! ~Gin
Excellent start! May you have better luck with your betas than I've had with mine (timewise, that is.. they're all brilliant as far as betaing go). Anyway, where was I? Oh right, Brilliant start. Is Harry really going to condemn SNape, or has he just brought him out into the public eye for a great show trial to proove his innocence? His perplexed eyes are replaced by glittering triumph.makes me think the former... Looking forward to the rest of this!
Response from GinnyW (Author of Voice Of Truth)
Thanks, Avery! My beta is awesome, she's read through the entire story as I've been going along and now we're both just brushing up the grammar. Actually, the biggest thing that I'll be waiting on is to see how long it takes to get the story validated at Ashwinder. :-)
Hmmmm, I won't answer your question about Harry yet... you shall see. Thank you! ~Ginny