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You Know What They Say About Men's Noses
sevs_starsisters32 Reviews | 32 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Bella finally finds out what is under the Dark Lord's robes.
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About sevs_starsisters
Member Since 2009 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 37 | 0 Reviews Written | 448 Review Responses
A Slytherin (morgaine_dulac) and a Ravenclaw (star_girl) met through a mutual love of the brooding Potions master. They discovered they enjoyed writing seperately, but thought joining forces could be even more fun. Are they bat-shit-crazy? Well, you'll have to wait and see...
A Christmas gift from our lovley beta Apple Blossom:
Reviews for You Know What They Say About Men's Noses
Lol. Giggles.
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Glad this made you giggle.
Spluttering with laughter, omg and wiggles eyebrows. Any hint of a nose related drabble for Severus? I am still chortling oh gosh Bella got her just deserts in this instance. Oh, shakes head no she didn't. Wonder how teh Dark Lord will ensure her silence. Snort.
Lovely and as you can see very naughtily thought provoking in all the wrong areas.
Bloody Brilliant!
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
We're glad we made you giggle! We make many allusions to the length of Snape's wand. After all, you know what they say: Big nose, big... handkerchief!Wildcard's response: ROTFL oh yes, just what I was thinking snort! Waves Hanky - wink! Big noses - big feet! VBG.
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
We're glad we made you giggle! We make many allusions to the length of Snape's wand. After all, you know what they say: Big nose, big... handkerchief!Wildcard's response: ROTFL oh yes, just what I was thinking snort! Waves Hanky - wink! Big noses - big feet! VBG.
Well, what about Voldie's reaction at Bella's discovery? ;)))))
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
A nice little Crucio for her having been nosey? :P
Reminds me of: "I'm as anatomically impaired as a Ken doll."LOL! Poor Bella!
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
LOL! Well, she clearly has bad taste. The witches in the know go for the wizards with the nose. Abnormally large nose, in fact :P
LOL... that was really, really funny. Thank you for the laughs.
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
So glad we made you laugh. Our work here is done. :-)
Couldn't help myself and burst out laughing. Quite a successful little revenge on Bella for giving Severus such a hard time.
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
We couldn't agree more! Although we bet he became a thousand times more attractive to her once he'd killed Dumbledore. Glad you enjoyed our little piece. Thanks for reviewing!
but surely there was something! what a hoot! thanks
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
We were imagining that he might have a hemipenis like a snake, a sac-like structure that has to be turned inside out to be inserted into the female. But the idea seemed kind of ew! So we went for the Ken-doll look. :P
Response from kimjo2 (Reviewer)
how many of us pulled down ken's pants first thing??!! dissappointing, yes?? even back in the early '60s. now he has a pair of tidy whiteys tatooed on him!
well, she was warned, wasn't she. *hehe*
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Can't blame a girl for having hopes, hehe
Foiled! :)
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Poor, poor Bella. One needs to feel sorry for her, really.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!Snape had "come up" indeed...
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Bella should have listened to her sisters...
Hehe - I think you may very well have just surpassed yourselves with this one, ladies! Really funny! Loved it! :-)
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Glad it made you laugh. That is good medicine! :)Btw, when you go to see HBP again, do look out for the bulge :P
Response from Sevvy (Reviewer)
You sure you're not just seeing what you want to see when you watch HBP?! And is it actually possible that you two can manage to keep your eyes/minds above waist level where that man's concerned?! (I can just see the pair of you giggling like a pair of school girls, sitting oggling at the screen every time he's on - not something I'd ever consider lowering to myself of course!)I suggest you try & get hold of a copy of AR in a play called Busted that he made for the BBC back in the early 80's - he was so skinny at the time, despite being about 36, I believe. Let's just say he was out of proportion in certain parts, in my opinion, if you know what I mean! (And, once again, I'm not just talking noses here!) :-)
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
We would never giggle. We are busy drooling.As for skinny Alan: we prefer him broad-chested and billowing :)Next time you watch the opening scene at Spinner's End, try keeping your eyes on the NOSE :P
rofl! Simply and utterly delightful and a perfect way to mock good old Voldy. And praise Snape, of course!
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
That was the plan! Glad you liked it :)
It seems to me that both of them got exactly what they deserved! He's a prick without a dick, and she's a needy witch with no way to scratch her itch.Now she is wishing she hadn't been so cruel to our favorite Potions master. Too late for that, Bella! Thank you for making me laugh! Beth
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Very succinctly put. We're glad we made you LOL.
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
TYVM! :)
I started laughing before I even finished reading the summary. Good one!
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
So pleased we could add a little laughter to your day.
*snerk* SO perfect. I had a feeling that's where you were going when I first read it, and I was so wonderfully amused. Kudos to you!
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
The idea tickled us. We're glad it tickled you.
Maybe that's the reason of his frustration, isn't it? Maybe that's the reason why he resents the world :-)
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Yeah. nothing to do with a bad childhood. Let's blame it on the "wand" hehe
Response from Crystal Quill (Reviewer)
By the way, I was just reading this story, which of course has nothing to do with your's, except for the title : How a bat got its big nose... :
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Such an attractive little bat ... um ... :P
So much for the so called revels and the raping of virgins. *snort* Should teach her to turn down dear Severus.
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
If she hasn't spotted his bulge then she is blind as well as bat-sh*t crazy. Talking of which, have you been bulge-spotting at the half-blood prince? WE have! :)
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
LOL No I haven't I was just melting in my seat from HIS voice. But I shall have a closer look next time (of course wityh these damn billowing robes it will be hard to spot...)
The biggest prick in the wizarding world doesn't have one... overcompensating much? If Bellatrix wasn't already nuttier than a holiday fruitcake, this discovery would surely push her over the edge. And send her on a trip to the Knockturn Alley version of 'Ambiance'. LOL
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
We think Bella would need a good "Vibratus" charm for her wand after that little encounter, hehe.
Yep, I guess she got her just desserts.
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
No spotted dick or cream! Haha!
Oh my! I now have a case of the giggles!
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Giggles are healthy. And we're glad we made you smile.
Oh my! He doesn't have a... I feel bad for Bella here--well, almost.
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
Even a button mushroom would have been better than the action man smoothness she was faced with. Poor Bella!
Oh I don't know. I think Bella got exactly what she deserved. But seriously - I don't ever want to contemplate Voldy's nasty bits again. Brain bleach, please? Well written, thank you. AV
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
If you don't like the thought of Voldy's bits, how about Filch's? Extra brain bleach here, please! Thanks for reviewing.
Absolutely brilliant, you made me laugh!
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
This was our intention, we're so glad we succeded. Thanks for reviewing :)
Looks like she needs to concentrate her interests elsewhere! Between the title and summary of this, I was cracking up before I even opened the story. You guys need to watch the Katie Perry video: Ur so gay(I thought of it while I was reading.)
Response from sevs_starsisters (Author of You Know What They Say About Men's Noses)
We're glad it tickled you! The thought tickled us, too. And LOL at the Katie Perry video! Voldy's so gay and he doesn't even have any genitalia!