New Chapter for Wishing Only Wounds the Heart
Wishing Only Wounds the Heart
Aoibheann3 Reviews | 3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Ginny Weasley looks at her life with eyes wide open and accepts what she believes is her lot in life. But is it?
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About Aoibheann
Member Since 2007 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 4 | 52 Reviews Written | 8 Review Responses
I'm a 45 year old Long Island NY woman who works with developmentally disabled adults in a day hab. I have graduate degrees in psychology and theology. I'm also a photographer and a writer. I have been published in "Waxing and Waning" magazine as well as a few other literary magazines throughout my life. I write both fan fic and original short stories.
I'm currently looking for an experienced beta/comma wrangler, as the commas seem to, have, a, life, of, their, own... see? Contact me if you're interested in beta-ing the occasional submission.
Reviews for Wishing Only Wounds the Heart
Don't lose hope Gin. I'm sure, being the Gryffindor that we know, Remus will find a way to be with you. And maybe someone will feel like meddling to help a bit.
You know, I'd love to read that if you ever feel the muse again. That's an uncommon pairing but a pleasant one it could be.
Response from Aoibheann (Author of Wishing Only Wounds the Heart)
I'm reworking the sequel fic, first chapter is with my new beta! Thanks for reading!
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
That's so very good news
Ooooh! This is one of my favorite series of stories over on Ashwinder/Lumos! I am so glad you are posting them here, too!!
Response from Aoibheann (Author of Wishing Only Wounds the Heart)
Thanks! I'm reworking them, though, to make them better, even though they're going to remain AU.
You do know, of course, how cruel it is to just leave it like that. Perhaps you have some sequel-like thingies somewhere on your harddrive just begging for posting?
Response from Aoibheann (Author of Wishing Only Wounds the Heart)
As a matter of fact, I do. I have to rework it a bit and get a beta/comma cowpoke to wrangle my commas, but in a week or two, I should be ready to start posting it.