New Chapter for Anger Management
Anger Management
teshara42 Reviews | 42 Ratings, 0 Likes, 69 Favorites )
Years after the war Hermione and Severus find themselves thrown together into a Ministry-approved Anger Management course.
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About teshara
Member Since 2006 | 18 Stories | Favorited by 34 | 266 Reviews Written | 339 Review Responses
Reviews for Anger Management
Hehe, cute story. I love them breaking apart in the jail cell like guilty teenagers.
Oh this made my night. XD
Brilliant! Loved it.
heh. I like it. :)
They certainly get into the craziest situations.
I don't know. I'll figure something out later was awesome. Great story
smuggling gum drops!? great stuff! thanks and merry christmas smoochies
Excellent and what a hot ending! This was a lovely thing to read on Christmas Morning before I have to behave myself for the rest of the day since I'm going to my parents for dinner. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This is being added to my favorites for sure. Five stars!
Wow! The last time I felt this well-entertained by a fanfic was... well... I suppose it was the first time I read chapter one. So many funny moments, witty lines, and bits that evoked nostalgia...
Warm summer evenings in bygone days, when I still had RL friends instead of annoying aquaintences who occasionally check to see if I'm still alive, simply out of morbid curiousity, I suspect. Someone would have scored something, in which we would indulge, then, invariably, I would be persuaded to "live a little" against my better judgement.
I knew, with visceral certainty, that the phrase was an ill omen for our leading witch and wizard.
To my friends and me, it meant tart ourselves up, then go add lots of cheap alcohol to whatever we just took, get violently sick all over the pavement, consume even cheaper alcohol, then wind up in some strange dwelling with strange people, and engaging in health-endangering, yet typically unfulfilling activities with them, before waking up sore, sticky, very painfully hung-over, and often unable to locate all the articles of clothing in which we were fairly certain we'd arrived. A week to recover, then we'd do it all again. Heigh-ho, halcyon days... It's a miracle we lived through them.
Ahem... I seem to have strayed, somewhat, from the original topic of how absolutely fantastic this story is. Sorry about that. Perhaps I can come up with something more coherent by the time the chapter works through the queue at Ashwinder...
This was great! I didn't catch the first chapter when it came out so read them both just now. I think I may have even laughed out loud a bit. I really enjoyed Hermione mouthing off to the gumdrop girl. It appears they have found a way to help each other relieve their stress. They'll have graduated from anger management in no time! Thanks for such a fun read!
hehe I just starting reading this story and its awesome. I giggled quiet a bit and poor Severus' nose. Can't wait to read more!
Hee. I love that. And I love that Ron and Harry were so very cool about it all.
I am so incredibly pleased that you've come back to this story! And it just keeps getting funnier and funnier! I absolutely loved it when Hermione said,
“And I think you’re an annoying bitch,” Hermione snapped. “And if you don’t want people staring at your tits, you might want to put them away when it’s this cold. You look like you’re smuggling gumdrops.”
Seriously, I thought I was going to die laughing right there and then I'd have to explain to my in-laws what was so funny, which would be a lost cause all in itself...
Great stuff! Five stars, and an extra invisible star to grow on!
Have to admit that I haven't read this yet (it's printed and ready for when I have time), but just the premise along has me hooked! (This emoticon of Hermione ought to have a cross expression here.)
That was quite good. MOAR!!!
I can't help but laugh... here we go again!
I read this story on LJ a while ago and wanted to give you a big shout out for this exceptional, humorous tale!!! :D
Hilarious! Thanks, I really needed a laugh.
This ia like a good sitcom--Hmmm, a HP Britcom!
what a delightful story. it sounds as if you're quite familiar with anger management groups. thanks so much
Ah, this is a rollicking good read!
I have found this story quite hilarious, and am really looking forward to more. I love how Snape sheepishly says his reason for being in the group the first time, then proceeds to get in two more pub brawls. Keep up the great work!!
LOL. This is hilarious. I loved the different perspectives on Mrs. Johnson from both Hermione and Snape. And now they can't go anywhere without getting into a brawl. Can't wait for more.
Wow, this story is highly amusing and the plot is pretty believable. Kudos! Much enjoyment.
I absolutely love the way you write your original characters, especially Mrs. Johnson. Very realistic. Very good at getting what she wants.
Thanks for such an original premise.
I absolutely love the way you write your original characters, especially Mrs. Johnson. Very realistic. Very good at getting what she wants.
Thanks for such an original premise.