New Chapter for Resolve
kizzy718 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About kizzy7
Member Since 2008 | 21 Stories | Favorited by 62 | 222 Reviews Written | 855 Review Responses
I'm a sucker for happy endings.
Just started the livejournal thing... am technologically illiterate, but please feel free to friend me!
Reviews for Resolve
With that much longing and good smutty sex, please a sequel of them becoming more than just fuck buddies
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Ah, you are the first person to ask for an *emotional* connection. And I admit, I have trouble writing Snape without him being hopelessly in love with Hermione. So I don't know. We will see!! Thanks,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
~laughs quietly~ It does sound like a very good year to come. A sequel or additional chapters fairly beg to be written. Wonderful pr0n, loved it.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Thank you!!! Still a little unsure of my pr0n writing abilities, so glad you enjoyed!! Sequel(s) are in the works!
No cuddling, no kisses, no real intimacy.........methinks the good professor doth protest too much! Hotter than the Devil's arse being toasted over a girl guide's campfire. Lovely jubbly! And definitely warrants a bit (sorry.... a lot) more. Best wishes, Love Ali xxxxx.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Aw, thanks, Ali!! Am working on a sequel. Possibly sequels. We'll see. :)
Very nice, very hot! Olympiad feats of fucking... makes it sound like the Sex Olympics are coming up. No objections!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
And in this corner.... lol. Yes, well, I do believe that Snape would medal at lease once or twice. Thanks so much!
Very nice. Begs (politely, of course) for a sequel or continuation.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Oh, yes it does! Am working on it. Thanks so much!
PWP...WP...WP ! Excellent and hot!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Gotta throw just a *little* plot in there. For fun. But mostly, its about the pr0n!! Thanks so much!
Nothing like a good bit of Sev/Hermione smut to top off my night! I'd totally love to see a sequel to this, too. In my opinion, the Olympiad feats of fucking beg for more chapters. :)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Yes, Olympiad feats of fucking implies competition-- endurance, strength, flexibility. LOL! Thanks,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Pretty hot!!! *fans self* What a hell of a year it will be! :D
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Well, I would love to be in Hermione's place right now. *snickers* Thanks,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Wow, Hermione is quite the ball buster.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
That she is! Snape will, as always, have to be careful with her. Thanks,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
sounds like a year to look forward too indeed!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Hehe!!! Yes, yes indeed. It would be for me, at least. ;-)
OMG! Why didn't I tried that while at High School? Back there was my young, sexy, hot, history teacher that I would happily have spent a moment or two alone with...
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
OMG I had a young, sexy, hot history teacher too!!!!! Quite a sexy subject... Thanks,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Well, that was hot! One-shot??!! I think NOT..."Olympiad feats of fucking" implies several events of strength, flexibility, stamina, get to it!! Pretty please!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
LOL!! Yes, I think that Snape would medal in all said categories.... Hmmm... Yes, well, a sequel is planned, so Olympiad feats of fucking to come... Thanks,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Oh, now, come on ... such lovely smut as this demands a sequel!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Well, with such encouragement!! Thanks so much-- a sequel is coming, hopefully soon!!
Pr0n? Some of the best I've read! How about a wee sequel?
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
*blushes* Thanks, beffey!! A wee sequel is in the works. More Olympiad feats of fucking to come!!
Holy cow. I can see why you won. I know I read it before but jaysus, woman! You could add on a few chapters, maybe... just to illustrate exaactly what Olympiad Feats Of Fucking entail!!!
If fact, Severus could use that as a book title. Best line in a fic I have read in a long time!!!! lol...
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
Okay, do you know how excited I am that you noticed that phrase!?!?! When I thought of it, I literally squeeeeed!! Olympiad feats of fucking indeed, bring it ON! I am actually working on a sequel or two, so we'll see if I ever finish, lol!!
You forgot about the door, but otherwise a good oneshot.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
LOL @ the door. It was closed when the students left, I presume ;-) I was, like Snape and Hermione, concerned about other things. *wink* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!
Ooh Kizzy! *blush* An interesting year indeed.
Author's Response: *blushes in return* *grins cheekily* A good year for both of them, hehe.
Woow Woow. Excellent lemons. Sequel? Maybe?
Response from kizzy7 (Author of Resolve)
A sequel or two is in the works, m'dear!! Thanks!